Ultimates #13 is Done

Does anyone else besides me think this big guy has gold nippels???

What the hell is up with the rainbow? Is Rainbow Brite coming down to Earth to put an end to all this bull****?

I can't tell you how pissed yet geeked I'd be if it was Odin himself coming down to stop the fight.

That's what I meant by Bifrost, which is the bridge from Asgard to Midgard (Earth).

Which means. . .yes, we're probably getting Ultimate Odin.
That's what I meant by Bifrost, which is the bridge from Asgard to Midgard (Earth).
This is proof that the rainbow is not teh gay. It is actually bi. Hence the name BI-frost.

Now the question is... is it male or female? It matters because to the male demographic of comics readers. Bisexual gurlz are teh hawt.
This almost hard to belive

...........I guess there is a god
I wish I had gold nipples.

Tonight, while I'm waiting for SNL to start, I'll probably read Issues 1-12 to get myself reaquainted with the series. I honestly wouldn't remember what was going on if not for Bass' glorious recap.
Tonight, while I'm waiting for SNL to start, I'll probably read Issues 1-12 to get myself reaquainted with the series. I honestly wouldn't remember what was going on if not for Bass' glorious recap.

well I decide to reread everything (again) according to DIrishB's timeline. I'm up to the story about Geldoff in Ultimate Spider-Man, so I have awhile till I reach The Ultimates 2 anything. If I take my time I can get the whole Marvel Zombie stories in there too.

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