Ultimate Fantastic Four #25 (Spoilers/Discussion)

Guijllons said:
And Ben should only be a tad below Hulk too. Namor, tough yes, but it should be his "smarts" that would win a fight with a heavy hitter like the Thing, not general strength.
I think the real powerhouses (Thor, Colossus, Thing, Juggernaut, and I guess Namor, etc.) should all be in a similar range, but the Hulk should be on a whole different level.
14rdb said:
I think the real powerhouses (Thor, Colossus, Thing, Juggernaut, and I guess Namor, etc.) should all be in a similar range, but the Hulk should be on a whole different level.
Shouldn't really be harping on about it, but it just feels forced for someone with a relatively normal human physique to be able to better or even match the Thing in terms of brute strength.
Guijllons said:
Shouldn't really be harping on about it, but it just feels forced for someone with a relatively normal human physique to be able to better or even match the Thing in terms of brute strength.
I agree -- I was just basing my statement on what's more or less been established in the regular MU. There are tons of throwaway characters in the 616 universe a lot stronger than the Thing. I don't think he's a whole lot more powerful than Iron Man or Rogue.

Of course that doesn't mean it's the same in the UU.
Haven't read the issue yet, but I'll make a few observations from the summary.

-I don't mind Namor being the strongest meta-human on the planet. Namor was always really powerful, plus strength at this level is always best used on villians. Otherwise, you get a copy of Superman.

-I think I know where the English is comming from. Acording to Atlantis myth, all languages are derived from Atlantean. Therefore, Namor can speak any language. We'll have to see though.

-I agree that Sue is FAR too powerful. She needs to be taken down a notch.

-I'm glad Namor isn't a Prince, it means he doesn't have to have be freaking bipolar and switch sides every other comic he's in.

-The war that took out Atlantis sounds intriguing as well. Could Invasion be about this war instead? Either way, it should be good.

-Despite Reed's intellegence now being treated in a Card-like way, it makes more sense. Reed was smart to begin with. Now, it just explains why he's creating things like a time machine like they're just a side project.

-I still can't believe Namor has ankle wings. Yes, he needed to fly. But couldn't they have figured out another way besides those damn ankle wings!?
I agree on all accounts. Except Is thing considered a "meta-Human" yes, Namor should be one of the strongest but to knock down Thing? Have we not seen what The Thing can do?

And Reed's intelligence is just totally unnecessary. I don't care what outlandish things he invented "on the side" Sue and Johnny built a friggin' anti-gravity play pen in their youths. They're products of the Baxter Building that's enough to explain intelligence. I don't see why more of you aren't pissed about this.
Namor did say speaking engllish was as easy as mimicking a dog's bark.

TheManWithoutFear said:
I agree on all accounts. Except Is thing considered a "meta-Human" yes, Namor should be one of the strongest but to knock down Thing? Have we not seen what The Thing can do?

And Reed's intelligence is just totally unnecessary. I don't care what outlandish things he invented "on the side" Sue and Johnny built a friggin' anti-gravity play pen in their youths. They're products of the Baxter Building that's enough to explain intelligence. I don't see why more of you aren't pissed about this.
Cuz it's not like he went from "idiot" to "genius" because of the accident. It just says his mind is as flexable as his body now. Did you pick up the issue?
DIrishB said:
Sue saves Johnny by creating a forcefield around his head, filled with air (where she got the air from underwater is beyond me).
Simple. She could create two plain force field surfaces and sculpt the water around the exterior to create an air-filled space.

And if that explanation isn't sufficient, remember that she can split a synapse (which in real terms and not Millar pseudo-science, means she can halt a neuroelectrochemical transmission). That means it would be a simple matter for her to use her force-fields to sever the covalent bond that holds the elements of water compounds together and create oxygen and hydrogen.
Great issue. Loved the H.E.R.B.I.E.S. and Minimates. :lol:
good art, good story, good action. and it wraps up next issue. thank you, thank you. I am so tired of stuff being spread over six issues for the trades. it's nice to see a story drop you in the action and not let up.

what's with all the Star Wars homages. in the N-Zone arc there were jaw-wa like henchmen. and in this issue, some of the Baxter personnel are dressed almost like the emperor's royal guards.

namor is a convict. I like it. wings don't bother me. but that pompador hair style makes him look dated. or was just bed head after a 9000 year nap.

wrinkled old trout, come on Namor, Mrs. Storm is mature, but not wrinkled.

anyway good stuff.
I am frightened by the Minimates...

And terribly amused that a majority of the people in the thread havent read the issue...

i read it, and thought it was great.

personally, i love the Reed intelligence thing. Yeah, he was probably one of the smartest people in the world, but now he' going to be showing the sort of exponential increase in intelligence that is characteristic of him.

in 616 recently, eternity brought him to the origin of life to ask him what went wrong when eternity made stuff. so he's the smartest person ever, or that there ever will be, in short.


rest of the issue was fun too. i'm a big fan of ult. ff, it sucks i'm poor.
TheManWithoutFear said:
Sounds actually really good. And God bless you for a summary instead of a tease like

*In a nerd voice* "I got the issue and it was good. I won't spoil it for you."

Tell me about it. Let's make a rule: don't start a spoiler thread for a comic unless you plan on going into at least a bit more detail than the solicitation for said book.

14rdb said:
Now if they make him more powerful than the Hulk, that's just crazy talk.

Nah, they've already shown Namor to be a tough cookie, but no way he'll be stronger than the Hulk. How do I know? Because in next year's Ultimate Invasion mini, it'll be the Hulk who shows up and saves the day, and possibly tries the cannibal version of Atlantean sushi.

slimjim said:
He threatened to punch a hole in him

Pffftt, I tell that to a cop at least once a day.

TheManWithoutFear said:
Reed's intelligence is superhuman? ****in' Card!! Seriously that's lame too! No matter how they deliver it.

Guijllons said:
Accord to Dave.

I haven't read the issue yet.

Its not that his intelligence is a super-human power, per se. He was super-intelligent before the transporter/teleportation accident, its just that the accident, in addition to giving him stretchy powers, also is making him smarter everyday. From the way it was brought up it seems to be directly related to Reed having the ability to stretch his brain (more surface area equals increased intelligence, doesn't it?).

Shouldn't really be harping on about it, but it just feels forced for someone with a relatively normal human physique to be able to better or even match the Thing in terms of brute strength.

Maybe he has extremely dense muscle fibering? After all, he could withstand the pressures of the ocean floor, and since his anatomy isn't anything like any other aquatic creatures, this could be part of an explanation as to how he is so strong.

ourchair said:
Simple. She could create two plain force field surfaces and sculpt the water around the exterior to create an air-filled space.

I haven't taken physics or natural science since high school, so I'm a bit rusty probably, but wouldn't that essentially create a vacuum? At least without finding a way to filter the oxygen from the water, but as was mentioned could she then manage to combine it with a close enough amount of nitrogen, hydrogen, and carbon to mimic our atmosphere so Johnny could even beathe the stuff?

And if that explanation isn't sufficient, remember that she can split a synapse (which in real terms and not Millar pseudo-science, means she can halt a neuroelectrochemical transmission). That means it would be a simple matter for her to use her force-fields to sever the covalent bond that holds the elements of water compounds together and create oxygen and hydrogen.

Ohhhh, good answer. Definitly sufficient.

Wamu said:
what's with all the Star Wars homages. in the N-Zone arc there were jaw-wa like henchmen. and in this issue, some of the Baxter personnel are dressed almost like the emperor's royal guards.

Uh, I think you're talking about the Vision back-up story. Those aliens Vision first tried to help look a lot more like the Royal Guards than anyone in the UFF portion of the book.
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I used to have those Marvel cards in the early 90's with the character profiles and ratings, and I could remember that Namor's strength was 6 out of 7. So Millar's actually keeping a good part of Ultimate Namor faithful to the original. And at least this doesn't make him a joke like Aquaman. He can still kick *** whether he's in water or land.
DIrishB said:
Ohhhh, good answer. Definitly sufficient.
I'm here to fulfill all your scientific babble needs.

cmdrjanjalani said:
I used to have those Marvel cards in the early 90's with the character profiles and ratings, and I could remember that Namor's strength was 6 out of 7. So Millar's actually keeping a good part of Ultimate Namor faithful to the original. And at least this doesn't make him a joke like Aquaman. He can still kick *** whether he's in water or land.
You're right on that. Namor has always been insanely strong in terms of pure muscle power. If I'm not mistaken, Namor can bench press weights close to 80 tons, which in terms of the TSR Marvel Super-Heroes RPG rankings, is just one rank short of the Hulk and roughly the same strenght as The Thing.
TheManWithoutFear said:
Oh Snap! Revealation! I think I might actually like this Ultimate Namor. If he's tied in with the Inhumans like I think he is... that makes him like an Ultimate Zod.

The fact that nobody acknowledges this view point is just wrong. Great theory.....I just wonder how they're gonna tie it in along with actually beating him, with only issue left?

Ultimate Zod???????? I LOVE IT!!!!

BTW--"Minimates" rool teh skool................even if they are the worst idea since Card's blue brain baby. :p
DIrishB said:
Tell me about it. Let's make a rule: don't start a spoiler thread for a comic unless you plan on going into at least a bit more detail than the solicitation for said book.

Motion carried.

Victor Von Doom said:
BTW--"Minimates" rool teh skool................even if they are the worst idea since Card's blue brain baby. :p

At least they are amusing though.
UltimateE said:
Motion carried.

:shock: Whaa... wait a minute. If I remember one of the few times you argued against me E, was a little ditty back when The Captain posted frequently. I'm not talking about him starting discussions before he read the issue but when he actually did read it and didn't let us in on anything. I went off on my tangents and you told us that he didn't have to spoil anything.

Back on Topic :arrgh: ****in' sold out! :x
not a bad read, for the most part i think that the little ultimates were cool looking, for some reason when i saw them i thought coneheads. but was still a good read and to know that ben still has 'freinds'
DIB said:
Ohhhh, good answer. Definitly sufficient.
ourchair said:
I'm here to fulfill all your scientific babble needs.

Oh please.

I brought up this possibility in the first page and dismissed it because that would have resulted in 100% oxygen plus volatile hydrogen. There is about 18% oxygen in the air. If it raises to 22% or so, we get "drunk". 100% would kill a human with all kind of fun medical condition that I can't even pronunce. And hopefully the resulting Hydrogen stays out of the bubble because otherwise...

Not good.

As I already wrote, best case scenario, Sue released some air from her tank, "bottled it up", and sent it to her brother.
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