For me, this was a case of my reaction being (perhaps inevitably) heavily, heavily, heavily influenced by the long delay between the publication of this issue and #12.
(1) For me, this read like the second half of Issue #12... literally. I think if the two were published together, if they had come out as a single issue, with what is now #13 being judged not as a stand-alone, over-anticipated discrete issue, the material in #13 would have largely been fine for me. I suspect that for those reading this in a trade paperback, or those reading #12 and #13 in one sitting as part of a larger whole, #13 will be more satisfying than it was for me, reading it, after months and months of delay, on its own.
(2) Related to (1)... and perhaps unfair in a larger context... if this is the LAST issue by this creative team (and it is), and we had to wait months and months and months and months and months for it (and we did), then I expected a BIT more "face time" for the team, apart from Thor. Again... if I read #12 and #13 together, I don't have that objection, because the other Ultimates got "their innings" in #12, taking out their Liberator-counterparts. This is Thor's turn. And that is not a knock on Thor, either. Just saying, as a stand alone, wrap up issue, this one had little time for most of the other Ultimates (for ex, Banner/Hulk...!).
(3) The post-fight "wrap up" felt rushed and unsatisfying, to me. In fairness, I didn't expect a LONG philosophical debate over the future of the Ultimates/government sponsored superheroes, or a big sit-down over Nick Fury having his ARM TORN OFF (!), and so forth. And maybe it was common knowledge that Banner/Hulk was alive (was it? Mentioned in WOLVERINE/HULK, but elsewhere too? )...And granted, there was a LOT to wrap up. But, perhaps because of that, the "wrap ups" felt very rushed and somewhat artificial for me... like they were running down a checklist... "Thor is a god - check... Ultimates to part ways with the government - check... " and so forth.
(4) On the other hand, LOVED when Cap and Thor, two guys who probably couldn't agree on the time of day, BOTH agreed that Pym was a weasel who should be thrown in a cell...*S*
(5) Really, really nitpicking here... but what, exactly, were the humans in this story arc SUPPOSED to do? Touching on all this apologizing to Thor, etc... If Loki can literally CHANGE reality... if he can make surveillance tapes SHOW Cap murdering people, can not simply create illusions but actually warp reality itself, and the like... exactly WHAT were the humans involved SUPPOSED to think? Gee, Thor... you were saving that whole "rainbow bridge" thing for a special occasion? The ability to summon Asgardian allies? That might have gone a LONG way towards showing folks you were on the up and up re Loki, no?
(6) Was also rather disappointed that, apart from Cap's counterpart, the Liberators were put down so easily... including Loki. Granted, one one one physical combat has never been Loki's forte, but was there ever a moment when you even half-thought he might beat Thor? Consistent, mind you, with how the other Ultimates put down the other Liberators, but...
(7) Enjoyed Hawkeye getting a measure of vengeance.... *S*
(8) For one, enjoyed the Scarlet Witch / "Vision" aside...
(9) Cap's comments re "your wars" rang false for me. Even if he DID have a change of heart re the wisdom of a government affiliated super team, I don't think he would use that phrasing. Even granting he might be kinda bitter about that whole "You are a traitor" thing he just went through. Another nitpicky thing, granted. Totally. But it did strike me, when I read it, that it seemed "off"...
(10) The ending... seemed odd. A nice, sentimental vignette, but (for me!) oddly disconnected from all else.
A lot of nitpicking. And overall, a great ride... I have enjoyed Ultimates 1 and 2 enormously. Sorry to see it end, but glad it finally DID, if that makes sense..*S*