Tron: Legacy

That trailer made the Iron Man 2 trailer its *****. Looks awesome, and I haven't the slightest idea what the original is about. :D
The original, from what I remembered, featured Jeff Bridges who worked in a Arcade. He found out that Tron was an actual game, and entered it. Then he found a virus being spread, and set out to stop it. I forget how it ends.
Pixar Pitches In With Tron Rewrites

When Tron: Legacy finally hits screens at the end of the year, you'll have more than just director Joe Kosinski and screenwriters Edward Kitsis and Adam Horowitz to thank; it turns out, the finished version has received an emotional upgrade from the fine folks at Pixar.

i'm not really sure how i feel about this.....and why can't i get the video tag to work?
You have to link to the video source, not the webpage.

This is going to be so awesome.
the new one comes out here in a little while, and I have NEVER seen the 1st one. is that something I should bother watching?
I haven't seen the first one either (but I have read about how Disney have removed all copies of the DVD or whatever). I'm sure the story will be explained appropriately enough at the beginning of this film.
I'm excited for this despite not having seen the first one, but I don't want to see it unless I can track down the first one beforehand.

I also would be surprised if this doesn't lose money. Maybe it won't truly bomb, but with the outrageous budget and questionable public interest I think it's a risk.
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I actually just downloaded and saw TRON for the first time about a week ago.

TRON came out in 1982, which was a golden year of sci-fi in movies and it is really quite good. It just works.

I watched it and while I enjoyed it, I was impressed at just how immersive the whole thing was. It still feels unique and interesting. It doesn't feel like a pale foreshadowing of THE MATRIX, for example. It holds up and is entertaining. But what made me realise just how much I actually enjoyed it was that I was watching all the TRON LEGACY trailers online and was really, really excited. It kinda snuck up on me how much I evidently enjoyed it. It's just solid entertainment and I'd suggest watching it before the movie. Just download it. It's short, sweet, entertaining, and while I'm sure the new movie will be understandable, it might suck and if you enjoy TRON that might carry over and help you enjoy the new one.
mmmmm.....i found it to be just a very odd movie.

maybe the same way kids will feel of The Matrix in about another 5-10 years. and wonder why it was so AWESOME, when they can compare it to things like Inception or whatever came out that year.

would recommend watching the 1st one, alot of the set up and "robo-things" get upgraded to this generation Tech.
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I dunno, I'd never seen it when I was a kid, and I only just saw it last week and was really impressed at the substantive quality it had, and I got what it was such a big deal, unlike movies which seem dated as soon as they hit the cinemas like AVATAR or STAR TREK. It's not as exciting as say, INCEPTION, and it's not a masterpiece, but it is solid work.
I saw this last night in IMAX 3D. Having not seen the first one I was fairly lost regarding the specifics in the movie, but this movie looked amazing. The CGI (besides young Jeff Bridges) was great.

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