After all the shiznet goes down, and the heroes save the day......
Thor: I am back mortals, how dareth you not knoweth I wasth telling the truth?
Cap: They thought I was the traitor, seriously, why would I be the traitor, I love this country, soldier.
Iron Man: I porked Black Widow.
Jan: Well, as being the last token female on this parody, I made cake.
Hawkeye: That's going to help me feel much better.
Iron Man: I love cake, so doesn't my brain tumor
Cap: Cake is great honey, now get back in the kitchen, and make me more
Nick: First my eye, now my arm.....this sucks, but this cake shall make it all better
Thor: Do we have any Ale for this caketh wench?
Ultron: Hank made me have this option, a keg for a chest in the shape of roboboobs
Everyone laughs as they eat cake.