Ultimate X-Men #73 (Discussion/spoilers)

I liked this issue a lot more than the previus ones the flight was good, I like how they kept forgetting what was happening, it was a good challenge
Random said:
I liked this issue a lot more than the previus ones the flight was good, I like how they kept forgetting what was happening, it was a good challenge
The period is your friend.

EDIT: You guys got the I was making a "No more mutants" joke when I said "No More Kirkman," right?
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Kirkman is fine. Kirkman is cool.

But this damn "these nine issues are one big super arc" story sucked the life out of the book 4 issues ago.

The big villain is Elliot Boggs the Magician. A villain that's trying not to be a villain (and the letter page on recent issues tells me some readers are stupid thinking he was a good guy all along, Who else knew he was going to turn with Pheonix? 1?)

A villain that's not a villain? That works. It really does. But I've LOATHED Magician and now I want to kick back and watch Magician torn limb from limb but kept alive by the Pheonix so he can feel every part of his slow doom.

God the Cable arc better be a lot better than the last issues to make up for these.

Best Kirkman issues thus far...Date Night 2, Magical 1.
TheManWithoutFear said:
The Dazzler tease was fun and a good lead in to the annual. At least I think it will be.
That's definately a tease about the Annual. This is what Kirkman does. It's the same with Invincible and Marvel Team-Up, there might be one page in an issue that's totally unconnected to everything else and then it's brought up again after a few issues.

Overall, a good issue. Maybe even Kirkman's best so far on the title, but I've been a bit underwhelmed. I just can't wait for when the 9-issue "filler arc" is over and it's time for Cable.
Man... I didn't even know this came out. I'l have to rush and get it, I have enjoyed Kirkmans run.

It seems slightly harsh for everyone to call this arc "filler" just because bigger things are happening down the road...

I mean, we got big movement on the Phoenix sublplot, major development on Nightcrawler/Colossus, a shocking Wolvie/Sabretooth revelation, a new bumbling villain, as well as good Iceman/Rogue/Kitty moments.

Just because its not Millaresque world threatening action doesn't make it filler. Character driven stories are important as well, and I'd say Kirkman has gotten closer to the hear of these character than most writers on the title (including Millar!).

Anyways, cant wait to read 73!
Ultimate MJ said:
It seems slightly harsh for everyone to call this arc "filler" just because bigger things are happening down the road...
I only called it filler because originally Kirkman was supposed to write the title for these 9 issues and then make room for someone else (Singer?). Now that the plans have changed and Kirkman is along for the long haul, he can do whatever he wants to with the title. The arc hasn't been bad at all, I've quite enjoyed it. It just has "filler" written on it in big bold letters.
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I think a perfect mix of Vaughan's characters and cool ultimatizations and Millar's balls to the walls action is what this title needs.

And Millar's a god in comics. Best books out there right now, Civil War, Ultimates Vol 2, and Ultimate Fantastic Four...followed closely by Civil War Frontline. All three written by Mark Millar! At this point I'd read a telephone book with his name on the cover.

Character driven arcs are nice. But after most of a year of it!

Another minus to Kirkman's run so far, for me, has been Magician. I really hate him. And I really want to see Pheonix pwn his ***!

We all knew he was ultimately a bad guy, and we all knew that it would come to a big smack down. Did we really end to strech it and pad the hell out of it so it last 9 issues?
Foolsfolly said:
We all knew he was ultimately a bad guy, and we all knew that it would come to a big smack down. Did we really end to strech it and pad the hell out of it so it last 9 issues?
Well, seeing how his was a subplot that is now taking care of, I guess so.

Magician was a subplot in Date Night, but Pheonix? Was equal parts Pheonix and Magician since Magician was behind the Brotherhood attack, and the Friend's of Humanity attack! He was just in the shadows but he caused both attacks.
Foolsfolly said:

Magician was a subplot in Date Night, but Pheonix? Was equal parts Pheonix and Magician since Magician was behind the Brotherhood attack, and the Friend's of Humanity attack! He was just in the shadows but he caused both attacks.
Though he shared some time in the Phoenix? arc, he was still a subplot there because it wasn't his arc. Now he's the main focus.
Just reread this issue.

Maybe...maybe Magician is not that powerful?

What has he done? He made up a group of Brotherhood and defeated them, made the Friends of Humanity and defeated them. And now he's fighting the X-Men.

But more importantly he's made people forget and see things that are not there.

What if Magician is not a reality warper? What if Magician is a true Magician...he's an illuisonist? His magic is just as fake as our magic?

That makes his death by Jean even sadder. Because really a simple illuisonist is no better or worse than Mastermind.

It's kind of a stab in the dark but man-o-man. I've been rereading these Kirkman issues and it's too obivious that he's a reality wrapper and bad guy here. So I kept thinking there must be an angle Kirkman's working here. This might be that angle.

What do you think?
I'm afraid to admit this... But this title needs Millar back. He did a great job on this title when he was around.
Well I thought Kirkman was going own in his run. It's eight issues into it and it feels like when Bendis did a year. Good character moments, nothing much else to report.

I would love to have Millar back, but he wouldn't come back. But there's still more chance for Kirkman to pick it up greatly for Cable. And there are other writers that could make this title shine.

What worries me is Millar and Hitch's run on Ultimates ending. I respect the hell outta Joe Mad and Loeb...but they have a lot to live up to and seeing the Ultimates fighting Venom doesn't make me feel so good. But I may be wrong there. After all it's just one cover.
Having Vaughan on the title was an act of God. I thought Bendis' run was lacking... He was only adding to the mess that he sought to clean up. Millar had a controlled imagination on the title and could work his political views in between all the action... Kirkman seems to be filling in what cracks all of these writers neglected... But lacks his own voice and purpose... He's finally allowing his created characters come to life and there's FINALLY some action. As soon as Cable comes in, I'm sure we'll be all set.
Goodwill said:
I'm afraid to admit this... But this title needs Millar back. He did a great job on this title when he was around.
I'd love to see Millar back on the title, even with the hurendous delays that would ensue, but it's just not going to happen anytime soon.
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And Millar's leaving Marvel (or it could be a ploy to get a new contract and a raise) but he's talked many times of going to DC and write his Superman story with Hitch.

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