Who Would You Like To See Ultimized??

Ultimate Houde said:
Your Mom

Oh yeah, I said it, I want them to Ultimized

Your Mom

I already Ultimized your mom.

Yeah, I went there.
Ultimate Houde said:
Oh no you didn't

This woulda been better...

There really is no point in a Ultimate Punisher mini, MAX Punisher is almost Ultimate Punisher. Think about it, MAX Punisher is more relastic then any ultimate comic and if you read the Cell, you would realize that it is set in a universe seperate from 616 MU, so it doesn't have continuity baggage.
As long as we seem to have a vampire arc coming up in USM, Hannibal King. I really liked his character in the Doctor Strange and old Tomb of Dracula comics.
squirrel girl

yeah, thats right, i like squirrel girl.

give the defenders their own comic and make squirrel girl their leader.

also, ultimate needs more runaways and cloak and dagger.
The Wink
Fault Zone
Haz Mat
Johnny Ohm

Machine Teen
Ghost Rider
White Tiger
Charlie Weiderman (the kid the jocks are messing with in Ultimate Spider-Man Annual looks like him.)
Lucy In The Sky
Old Lace
Sister Grimm
Absorbing Man
Puppet Master
Red Skull

Yah, I know those are the Imperfects but I think if they re-tool them a little. Maybe as a failed super soldier program and the Ultimates have to take them down. besides some of those guys look like they could cause some real damage.
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Red Skull is in U2 (Since Millar said he was using him. Did they name him? Cuz with all these month gaps, I cant remember off the top of my head). And we're going to get Abosorbing Man in U4.

Damn. That's 2/+ years of waiting for him. :(
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Ice said:
Red Skull is in U2 (Since Millar said he was using him. Did they name him? Cuz with all these month gaps, I cant remember off the top of my head). And we're going to get Abosorbing Man in U4.

Damn. That's 2/+ years of waiting for him. :(

No they called him Colonel Al-Rahman.
the watcher said:
No they called him Colonel Al-Rahman.
Ok. Making sure.

I know we're supposed to get Ultimate Red Skull since Millar said him and Ultron would be showing in U2, and we already have Ultron. I believe he's supposed to be Red Skull, so we'll see.
I keep hoping The Colonel and Red Skull aren't the same. I just want Red Skull to appear in the last few pages, and be revealed to have been the mastermind behind the whole operation.

Have it so his whole face is scarred and burned all to hell. Have his nose, ears, hair, eyelids, and lips all burned off, kindve like Kroenen from Hellboy. Just give him one quick shot, and then have him disappear for about a year or so.
Ghost Rider WOULD be cool.

However, and I know we've seen him, I would pay 4 dollars an issue to see a quality Ultimate Dr. Strange mini or maxi series. How cool can this character be? Way cool if done right.

For the writer, I'd have Warren Ellis or Bill Willingham, and for the artist:


THAT is stunning artwork. I would brave delays for this.
marvelman said:
Ghost Rider WOULD be cool.

However, and I know we've seen him, I would pay 4 dollars an issue to see a quality Ultimate Dr. Strange mini or maxi series. How cool can this character be? Way cool if done right.

For the writer, I'd have Warren Ellis or Bill Willingham, and for the artist:


THAT is stunning artwork. I would brave delays for this.
I have never seen someone draw a better red x in a white box than him. :D
Kang the conquerer i love that guy.

Taskmaster said:
I keep hoping The Colonel and Red Skull aren't the same. I just want Red Skull to appear in the last few pages, and be revealed to have been the mastermind behind the whole operation.

Have it so his whole face is scarred and burned all to hell. Have his nose, ears, hair, eyelids, and lips all burned off, kindve like Kroenen from Hellboy. Just give him one quick shot, and then have him disappear for about a year or so.

It will probably have diferent orgin since cap didnt seem to have fougth him in WW II in the Ultimate Universe

Ultimate Deadpool said:
Apocalypse, Archangel, Ghost Rider, and Thanos.

Isnt Angel Archangel ?..and Apocalypse did make an apearence in Tempest.
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Taskmaster said:
I keep hoping The Colonel and Red Skull aren't the same. I just want Red Skull to appear in the last few pages, and be revealed to have been the mastermind behind the whole operation.
Let's talk about why this wouldn't work. In order for this "shocking revealation" at the end be effective, we would've had to have been introduced to Red Skull in the Ultimate Universe. But we haven't been.

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