Ultimate Black Cat


Well-Known Member
Jun 16, 2004
Philadelphia, PA
Little to nothing is known about her other than her father is dead as a result of his involvment with Kingpin and she wants sweet revenge on the fatso... But there has to be more. What do you all think?

Personally, she should be explored to the fullest... Whether it be in her own arc again on the Morbius/ Blade arc as a possible love interest of Morbius, I would like to see her again. Her character was very interesting and very playful which is always needed to counter Spidey's tendancy to cast a shadow over his supporting cast.
Bendis said she'll be making another appearance soon...I don't remember if he said when and, if he did, when it will be.
Yeah, I heard something, too, truth told. I heard that she would have something to do with Black Widow, though I have heard nothing of a Black Widow cameo. What if the Kingpin/ Hammerhead arc covers them? Black Widow could be there to stomp out Hammerhead due to his involvment with Sinister and Black Widow was there because Kingpin was back... Who knows.
I hope she reappears soon too. Especially with Gwen gone, because I always liked the continuing love triangles that Peter found himself in.
I always liked the continuing love triangles that Peter found himself in.

Agreed - and a love triangle built on teenage hormones has a lot more possibilities than previous 616 versions did.
Although I'd still find it funny if they ran with the girl-friendly Felicia that seems to keep popping up (Evil That Men Do/MC-2 universe) and sent her after MJ instead of Peter. I died laughing when I read the convo between Gwen and MJ in #62. Put a new twist on an old song-and-dance routine.
Is the 616 Black Cat lesbian?

Also, I thought that the Black Cat was finished in terms of romantics with Peter... After he found out how old she was, that was it... We'll see, but I doubt she'll have anything to do with MJ and Peter's heart.
I know the MC-2 Black Cat is lesbian, and the 616 Black Cat is at least bi.

As for romantics... I speak from experience when I say that teen boys dig older women. :)
MC-2 universe? I'm sad to say im not too familiar with that. Could anyone explain it to me?

"I consider this a challenge."
Is there fact behind these assumptions about her sexuality?

Also, I don't think her sexuality NEEDS to be explored. In this day and age that over shadows the actual character. Most people don't care about Colossus and the fact that he was in the mob, they care if he has feelings for Northstar.

icemastertron said:
MC-2 universe? I'm sad to say im not too familiar with that. Could anyone explain it to me?
Spider-girl comics. Maybe it was the first permanent alternate universe series? Marvel Comics 2? I dunno, but that's the designation for it.
Goodwill said:
Is there fact behind these assumptions about her sexuality?
MC-2 Felicia has a lesbian lover who she raises Felicity with. 616 Felicia is a bit more iffy, there's a line in the Evil That Men Do series about her not having a boyfriend or a girlfriend for a very long time.
Goodwill said:
Also, I don't think her sexuality NEEDS to be explored. In this day and age that over shadows the actual character. Most people don't care about Colossus and the fact that he was in the mob, they care if he has feelings for Northstar.
I wasn't thinking along the lines of, OOOOH LESBIANISM! I just thought it'd be a fun twist on the Felicia/Peter, Mary Jane/Peter love triangle of 616 to make it Felicia/Mary Jane, Peter/Mary Jane in Ultimate. Heck, it doesn't even need to be reciprocated, leading to "Stay away from my woman you skank!" moments. You're right though, people would still be more interested in the fact that the Black Cat went that way than the actual story.

At any rate, this is getting a bit off-topic. I was curious though... Black Cat is going to be coming back? Do we have any more info as to when? Is it confirmed? Or is it just a "it'll happen eventually" thing?
I know what you meant, I was just making that a point hat I didn't want this to be a sex fest... That's not what comics are for.
its just a discussion about the black cat. Its interesting, i never knew she was bi. It makes the cat seem more wild and adventurous. but i wouldnt think the convo would become a sex fest.
Black Cat is supposed to make a return, but nothing official has been set. Hopefully it will tie up the Kingpin's wife and her condition.
Anyways... I'm looking at UBC... doesn't her mask look a little... Batman-esque? There's something off about it for some reason that the whole line of "Who was her father, Batman?" got me noticing. Anyone else? Nobody?
Dark_Images said:
I don't think sexuality is something that really needs to be put in the spolight of this book.

Agreed. Which goes for Colossus, too. That shouldn't be the definition of his character.
*rolls his eyes at the lot of you* Oy! I'm not saying that Black Cat has to be running around leading the Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, and Transgendered Superhero Alliance. Get that through your heads. I just thought it'd be funny to see a new twist on the getting-stale love triangle we saw from 616.

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