Ultimate Spiderman #91 Discussion (SPOILERS)

hey guys!

I'm not familiar with the 616 Reavers, but did they posses/control the x-men? or was it a illusion? Because Wolverine is using a knife.... WTF? He doesnt need a knife! He has 6 of his own! Same with Storm using a divice to send out lightning. She can do that on her own!

Also, deadpool didnt send the blackbird to Peter, Kitty did! Right before she was captured.

Are u guys sure deadpool emerges from behind Kitty? And not from 'inside' her? As in, he's posessing/controling her?

I loved this issue! I have loved the Kitty Peter relationship since the annual, and i hope it lasts!
robje said:
.....did they posses/control the x-men? or was it a illusion? Because Wolverine is using a knife.... WTF? He doesnt need a knife! He has 6 of his own! Same with Storm using a divice to send out lightning. She can do that on her own!

No....they didn't possess them. They were disguised as them by holograms.

robje said:
.....Are u guys sure deadpool emerges from behind Kitty? And not from 'inside' her? As in, he's posessing/controling her?

See above...
Victor Von Doom said:
No....they didn't possess them. They were disguised as them by holograms.

ooooohhhhh. Guess that works too. :D
welcome new guy, robje.

i liked this issue. don't get me wrong im one of those people that will be the 1st in line to watch an boxing fight rather than a couples brawl (where couples start yelling at each other in public....very funny cuz you here the best stuff, but no punches or anything...). but this sorta worked. it reminded me a little of high school. like with kitty, trying to hide here new get-up. its like trying to hide something from your sibs and hoping they wont open there big ro-bo jaws to your rentz (the two telapaths).

so i would give this about a 4/5 (a high 3 low 4)
Here's IGN's review/rating:

It's too bad the story title gives away the mystery presented about half-way through this issue. It would have made for a much more shocking final page had it not been so obvious what was coming. That said, it's now clear that any time Bendis puts Kitty Pryde in USM he becomes a better writer. Go ahead and read through the past year of Ultimate and you'll discover that when Kitty is around, things seem to click. What an unexpected and brilliant pairing. Here's hoping the rest of this storyline features plenty of Kitty Pryde and that Spider-kid too. ----- MUST READ

Take IGN's views for what you will..........
I think IGN is completely right about the ending being spoiled... If Bendis was smart, he'd stop telling us all of the arcs he's got planned. It ruins most of the fun reading. Of course, it's may be my fault for going onto forums and all that stuff...
Goodwill said:
I think IGN is completely right about the ending being spoiled... If Bendis was smart, he'd stop telling us all of the arcs he's got planned. It ruins most of the fun reading. Of course, it's may be my fault for going onto forums and all that stuff...

That's part of the problem. By revealing it partially he gives fans something to talk about and keeps interest up.
Goodwill said:
I think IGN is completely right about the ending being spoiled... If Bendis was smart, he'd stop telling us all of the arcs he's got planned. It ruins most of the fun reading. Of course, it's may be my fault for going onto forums and all that stuff...

That used to happen in the 60's in Spider-Man, where they'd totally give away the villain who'll appear next in the "NEXT ISSUE" part, and then when you actually get the next issue, the first thing Stan used to say was, "you'll never guess who it is, in this mindblowing mystery in the magnificent Marvel fashion!"

'Course that was Stan Lee, so we can forgive him right?


God Damn IT stan, It's been 3 freaking months that "The Amazing Spider-Man"'s been in the newspaper and I Could STILL summarize the damn thing in a couple of sentences!!!!!!

****in short-term memory loss.
Back then, Stan Lee wasn't as great as he is now. If I were reading '60's comics, I'd be pissed, too.

Yeah, so moral of the story here is is that the Ringer was a stupid villain and Deadpool is still a humorous character. Bendis also needs to stop giving up his surprises. :)
E said:
Yes. Because even though it looked stupid it was functional. It didn't look at all like something some loser villain would cobble together.

Absolutely. Bendis can't really get away with a recurring whimp villain, though. That's kind of boring... Then again so is seeing new cop-out Ultimate versions of 616 characters. I think Bendis should take the opportunity as a way to introduce created characters and develop them into something big. I'm sure Green Goblin wasn't all that important when he first appeared.
Goodwill said:
Absolutely. Bendis can't really get away with a recurring whimp villain, though. That's kind of boring... Then again so is seeing new cop-out Ultimate versions of 616 characters. I think Bendis should take the opportunity as a way to introduce created characters and develop them into something big. I'm sure Green Goblin wasn't all that important when he first appeared.

Are you kidding?! He was the head of a multimillion dollar corporation and Peter's best friend's father!

I don't have a problem with using the Ringer, I have a problem with his unimaginative and un-ultimate costume design.
E said:
I don't have a problem with using the Ringer, I have a problem with his unimaginative and un-ultimate costume design.

Kind've disappointed we're lingering on this stupid cameo for so long but anyway, I can't think of any villain or hero or piece of technology in the ultimate universe that is plausible either by logic or has been explained. The real problem I have with "the ringer" (Ringmaster?) is how the hell does his whole getup function? I mean there's a powerpack on his back but rings that change size? errr....? What's going on there?
I liked the issue, I thought it was very good. It's weird to already be playing up the pressures that Pete and Kitty face with their unconventional relationship - you'd think Bendis would wait a bit for that. But I guess all they did was talk about it, and that's not the same thing as Kitty actually shaking hands with Aunt May. Do you guys wonder if this whole pressure cooker re: their relationship will come to a head with
the upcoming Nick Fury storyline around #100)? Like maybe Aunt May will find out about Peter and at the same time find out about Kitty when he's abducted by SHIELD or something like that? (Total theory there.)

I love the Kitty/Peter reactions, they're so cute together. I do think her costume is kind of hideous but it was cute watching her make fun of Peter's villians. (How long has it been since we've actually had a villian show up on their own who wasn't some kind of punchline?) It would be nice to revisit some of the potential threats to Peter in superhero mode like the Kingpin or a new one. (Just no more Goblin, please.) I think this arc will be refreshing just to get Peter out of the current cycle the storylines have been in.
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E said:
Are you kidding?! He was the head of a multimillion dollar corporation and Peter's best friend's father!

I don't have a problem with using the Ringer, I have a problem with his unimaginative and un-ultimate costume design.

It was all about how the fans responded to him. He wasn't purposely popular.
I really enjoyed this issue, I think it was a very good start for both a new arc and a new direction in peter and kittys relationship. Really enjoying the curremt ultimate spiderman.
I'm surprised that so few people are talking about Deadpool. I know he only had three or so lines in the book so far, but the lines he had were very sarcastic.

I'm just imagining the vocal back and forth that Spidey and Deadpool could have. I sure hope Bendis does this right, he's sitting on a gold mine here.
You're absolutely right. Spidey's humor is either hit or miss, but now that he's got a villain that'll mouth off just as much as him we'll see something new. I like the idea.

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