Ultimate X-Men #80 discussion (spoilers)

I don't know.....maybe it's just me and I need to re-read the issue......but I thought it was explained that Cable didn't make the time jump. He only fooled them into thinking he did.

From what I read---it looks as if Cable is still here in the present and has Charles captive in that tank which obviously blocks his telepathic abilities. Thus the reason why Cerebro can't find him.

Well, they said something about the timeslide messing up or something, but the "future" is labelled The Future right at the top of the page. Plus, where did old Bishop come from?
this was a good issue, i like alot of the things going on in this book

but when i saw xavier i threw the book down in disgust

Maybe young bishop will turn out to be Ultimate Luke Cage. Like Cable is the future wolverine, Bishop is the future Luke Cage.

just mindless speculation, but i thought it would be awsome!:D
Good stuff for a lead in issue. Was spectacular but it keeps the juices flowing. I hate how naive Scott is when Bishop tells him something maybe they should ****ing listen, no? Young Bishop part gave me fanboy chills. Loved it. Ultimate Pyro? Looks like he's gonna be a wasted ultimization.
This issue was perfect. Kirkman outdid himself with this one, IMO. There were parts where the art wasn't very good, but overall, it was still good.

Can't wait until the next issue. I'm loving the direction he's taking this book.
This issue was perfect. Kirkman outdid himself with this one, IMO. There were parts where the art wasn't very good, but overall, it was still good.

Can't wait until the next issue. I'm loving the direction he's taking this book.

Kirkman's run is getting a lot of hate, but I've actually liked most of the issues he's written so far.
There was one panel with a picture of bishop just after scott told him he was disbanding, where he really looked hideuosly disfigured...I didn't really like much of the art in this issue to be honest, but why they can't just pick someone and stick to it, or at least keep the artists similar styles. It was pretty solid through the cable arc.

Anyway as for story..Yes, I think, though storm seemed a little off. It annoys me the way it seems kirkman never read president thor..what with the time spiders and that, tho i suppose cable and wolverine, and old/young bishop never touched..(cable was wearing gloves)..we can assume the time spiders are just off panel.
This issue was perfect. Kirkman outdid himself with this one, IMO. There were parts where the art wasn't very good, but overall, it was still good.

Can't wait until the next issue. I'm loving the direction he's taking this book.

I agree with you on all points....

There was one panel with a picture of bishop just after scott told him he was disbanding, where he really looked hideuosly disfigured...

...although I did notice that. Reminded me of Boss Nass going "BLBLBLBLBLBLBLUH!" :lol:
To be honest, I do hope they have Bobby actually start working on his powers and not just have him be a lazy *** all the time.
he (bobby) is 15,16 year old kind do you really think he is listening to older people
Not everyone acts the same. And just because the seterotypical teenager doesn't listen, that doesn't mean they should have Bobby act like a lazy *** forever. There's no character development there and tens to be lazy writing if nothing ever gets done with a character. What would be be the point?
Not everyone acts the same. And just because the seterotypical teenager doesn't listen, that doesn't mean they should have Bobby act like a lazy *** forever. There's no character development there and tens to be lazy writing if nothing ever gets done with a character. What would be be the point?

I agree and disagree.

I agree I want to see Bobby get better (and in the future he is considering how Six Pack talked about him and how Bishop tries to get him to be better) but I disagree since it's in Bobby's character to not listen and no practice.

For his character to grow he doesn't need someone to tell him to practice and become awesome (I am already awesome!) and it will take something bigger and something to really affect him personally to become a stronger X-Man and grow as a character.

Remember in the Cry Wolf arc how Rogue's kidnapping made him angry as hell, well if something like that happened again, only he completely failed...UTTERLY. He would reach a moment in his life when he realizes that if he had been better at his powers he would have saved the day.

And suddenly Bobby will spend a lot of time in the Danger Room and practice on his abilities more.

And I agree the book's really good, I just wish the sales were better.
I agree and disagree.

I agree I want to see Bobby get better (and in the future he is considering how Six Pack talked about him and how Bishop tries to get him to be better) but I disagree since it's in Bobby's character to not listen and no practice.

For his character to grow he doesn't need someone to tell him to practice and become awesome (I am already awesome!) and it will take something bigger and something to really affect him personally to become a stronger X-Man and grow as a character.

Remember in the Cry Wolf arc how Rogue's kidnapping made him angry as hell, well if something like that happened again, only he completely failed...UTTERLY. He would reach a moment in his life when he realizes that if he had been better at his powers he would have saved the day.

And suddenly Bobby will spend a lot of time in the Danger Room and practice on his abilities more.

And I agree the book's really good, I just wish the sales were better.
I know it's his character not to listen and all that. Trust me. I know. :wink:

But even then, that shouldn't really last forever, or at least they should have him listen and get better and not *just* ignore people.
Allright, I got this yesterday, but wasn't near a pc till now.

Anyway, I really liked this one. All these warehouses, and other buildings that Xavier has is interesting. Plus, it right in the mark with my Ultimate X-Force story, which is a nice bonus for me.

It looks like UXM will do the whole prolonging of Scott's and Jean's marriage as well.

Wolverine leaving isn't too big of a deal. How many times has he done it? Except this time, we'll get to see his past. Should be good. I wonder if it'll tie in with the Ultimate Wolverine mini (whenever that comes out 8) )

Bishop leading a team of X-men, imo, should be kick ***. I'm guessing we'll see Iceman and Rogue be on the team. And the rest will probably be part of the "All New, All Different" arc. Ultimate Sunfire, PLEASE KIRKMAN!

About Iceman...there are serious hints about him becoming important to the series. Him being a legend, and Bishop urging him to become serious about his powers...I'm betting he'll become more a leader on the team.

Eh, Nightcrawler, I dunno...it seems like he's going evil on us.

And Xavier not really being dead? I'm okay with it. The reason for Cavle wanting to make everyone believe Prof. X is dead better be good...

Overall, 4/5.
Well, I read this today.

It's pretty good. It's an interesting direction at least.

But I don't know, the story just isn't gripping. I don't know why. I don't really have any complaints and can't point out any faults or problems.
Well, I read this today.

It's pretty good. It's an interesting direction at least.

But I don't know, the story just isn't gripping. I don't know why. I don't really have any complaints and can't point out any faults or problems.

It's probably because UXM is bogged down with the evils known as Bendis...
Here's a review from Newsarama:

Ultimate X-Men #80 (Marvel; review by Koben Kelly): Crikey, I wish Yanick Paquette could draw this series forever. With Xavier gone, it seems like no one wants to stick around to decide what to do. Except for Scott, that is. Colossus has bugged to go shack-up with boyfriend, Jean-Paul. Wolvie has something to do so important he won't let on/off love interest, Ororo, go with him. While Bobby and Rogue just want to escape into the wonderful world of gaming, Bishop takes the time to visit an extremely familiar inmate with words of wisdom. Then Cyke drops the bomb… but, I knew it was coming… just like I knew what we would see on the last page months ago. Will the new representative of the Shi'ar Church be bad news for the residents of the mansion? Seeds of the upcoming Nightcrawler/Morlocks storyline are planted as the elf saves the hide of a revolutionary mutant I've been wanting to see pop up in the Ultimate U for years. Wow, that Yanick sure can draw the Hell out of burn-scarred skin. It seemed like Kirkman was coasting for a while on this title, but, this issue has me all excited-like for what's to come.

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