Ultimate Comics Avengers (Discussion & Spoilers)

Re: Ultimate Avengers (Discussion & Spoilers)

That Bendis issue is way overrated. It didn't have near enough dialogue for the price tag and, great that there's a moral dilemma here, but what ever came of it?
Re: Ultimate Avengers (Discussion & Spoilers)

That Bendis issue is way overrated. It didn't have near enough dialogue for the price tag and, great that there's a moral dilemma here, but what ever came of it?

I disagree. I think its appropriately rated as one of Bendis' best written comics ever, and easily some of his best work in the Ultimate verse. Simple but effective, and quite heart-breaking.

And I assume the "not enough dialogue for the price tag" line was a joke...right? Please?

As for the moral dilemma and what came of it: it was basically mentioned a few times between Wolverine and Fury, mainly just for a way to allow Wolverine to hang it over Fury's head. Nothing else much happened with it, granted. But then again, to leave it hanging like they did did allow Logan to exercise a previously unseen amount of power over Fury, for whatever it was worth.
Re: Ultimate Avengers (Discussion & Spoilers)

I, like most people, think that single issue by Bendis is indeed, one of his best works to date.
Re: Ultimate Avengers (Discussion & Spoilers)

I, like most people, think that single issue by Bendis is indeed, one of his best works to date.

True dat

and I also love the first part of Blockbuster. The interaction between Wolverine, Spidey, and Dare Devil is perfect.
Re: Ultimate Avengers (Discussion & Spoilers)

I, like most people, think that single issue by Bendis is indeed, one of his best works to date.

I concur, quite possibly one of the single best issues in the entire Marvel Universe.
Re: Ultimate Avengers (Discussion & Spoilers)

"....calls me Iron man of the future..."

"Hardware twenty years ahead of anything Tony Stark is packing"

Loeb! This is how you A-bomb drop hints! Don't pull things out of your ass!

Ultimate Kang comes!
Re: Ultimate Avengers (Discussion & Spoilers)

I didn't even notice those future hints - definitely Kang. Awesome.

I liked Cap taking out the Wasp with fly spray. Cap is going to pull War Machine apart.
Re: Ultimate Avengers (Discussion & Spoilers)

Man, I can't wait for Ultimate Kang to be defeated by hyperbole. That'll be awesome.
Re: Ultimate Avengers (Discussion & Spoilers)

"....calls me Iron man of the future..."

"Hardware twenty years ahead of anything Tony Stark is packing"

Loeb! This is how you A-bomb drop hints! Don't pull things out of your ass!

Ultimate Kang comes!

If Evil Stark is really Tony twenty years from the future, I totally dismiss any criticism of this book I've ever suggested.
Re: Ultimate Avengers (Discussion & Spoilers)

Oh...I guess I'll withdraw my nomination to make 11/23/09 "Zombipanda Destroys the Universe Day"...which is ok, since we'd only have been able to celebrate it the one time. Still, it would've been a nice answer to Earth Day.

There will always be new universes....
Re: Ultimate Avengers (Discussion & Spoilers)

Because the Ultimate titles, unfortunately, are built on "who are we going to reimagine NOW?!" Which is tragic since, originally, it was meant to be a new starting point, and all it does is regurgitate older Marvel stories.

It's so ingrained into the imprint that if someone isn't a redo, he's not 'real' or important. Which is kinda fair since the 'new' characters have all been atrocious: Geldoff, Syndicate, Magician... the only good 'new' characters I can think of are Kleiser and Kong.

Ya, I think that's one of the main reasons that Ultimate U went pretty stale over the last several arcs before Ultimatum (The other - probably bigger imo - reason was Loeb). I think re-telling stories can only be cool for so long, which is why I think they're probably going to start trying to tell new stories after the reboot - hence the introduction of Greg Stark, even though it's kind of a lame choice (where the hell has he been...why wasn't he in UIM? I'm kind of hoping, like others, that he's not really "Greg Stark", but we'll see).

Personally, I liked those 3 characters you mentioned - I just don't think they were given enough time to develop. Geldoff could have been way better, but I liked the concept; I thought Syndicate was kind of cool, I liked the bank robbery issue, though several of his appearances later on were kind of random; Magician was a cool idea at first, but they made him almost "too" powerful and the ending to that arc was kind of lame. Kong is probably one of my favorite USM characters, but I hate the way the new artist made him look with that mohawk.

I guess I've had the privilege of not knowing what is a re-telling or new character, since I only recently started reading comics and I've mostly just read Ultimate stuff, but I like almost all of it. Anyway, my point (if I still have one) is that I think there's a hope for post-ultimatum UU, as long as Loeb doesn't re-ruin it with New Ultimates and Ultimate X.

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