Wizard World Tour: Chicago Coverage

Does anyone else feel like there really wasn't a whole lot announced? I mean we got Loeb and Turner (Who I can both appritiate, but I'm not broken up over either being signed) going exclusive, the new DD team, and a bunch of House of M bullcrap that only heavy 616 marvel fans are going to buy. Otherwise they just kept saying "We can't relly announce that now". I didn't even go and I feel ripped off.
Baxter said:
Does anyone else feel like there really wasn't a whole lot announced? I mean we got Loeb and Turner (Who I can both appritiate, but I'm not broken up over either being signed) going exclusive, the new DD team, and a bunch of House of M bullcrap that only heavy 616 marvel fans are going to buy. Otherwise they just kept saying "We can't relly announce that now". I didn't even go and I feel ripped off.
Yes, I think not much really was announced.

Stupid "Magazine exclusives". Pfft.

****ing LOEB?

What the hell, it's bad enough we have Bendis on every other book, now we got his biological brother on the other half.

His Superman/Batman stories make NO FREAKING SENSE. Why don't people see this? They are confusing romps through alternate dimensions, and the fact he felt the need to introduce a NEW supergirl to the ranks shows how stupid he actually is. Let's introduce a new character, oh, we'll call her Supergirl!


The madness of it all, it makes me puke.

DC pisses me off

Loeb pisses me off even more.

I could continue, but it'll just degrade to me saying words like *****cock, and ****nuts, and ******* eater.

Nevermind rimjobber.


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