Ultimate Fantastic Four #25 (Spoilers/Discussion)

Was the field around herself and her breathing apparatus so she could share her own supply?
Futhermore. Where would the water go? If she expanded the field from nothing then it would create a vacuum, and kinda explode Johnny's head.
So, sue can make two way fields and decide what materials are left in and what get pushed out? This has huge connotations.

Millar, you celt!
Guijllons said:
Futhermore. Where would the water go? If she expanded the field from nothing then it would create a vacuum, and kinda explode Johnny's head.

Every air tank has an exhaust (though I'm guessing it's not the technical term!).

You seal the exhaust with a tiny forcefield. You expand it as air fill it. Voila, a bubble of air.

Send it to kid brother and repeat the process as required if you need to remain underwater for a prolonged period.


As a matter of fact, the bubble was connected to Sue's suit when it was first drawn.
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TheManWithoutFear said:
:shock: Whaa... wait a minute. If I remember one of the few times you argued against me E, was a little ditty back when The Captain posted frequently. I'm not talking about him starting discussions before he read the issue but when he actually did read it and didn't let us in on anything. I went off on my tangents and you told us that he didn't have to spoil anything.

It's one thing to not mention a given spoiler because you don't have anything to say about it, it's entirely different to start a spoiler thread and flat-out say "I'm not going to give you any spoilers", which he did.
Wasn't bad.

I liked the fact that since Reed's brain is as malleable as his body, he can affect his intelligence and shape it round problems to be solved. Nice progression on the concept we've seen in Earth X.

I also quite liked Namor being such a jackass. I had two problems with him - firstly, his hair. Why the hell is it pointing up? If it was pointing up because it's dry, it should look dry and poofy. If it's wet, it should be completely down. I don't get why it looks like that at all. He looks like a pixie. And in fact - why the hell does he even have hair? How many underwater animals have hair? The platypus? And we all know that's a joke by God. So why the hell does he have hair? If Millar wanted to play up the whole "Ancient Egypt" thing, he could've had him completely bald, no eyebrows, just like the high priests and pharoahs of Ancient Egypt. Plus, the ankle wings are stupid too. For a species so evolved, why would he have such redundant extremities?

The other problem I had was the "He's stronger than anyone we've ever met". Not because "Thing should be stronger" or that garbage - I'm fine with him being stronger than Thing, this isn't top trumps - the problem is that everyone says he's stronger, but that doesn't mean anything. All being strong in comics means is being able to life a heavy object or punch another strong person. When it comes to lifting, characters seem to be able to lift whatever needs lifting. When it comes to punching someone - well not only is a bull**** way of gauging strength, but their punch strength seems to fluctuate on a punch-by-punch basis. #25 in point - he can smash the uber-shackles but he seems to hit Sue with a lot of force and is holding her neck in a headlock and she's not even bleeding. So basically, he's not stronger than anyone. People have just said he is. It's just bull**** and its false jeopardy. Whatever.

Ignoring the above nonsense, I liked the fact that NY to him is like a museum. That was good. I also liked the idea he's a prisoner and not a prince. Considering how I've found Millar's run so far to be a bit trite and cliched, I'm very happy on this twist. I wasn't expecting it and am not entirely sure where this is going. I'm now really and truly interested, and thus, quite happy. :)

I also liked the crack about Johnny's hair - although, I find it amusing that Namor has even stupider hair. Also, I actually like Johnny's hair. I really think it suits him. I also liked Johnny's inability to tell whether Namor is just stating fact or insulting them. That's a good beat. As was the whole Namor having a point that Johnny started the fight.

What didn't sit with me that only two HERBIES were accompanying Namor and Sue as they wandered through Central Park. Man, I'd hate the Fantastic Four. They just endanger civilian lives needlessly. Did no one suggest to Namor that they (Sue) would be happy to escort him wherever on the planet he'd like to go, and if he was willing to wait for a short time, they would prepare it for his perusal? Y'know, by clearing streets and people. Not only is this guy "the most powerful superhuman ever until the next one comes along" but he's also a Prince (or so they thought) and thus at the least, should have some kind of escort like a statesman besides a teenage girl and two tincans that, unless I'm mistaken, no one thought could take Thing, so why should they be able to take on this "the most powerful superhuman ever, really, we mean it, look out for Thor and Hulk by the way"? It just reeked of the Fantastic Four acting stupid so they and innocent civilians could be in jeopardy for a Kid Miracleman (compelte with black eye and white pupil) murderific fight. Blech.

Okay... so that's three problems with the issue. But I still liked Namor, and I liked the idea of him being a prisoner. Good insightful twist that wasn't just a shock for shock's sake. So I suppose it was good where it mattered. :)
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Bass said:
When it comes to punching someone - well not only is a bull**** way of gauging strength, but their punch strength seems to fluctuate on a punch-by-punch basis. #25 in point - he can smash the uber-shackles but he seems to hit Sue with a lot of force and is holding her neck in a headlock and she's not even bleeding.

I'm assuming her forcefields helped quit a bit.

As a note, punching power is essentially just about how fast you punch and how much mass you can put behind it.

A skilled fighter strikes faster and transfer a greater percentage of his weight over a smaller area of contact in order to maximize the damage he inflicts, but he's still limited by his maximum speed and his mass. Which is why combat sport have weight divisions in order to keep it fair.

It looks like Namor backhanded Sue with a closed fist. While keeping his body facing Sue. That mans a big surface of contact and a small percentage of his weight transferable into the blow (essentially just the weight of his fist). That leaves only the fact that he moves fast to make that blow somehow dangerous.

Either Namor doesn't know how to fight or he's playing with Sue.

EDIT : Or Land has no idea how to draw a fight! Good enough for the FF but he better not work on an Elektra book if it is the case.
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E.Vi.L. said:
I'm assuming her forcefields helped quit a bit.

As a note, punching power is essentially just about how fast you punch and how much mass you can put behind it.

A skilled fighter strikes faster and transfer a greater percentage of his weight over a smaller area of contact in order to maximize the damage he inflicts, but he's still limited by his maximum speed and his mass. Of the two factors, speed is the most important since the formula for kinetic energy goes something like this : 1/2 * mass* speed^2. So speed is squared and thus is the main factor.

It looks like Namor backhanded Sue with a closed fist. While keeping his body facing Sue. Big surface of contact, small percentage of his weight transferable into the blow (essentially just the weight of the arm). That leaves only the fact that he moves fast to make that blow dangerous. But how fast does he strike?

Either Namor doesn't know how to fight or he's playing with Sue.

See, I thought that too. I just think its bollocks. It hardly makes him appear to be the most powerful superhuman ever if all we see him do is slap people around and get punched is his glass jaw. It'd be good if we saw him actually do something worthy of being superpowerful. Instead, all we've seen him do is be pushed around by every member of the fantastic four, fall unconscious, beat up a couple of robots and take apart a shackle that allegedly was unbreakable. I don't see him as being the most powerful superhuman ever, despite what Reed says.
Guijllons said:
Shouldn't really be harping on about it, but it just feels forced for someone with a relatively normal human physique to be able to better or even match the Thing in terms of brute strength.

What if said person lived in the deep ocean where the water pressure is greater and would need stronger muscles to do ordinary tasks? Kind of an opposite of a human walking on the moon.
A few extra millions of years of evolution?

I liked the issue. (It's good to be back to buying at the LCS and not on subscription. It makes it easier to participate when you get issue on time.) Each of these Millar arcs feels like they could be four issues a piece instead of three. But these are just fine if you cut off the part of your brain which says, "I want to know more about that."
Frankly, I hope Namor isn't the standard Atlantean. It'd make no sense.

I hope he is like the Norman Osborn of his era or something. He made himself a half-god and was imprisoned for it by the Atlantean equivalent of SHIELD. Something along those line would be fine.

Why would he be the only one to survive in hibernation if they are all this powerful, huh?
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I too thought he might be the Atlantean equivalent of Power Man or some such - an experiment on a prisoner.
E.Vi.L. said:
As I already wrote, best case scenario, Sue released some air from her tank, "bottled it up", and sent it to her brother.
That actually makes a lot of sense. Me and my convolutificatoration.
UltDDmikeMN said:
What if said person lived in the deep ocean where the water pressure is greater and would need stronger muscles to do ordinary tasks? Kind of an opposite of a human walking on the moon.
Yes, certainly. But Ben can crush a tank like it was a paper bag. Even if Namor is strong for his race, I don't see it being comparable. It just feels out of sync.

But as Bass said, it's not top trumps.
My enjoyment from this issue dropped 5000% percent when I realised how cool it would be if the Ultimates threw down with Namor.

They'd pwn his punk-***.

Now I'm suddenly very aware about how Ultimates 2 is just delayed again and again.

My enjoyment from life has dropped 5000%.

Luckily, the thought of the Ultimates pwnerizing Namor increased my happiness by 5000%, so I'm actually where I was originally. :)
E.Vi.L. said:
Either Namor doesn't know how to fight or he's playing with Sue.
Of course he's just playing with her, he wants to get some! Obviously he's not trying to really harm let alone kill her.

And I liked the issue because what came next made the pages on the preview make a little more sense.

But I do think Millar's arcs are moving way too fast. It's like the new Harry Potter movie, trying to squeeze too much stuff into too little space.
Hey, I just read this issue.

It was the best written comic in the world, ever. It was great, everything about it rocked. I can't wait to read the next part. I'm so psyched.

The above are all things that are clearly false.

I've had kicks in the nuts more enjoyable.

And Land's art is.. ugh.. awful.
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Guijllons said:
Hey, I just read this issue.

It was the best written comic in the world, ever. It was great, everything about it rocked. I can't wait to read the next part. I'm so psyched.

The above are all things that are clearly false.

I've had kicks in the nuts more enjoyable.

And Land's art is.. ugh.. awful.

Meanest review ever.
I don't know where to start with the dumbness.

Speaking of which, I'm now torturing myself by watching "Saw". Man oh man oh man this is bad, it's directed like a parody of a metal video.

More on FF later, and more on Saw later when I find an appropriate thread. Hopefully simply titled "Drivel".
Guijllons said:
I don't know where to start with the dumbness.

Speaking of which, I'm now torturing myself by watching "Saw". Man oh man oh man this is bad, it's directed like a parody of a metal video.

More on FF later, and more on Saw later when I find an appropriate thread. Hopefully simply titled "Drivel".

You tightly-puckered critic. :evil:

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