Ultimates 2 #10 cover released

Guijllons said:
The issue with Wanda being the traitor is that during the conversation with Hank, the traitor said that America was a country that they once believed in.

I don't see any Russian saying that. But they could have been lying.
I do think that Widow would be too obvious a choice for a traitor however.

And I'm still bugged out as to how Ultron fits into all of this.

Maybe Natasha became super-patriotic after joining up with the Ultimates...? Yeah, I doubt that too. Maybe she didn't mean it in as straightforward a way as we might think, assuming its her. Maybe its some form of double-talk or something, who know?

Entropy said:
Yeah, I'm also betting that the sickle is going to be this counter Thors weapon of some sort, I just wanted to clarify what Gungnir was because some people in mentioning it didn't seem to realize what it was.

Maybe the sickle is the Ultimate Universe's Blood-Axe?

Could be, though I don't see the point of even Ultimizing the 616 Blood-Axe if its only going to be turned into a sickle. I really don't think its an Ultimate version of a 616 weapon/etc, just a symbolic addition to the story.

UltimateScarletWitch did, I just wanted to make the distinction for her. That was also the reason behind the Goliath point, she said that there had never been a Goliath on the Avengers and I don't like to see people going around misinformed.

Oh ok, I wasn't sure cuz you hadn't quoted anyone.

Guijllons said:
Well I never assumed that Loki was the one that released the banner files, it was always pretty clear that one of the Ultimates had done that. And as for Widow, well, I still don't think it's her. Too cheesy double-agenty.

This is the only reason I'm not completely jumping on board with the idea yet. But then again, we're supposed to find out the identity of the traitor in #9, so by #10 it stands to reason if it is BW she's already jumped ship to the other side.
TheManWithoutFear said:
:shock: You're joking right? I had this panned out before there even was an face to Loki.

Really? You had the idea of Black Widow being the traitor since Ultimates #4, "Thunder"? Two years before the traitor leaked the files on Banner and a few months before "Hulk Does Manhattan"? Wow. You ARE good. :wink:
Bass said:
Really? You had the idea of Black Widow being the traitor since Ultimates #4, "Thunder"? Two years before the traitor leaked the files on Banner and a few months before "Hulk Does Manhattan"? Wow. You ARE good. :wink:
What are you talking about there was no face to Loki until Ultimates 2 Vol.1 when Loki is Gunnar. That's what I'm talkin about.
TheManWithoutFear said:
What are you talking about there was no face to Loki until Ultimates 2 Vol.1 when Loki is Gunnar. That's what I'm talkin about.

Ahem. Loki Manifesto. Loki is right there in #4 "Thunder".
TheManWithoutFear said:
What are you talking about there was no face to Loki until Ultimates 2 Vol.1 when Loki is Gunnar. That's what I'm talkin about.

Pretty sure he was joking with you becuase you said you knew who the traitor was since Ultimates #4, instead of Ultimates 2 #4. Apparently Bass didn't get much sleep last night.

EDIT: Nevermind, after going back and reading your posts I don't know what the hell he's talking about.
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TheManWithoutFear said:
[Cartman Rant] Goddammnit bass I don't read your ****ing manifestos!!![/Cartman Rant]

I must've missed that part.

[cartman]God damn you, you jew.[/cartman]

In #4 "Thunder", when Banner starts yelling at Thor, if you remember, he's pointing at a SHIELD dossier telling Thor he's a nutbar. Right there, in the background, between Banner and the dossier, is Gunnar. You can see this on the first page of the Loki manifesto.

Now, I knew that when you said you were calling Widow as the traitor before Loki appeared, you meant in U2, and I was being silly (hence the wink) and claiming you meant you were saying you knew Widow was the traitor in "Thunder", before Hulk's files were released, before Widow was introduced, and before Hulk appeared. That is all. :)
Bass said:
[cartman]God damn you, you jew.[/cartman]

In #4 "Thunder", when Banner starts yelling at Thor, if you remember, he's pointing at a SHIELD dossier telling Thor he's a nutbar. Right there, in the background, between Banner and the dossier, is Gunnar. You can see this on the first page of the Loki manifesto.

Now, I knew that when you said you were calling Widow as the traitor before Loki appeared, you meant in U2, and I was being silly (hence the wink) and claiming you meant you were saying you knew Widow was the traitor in "Thunder", before Hulk's files were released, before Widow was introduced, and before Hulk appeared. That is all. :)

Did I congratulate you on this find? I think I already did but obviously forgot about it otherwise I would've clearly said. But yeah, I didn't know if you were joking or what so it's all deadly.
ranaj said:
Masters of Evil? - ah that makes more sense. Clearly I am too old and senile to think clearly.
Why is everybody pitching a fit about the villains of GTA being named the Masters of Evil?

Was it not just as recent as the 2002 State of the Nation Address that a democratically elected President referred to three soveriegn 'rogue' states as the "Axis of Evil". Sure, people mocked him for it. But the fact that it was said at all still means countless speech-writers, advisors, and consultants had no problem with the term.

I, for one, would not find it stupid if we see a news report or press briefing during GTA in which the President, or even Cap, refers to the invaders as "Masters of Evil hoping to undermine the freedom and liberty of the United States". Or something like that.

If we're willing to accept *either* a lunatic with a hi-tech hammer OR a living, breathing Norse God; if we're willing to accept a chemically enhanced supersoldier emerging from decades of suspended animation; if we're willing to accept a vegetarian scientist turning into a man-eating gray behemoth; if we're willing to accept a billionaire playboy industrialist with BRAIN CELLS ALL OVER HIS BODY, then why is a group dubbed the 'Masters of Evil' really such a dumb idea?

I'm honestly surprised that people are rolling their eyes about this!
Masters of Evil does sound nasty comic book, but then, when you juxtapose it against the US government, it works fine.

I'm all for Compound writing The Ultimates 3, all in favour say aye.
compound said:
Why is everybody pitching a fit about the villains of GTA being named the Masters of Evil?

Was it not just as recent as the 2002 State of the Nation Address that a democratically elected President referred to three soveriegn 'rogue' states as the "Axis of Evil". Sure, people mocked him for it. But the fact that it was said at all still means countless speech-writers, advisors, and consultants had no problem with the term.

I, for one, would not find it stupid if we see a news report or press briefing during GTA in which the President, or even Cap, refers to the invaders as "Masters of Evil hoping to undermine the freedom and liberty of the United States". Or something like that.

If we're willing to accept *either* a lunatic with a hi-tech hammer OR a living, breathing Norse God; if we're willing to accept a chemically enhanced supersoldier emerging from decades of suspended animation; if we're willing to accept a vegetarian scientist turning into a man-eating gray behemoth; if we're willing to accept a billionaire playboy industrialist with BRAIN CELLS ALL OVER HIS BODY, then why is a group dubbed the 'Masters of Evil' really such a dumb idea?

I'm honestly surprised that people are rolling their eyes about this!

That is 5000% brilliant.

compound said:
Why is everybody pitching a fit about the villains of GTA being named the Masters of Evil?

Was it not just as recent as the 2002 State of the Nation Address that a democratically elected President referred to three soveriegn 'rogue' states as the "Axis of Evil". Sure, people mocked him for it. But the fact that it was said at all still means countless speech-writers, advisors, and consultants had no problem with the term.

I, for one, would not find it stupid if we see a news report or press briefing during GTA in which the President, or even Cap, refers to the invaders as "Masters of Evil hoping to undermine the freedom and liberty of the United States". Or something like that.

If we're willing to accept *either* a lunatic with a hi-tech hammer OR a living, breathing Norse God; if we're willing to accept a chemically enhanced supersoldier emerging from decades of suspended animation; if we're willing to accept a vegetarian scientist turning into a man-eating gray behemoth; if we're willing to accept a billionaire playboy industrialist with BRAIN CELLS ALL OVER HIS BODY, then why is a group dubbed the 'Masters of Evil' really such a dumb idea?

I'm honestly surprised that people are rolling their eyes about this!

You make a good argument. Still, though, its just feels wrong. And honestly, countless speech-writers or not, it really doesn't justify Bush's "Axis of Evil" label as being anything more than retarded. Lets leave it at them both being dumb ideas, but substantially more acceptable in a comic book than in a National Address or political speech. Which leads me to believe Bush's highest level of literary achievement just might be some lame *** comics. He probably even likes Ultimate Iron Man, the bastard.
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DIrishB said:
You make a good argument. Still, though, its just feels wrong. And honestly, countless speech-writers or not, it really doesn't justify Bush's "Axis of Evil" label as being anything more than retarded. Lets leave it at them both being dumb ideas, but substantially more acceptable in a comic book than in a National Address or political speech. Which leads me to believe Bush's highest level of literary achievement just might be some lame *** comics. He probably even likes Ultimate Iron Man, the bastard.

I agree. Now, if officially they call themselves "The Masters" and Cap calls them "The Masters of Evil" in retort, then sure, it could work. But, it is ridiculously cheesy for them to come on shore saying "We are the MASTERS OF EVIL!" There is no more gray, they are officially the villians. Like it was retarded to call the Brotherhood "The Brotherhood of Evil Mutants". They simply dropped 'Evil' and it was fine.
Lynx said:
I agree. Now, if officially they call themselves "The Masters" and Cap calls them "The Masters of Evil" in retort, then sure, it could work. But, it is ridiculously cheesy for them to come on shore saying "We are the MASTERS OF EVIL!" There is no more gray, they are officially the villians. Like it was retarded to call the Brotherhood "The Brotherhood of Evil Mutants". They simply dropped 'Evil' and it was fine.

Honestly I doubt the "evil team" will even be named, as a team that is. And if they are, it will probably be some really generic sounding government name. Or not.

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