The Ultimate Batman game

The greatest batman game though is already announced

The dynamic duo swoop into action in this amusing game from the creators of LEGO Star Wars.
Ugh Mole. Just ugh. And not just for the Lego thing.

So after thinking about it and fleshing out some's my game.

The game would roughly follow Jeph Loeb's "Hush" storyline. Now obviously this is not the greatest Batman story....but since I'm not a huge Batman fan....I only know of a few. But---the one thing Hush has going for it is the fact that Loeb threw in damn near every villain in Batman's rogue gallery. So since they're already in the story....there's no real need to try and come up with some contribed reason for Poison Ivy and Croc to be connected.

Now each villain would have sub-missions/stories crafted by Paul Dini, so that you have a reason to track down each villain. Much like the Spiderman 3 game where you had to run down some gang members in order to find a certain villain. Need to find out Penguin is at? Track down some of his goons and foil their robbery for him and plug them for info. Stuff like that.

And of course as you progress from chapter to'd see the Batsignal in the sky and you'd have to meet with Gordon for tips and info.

  • Free Roam
**Please note that all controller functions are based on the Playstation controller set-up**​

Duh. Despite my dislike for sandbox games.....linear games are the way of the future.

You'd be able to travel thru the city from top to bottom much like Hulk and Spiderman games. The rooftop-to-rooftop aspect of the game would allow you to go on foot...or temporary swinging via zipcords. You press a single button (R2) and a zip line similar to the zip line in Spiderman would grapple onto the nearest object and allow you to "zip" across the sky. If you hold the attack button (square) and the zip button you'd be able to do an extended swing---cape open and flowing and all. Now to prevent people from just swinging everywhere like Spiderman....there'd be a delay feature that would keep you from repeated doing so. Holding the jump button (X) while falling would allow you to open he cape and glide for a bit. Not a lot...but just enough to get the proper effect. Holding the grab/dodge button (O) while falling would allow you to grab onto the nearest balcony, ledge, lightpost, etc and pull yourself up.

  • Vehicle
Vehicle use woud feel similar to GTA control schemes. Using the directional pad you'd press UP to call the Batwing to you....and press DOWN to call the Batmobile. Now obviously they're not gonna show up instantly (I'm think 15-30 seconds from the time you signal for it). To access the Batwing you'd enter MANUAL AIM (R3) and then press the zip button. This move would seem very similar to Spiderman1-The Movie game. Fire the zip line and you'd pull yourself into the Batwing automatically. Press triangle to enter/exit vehicles. Bonus---you can jump out the Batwing at any time you please and parachute to the ground. But with a good amount of realism. You can't jump out high above the city and float down like some kinda angel. You freefall......and then fire out a zip line and float to safety. The car is self-explantory. Walk up to it and get in and drive.

  • Combat
Combat would be similar to Devil May Cry3 and Spiderman 2. Press L1 to lock onto villain (scroll thru targets with R3). Square to punch...Triangle to kick...O to dodge...X to jump. You get the idea. The combo system would be similar to God of War---you could get by just by mashing buttons. But then you'd see the same combo over and over again. Skilled players who learn the actual combos will be privy to sweetness.

As far as weapons go....I wanna avoid the omnipotent belt. He'd have what he'd need.....but in combat I'd like to stick with just regular batarangs, exploding batarangs and smoke grenades. Cycle thru the weapons with L2 and then fire with R1.

Another thing I'd like to take advantage of his Batman's agility. Much like Devil May Cry...hold the dodge button (O) while running adjacent to the wall and watch Batman take a couple steps on it or jump from it. Nothing too drastic and Matrix-y....but just enough to get you outta a corner when you're surrounded by thugs.

Random Stuff
Voice acting would be from the Timmverse cast. Anything else will just not do.

The beginning tutorial woud be in Bruce Wayne falshback format.
  • Comabt Tutorial---Flashback to Bruce training in dojo and gi.
  • Swinging Tutorial---Swing around in Batcave dressed in black ninja/sports gear. No costume. Or if costume----no cape/cowl.
  • Vehicle Training---Flying Into Batcave.....and then getting into car to go to Gotham.
  • The first Initial Level would be a bank robbery in progress and an overall tutorial review where you use all that you just covered.
  • This of course would all be narrated by Alfred.....or maybe Oracle. Haven't decided.

No co-op...but there would be computerized team-ups and cameos and Batfamily.

Difficulty levels would be named after Batman nicknames:
  • Easy - Batman
  • Normal - Dark Knight
  • Hard - World's Greatest Detective (this setting requires you to find extra hidden clues thru the game in order to advance to the next mission)

In order to pass missions---it won't just be a beat 'em up game. You'll have to find clues in order to find locations, etc.

There's also be a fear meter worked into the game somehow....I'm just not sure of specifics yet.

  • Costumes
Different costumes would be unlocked at the end of the game depending on the difficulty setting the game was beat in. Beat it on easy and all you get is the option to choose between blue and black cape/cowl. Beat it on normal and you get that well as Batman Begins style costume. Beat it on hard and you get Long Halloween style costume as well as the bonus Batman Beyond suit.

  • Vehicles
Same as above. Movie versions...cartoon (Timm as well as new) versions...comic versions. ETc.

  • Characters
Beat the game on hard and you get to play thru the free roam portion as any member of the Bat Family. Nightwing, Robin, Batgirl. These guys can't use the Batwing....but the do get to call their own cycles.

Anyways....that's just my thoughts and ideas. I could come up with more if I had more time and my fingers weren't tired.
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Difficulty levels would be named after Batman nicknames:
  • Easy - Batman
  • Normal - Dark Knight
  • Hard - World's Greatest Detective (this setting requires you to find extra hidden clues thru the game in order to advance to the next mission)

Easy - Idealist

Normal - Vigilante

Hard - Legend

I still think my idea is genius.

And I would love to have a difficulty level of "The Goddamn Batman". Maybe it's unlocked after you beat the game on hard.

Then if you beat GD Batman mode you can play thru the actual storyline mode using whatever costume you want....including bulky DK Returns design.

I'd like to see it happen too, but this was just UCers saying what they'd like. No real game in the works.

What are you talking about? You're the one who thought this was a real game. How many times do I have to explain it to you? Just read Gothamites first post. Jeez
We should really have creative control on everything related to comic books in other mediums
Free roam, like GTA, you can go bust some criminals in Gotham, but the main events should be at night, when the batsignal is on or when you receive a message at the Batcave. So to go to the main missions you would have to go to Gotham Police department or the Batcave, if you wanted to just beat some criminals than you would ignore the missions (much like GTA)

I'd like to see it happen too, but this was just UCers saying what they'd like. No real game in the works.

The lego batman one I posted picture and caption on IS in the works.
Lego games suck.


No they don't. Look at lego Star wars. Great game. But that's not the point you said there was No real game in the works. Yet the one I posted is a real game in the works.
Wait.. so when's this coming out again?

Even though you're taking the piss, there is actually a new Batman game in the works to be released in conjunction with The Dark Knight. Chances are it will be crap, just like the last movie game, but in the press release, it acknowledges the fact that Batman Begins: The Videogame was given 'mediocre reviews'. Maybe they'll do something to change that.

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