Top 10 favorite comics currently.


1. Fantastic Four
2. Invincible Iron Man
3. Green Lantern/Blackest Night (could be higher though - I'm behind on it)
4. Captain America
5. Daredevil (great book but dragging a little bit)
In no particular order:

1) Incredible Hercules- One of the best books on the stands, everything about this book is awesome. Plus i has Agents of Atlas backups.

2) Fantastic Four- I love how new this book feels, even though it's fairly back to basics. Hickman has made me care about a team I've always be "meh" about.

3) Green Lantern/Green Lantern Corps- I'm counting these books as one because I generally like the GL stories better but I love the GLC cast more.

4) Secret Six- Almost every issue is full of suspense and action, and an awesome cliffhanger that leaves me salivating for more.

5) Invincible Iron Man- Pretty much what everyone else said: Fraction is working magic with this book.

6) Wolverine: Weapon X- Jason Aaron takes what is essential to Wolverine (claws, best at what he does, etc.) and has him fight guys with chainsaws for hands, and Deathlocks from the future, and Aaron makes it work! Jason Aaron is in top form here and is a joy to read.

7) Chew- A weird concept, but the excellent storytelling makes it one of my favorites.

8) Detective Comics- Amazing art by J.H. Williams III (brought to life by Dav Stewart's colors) and a great storyline by Greg Rucka make this book a must read.

9) Secret Warriors- Pretty much what everyone else said, it's awesome.

10) The Unwritten- I think this sums it up best:
Chris Sims on The Unwritten said:
Like Sandman but without its head up its own ass.

Fables and Captain America are ones I follow in trade, so I didn't include them.

Books I would have included but are on hiatus or canceled: Ghost Rider, The Immortal Iron Fist, Agents of Atlas, S.W.O.R.D., The Goon.
I'm still not reading 10 comics monthly, but, in no particular order, my favourite five titles (including those that I'm trade waiting) are

Ultimate Comics Spider-Man
Amazing Spider-Man
New Avengers
Green Lantern (trade wait)
Captain America (trade wait)
The Walking Dead
Green Lantern
Batman and Robin
Invincible Iron Man
Fantastic Four
Punisher MAX
Vengeance of Moon Knight
I find this funny to go back and look at my previous 'lists' here - there's not that much time between them, and it seems like my favourite comics keep getting cancelled!!

5. Secret Warriors (new for me)
4. Nova
3. Chew
2. Anything with Atlas (Agents of Atlas, Atlas vs Avengers, Thunderbolts featuring Atlas, The Uranian, etc)
1. Guardians of the Galaxy - Top of my list every time

Thanos Imperative looks GREAT
SHIELD looks like it will be good
(Still miss Immortal Iron Fist :( )
10. Invincible Iron Man
It's finding its footing again, but after several months of fairly lackluster stories in an otherwise amazing run, I had to bump this from the top of my top ten to my bottom. (A similar affliction knocked Fantastic Four off this list entirely).

9. The Boys
It took a reread of the full series to get me back on board for Garth Ennis' current work of insanity, but as always, the quality shines through the ultraviolence. Nobody does character work like Garth Ennis. Nobody.

The most high concept book at Marvel right now is also probably its best. I have no idea where it might be headed, but I can't wait to see what happens next. Its work like this that makes me a little sad to see Hickman being kept away from doing creator owned work, because clearly to have his imagination unleashed could lead to the most phenomenal work out there. (Pax Romana and Nightly News bear this theory out)

7. B.P.R.D. - Hell on Earth / Hellboy
Only together, along with the one-shots, could you really consider this to be some kind of ongoing series, seeing as it takes long hiatuses, but the current work on both Hellboy and BPRD, along with the hint that Hellboy plans on returning to the BPRD after the next 3-issue miniseries, makes everything seem at a true turning point. The mythology is so rich and vibrant at this point I can't imagine ever turning my back on these series.

6. American Vampire
So maybe I'm a little biased, but so what? It's building a mythology without seeming even remotely related to anything else Vampire going on out there, and I'd be reading this with or without my friendship with Scott. That I'm sure of.

5. The Walking Dead
There just isn't a long-running book out there right now that has the sustained quality of The Walking Dead. I haven't been disappointed in a single issue for well over a year... And now that we're about to see the payoff for the superherd concept... Well, I'm still pleased to see that Kirkman can keep me excited for the title, month to month.

4. The Mystery Society
I've never been a huge fan of Steve Niles, but damn if he hasn't hit the ball out of the park with this one. High concept in the best possible way... I couldn't be happier I managed to jump on this train right at the gate.

3. Morning Glories
We're only two issues in, and this book is already at the top of my pull list. The cover work is incredible, only matched by the stuff Rafael Albuquerque is doing for AVamp and Superboy... The characters are fun and interesting, and the mystery behind it all is doing a hell of a job drawing me in.

2. Batman and Robin
Hanging out in the faithful number two slot is Grant Morrison's Batman and Robin, and I'm sure whenever I get around to this next, it'll be replaced with his Batman Inc. The Frazer Irving art in the current arc is phenomenal, and might even beat Quitely as the best art in the run so far.

1. The Unwritten
I was expecting to but B&R at the top of this list, but the most recent issue, the choose your own adventure one, forced my hand to move this to the top. This is the Vertigo series most in line with their greatest work, and one that I can't ever imagine dropping.

Holy cow... only 3 Superhero books, and only 2 of those are really actually superhero books... Been a while since that's happened.

Ultimate Spider-Man, The Flash, Fables, Invincible and Scarlet would probably round out my top 15.
10 - Supergod
9 - Fables
8 - Ultimate Spider-Man
7 - Invincible Iron Man
6 - Brightest Day
5 - BPRD/Hellboy
4 - Secret Warriors
3 - Flash
2 - Green Lantern
1 - Batman & Robin
Last edited:
Batman and Robin
The Walking Dead

The Walking Dead
Jonah Hex
Secret Avengers
Batman and Robin
The Muppet Show
Green Lantern
Invincible Iron Man
Captain America
Fantastic Four

Honorable mention: Zatanna, Nemesis, SHIELD, Green Lantern Corps
1. Wolverine- A series reboot, starting with the storyline "Wolverine Goes To Hell", Jason Aaron picking up where his Wolverine Weapon X series ended, how can this not be good?

2. The Unwritten- A really fun comic with lots of interesting twists and turns. I love the way that Mike Carey plays with the nature of fiction.

3. Secret Six- Really solid character writing from Gail Simone (and occasionally John Ostrander) about a group of villains that are more of a family than they would ever admit.

4. Green Lanter/Emerald Warriors/Green Lantern Corps- All good to great books about DC's cosmic cops, if I had to choose just one it'd be Emerald Warriors.

5. Batman and Robin- This book is great, the writing is incredibly layered and the art has been fantastic on this recent arc.

6. Thunderbolts- The last issue with the attempted prison break really sealed this one in the top ten for me. Jeff Parker is doing a damn good job with this team, and who knew John Walker (aka U.S.Agent) was such a badass?

7. Secret Avengers- Apparently Nova's not joining the team but oh well, it's still a weird team but Brubaker makes it work, though the current storyline seems to be clashing with Hickman's Secret Warriors.

8. American Vampire- It's a testament to this book's writing and art that it keeps me interested in these "Twilight" infested times. Skinner Sweet is an awesome villain/anti-hero.

9. The Walking Dead- Like Doc said, I can't remember the last time it disappointed me, if ever.

10. Action Comics- Who knew Paul Cornell's decision to make the stars of this book Lex Luthor and robot Lois Lane would be so much fun?

A lot of other books I like that didn't make the cut were either ending (Agents of Atlas), or mini series (Prince of Power).
10. The Unwritten
Still an excellent series, but I feel like it's in a bit of a slow spot at the moment. I'm sure it'll read well in trade, but I've been waiting for the plot to get moving for a little while now. Look forward to seeing what happens next, though.

9. Invincible Iron Man
I loved the 500th issue, and I think the new arc looks equally promising. Fraction just keeps proving to me why I love him as a writer, and trust his work on the series immensely.

8. Morning Glories
The start of the second arc of Morning Glories was intriguing, but nerve-wracking. It's still one of the best books out there, and the best example of why Nick Spencer is one of the best young guns in comics.

7. Fantastic Four/FF
I'm putting in FF because I think Hickman is going to hit the ball out of the park with that one... The death of
The Human Torch
is easily the most effective death scene of any major character I've seen in comics over the last several years. And it was a potent closer to a strong arc. You can see the gears turning here. This is going to be one of the most innovative books on the stands month-to-month, and I can't wait to see what happens next.

6. X-Force
The most pleasant surprise of the last few months has been Remender's X-Force. Everything about the series has been remarkably dark and potent, with great character work, some phenomenal storytelling, and beautiful art. Action packed books have never been my favorite, but this pulls off the action with smarts. It's one of the first time I've believed in the effectiveness of a Superhero black-ops team. Definitely a series nobody should be missing out on.

5. Action Comics
Paul Cornell at the top of his game. I legitimately don't want to see Superman come back to this title unless I have assurance that Paul Cornell will be starting a Lex Luthor ongoing series the very next month. Robot Lois Lane, Neil Gaiman's Death, and the best conversation I've ever seen between Luthor and The Joker make this a real no-brainer.

4. Detective Comics
I love American Vampire, but I decided only to let one of my buddy, Scott's books on the list. I think what he's doing with Dick Grayson is the most substantial work I've seen on the character in years. And the first time any writer has actually delved into his role as Batman. And it's only going to get better from here. Take my word on that.

3. The Amazing Spider-Man
Dan Slott is the best thing that could have happened to Spider-Man... I was reticent at the announcement of him tackling the series alone at first, but he's doing such a phenomenal job at bringing back the supporting cast, and the villains... It really feels like this is the reboot that they've wanted for the character years ago. And it doesn't feel cheap at all. It's ripe with continuity, but in the most accessible way. I can't wait for the series, and thankfully it comes out pretty much every other week!

2. Deadpool MAX
Wow. Simply, Wow. This is the perfect Deadpool story. It's a wonderful play on the character and his universe if you know the backstory, but even as a standalone, it's a phenomenal piece of work. I can't wait until I can have the whole 12-issue series in a beautiful Hardcover. If you thought this was just another Deadpool comic, you were wrong. I've been hating on the character for years, after having been a longtime fan, and this brought me back to the character in a big way. Read this comic. Period.

1. Locke & Key
I think this series might have a permanent lock on first place until it finally wraps up a year or so down the line. Trust me, everyone. If you haven't gotten on board with this series, you're going to want to do so before the TV series hits in the fall. There simply isn't a book as thoroughly, top-to-bottom good as L&K out there on the market.

Close but no cigar: The Boys, The Walking Dead, Ultimate Spider-Man, Batman Incorporated, Invincible, T.H.U.N.D.E.R. Agents, PunisherMAX
1. Batman, Inc.
2. Fantastic Four

The only two comics I'm not behind in.

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