The Timeline Guy
Well picked this up earlier, and I have to say I'm not at all impressed. I was so looking forward to this issue after the first two, but there was a lot lacking...or more appropriately, stuff there that shouldn't have been. Most notably, the extremely light-hearted attitude of the Ultimates and UFF throughout the issue, even with the threat of Gah Lak Tus made clear. They all act as if its no big deal. Personally much more of a sense of impending doom should have been felt throughout the entire issue, but instead everyone is cracking jokes and hanging around. Second thing I didn't like was how Ellis wrote Thor...he made him seem like a simple-minded barbarian who's biggest concern was getting beer. This makes a bit of sense in regards to Johnny and Ben (after all they were making a still in the last issue from Reed's spare parts), but while Thor does seem to enjoy a brew at the end of the day, he's a much more complex and intelligent character than Ellis wrote him in this issue. Third, just another continuity mistake. As it clearly states on the first page of the issue, this takes place BEFORE Ultimates 2, and with Thor still an active member of the team thats also confirms this. Yet Natasha mentions that Tony is her fiance, even though he didn't propose until Ultimates 2 #4. Nothing major, but still the editors are slacking. Again, simply inserting "boyfriend" instead of "fiance" would have avoided this.
Anyway, I give this one a 2 out of 5. I'm hoping the last issue of the arc impresses me as much as the second one did, otherwise this arc might wind up being another stinker.
Anyway, I give this one a 2 out of 5. I'm hoping the last issue of the arc impresses me as much as the second one did, otherwise this arc might wind up being another stinker.