All About Movies Thread: 8 Tweets & a Funeral.

I can't believe Larry David is in that piece of ****.
Well The Three Stooges gets a teaser trailer. It looks,... ok. But I did like the part where Moe poked Snookie in the eyes.


...i'm sure that the did everything they could to make this as faithful to the originals as possible, but you just shouldn't try to recreate some things.
Well The Three Stooges gets a teaser trailer. It looks,... ok. But I did like the part where Moe poked Snookie in the eyes.

I laughed out loud when he poked Snookie in the eyes. Love the stooges.

...i'm sure that the did everything they could to make this as faithful to the originals as possible, but you just shouldn't try to recreate some things.

Like Evil Dead for example.
NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!! why would you do that? It's bad enough they remade my pink panther. what's next my precious marx brothers?!
So watching GI Joe with some buddies just becuase were drinking and this is the most mindless thing on Netflix right now...

This may be the worst adaptation of a cheesy nostalgia trip I've ever seen. At least Transformers is entertaining because it has incredible action sequences. I could point out the bad acting, horrid writing or lame cgi but I must say the most subtle but obvious once you think of it problems is the soundtrack. This isn't helped by me watching Dark Knight, the original Star Wars Trilogy and Lord of the Rings in the past month but a soundtrack really makes a movie (a huge problem with Watchmen, an otherwise great movie, I may add). But this soundtrack is literally keyboard synthesizers and jazz rips. I know they may be going for an 80s feel but there's a reason no one uses that music in anything anymore.

The soundtrack was my favorite part of Watchmen. I thought it was perfect.
Friday said:
The soundtrack was my favorite part of Watchmen. I thought it was perfect.

It was and it wasn't. The choices were great but used rather poorly; too loud, long, obvious, & misplaced.
They were filming Paranoia yesterday in front of my pub and by my work. I didn't get any pictures because I made friends with the crew and they were constantly telling people no pictures and I didn't want to disrespect them. I was very close to Harrison Ford and Liam Hemsworth. Most of all Josh Holloway for a good amount of time. Gary Oldman for a little bit too. I might be in the background when the movie comes out but probably blurry or a dot in the distance. It was pretty cool watching it all go down though. The way the public was uncooperative with the crew those blew my mind. People kind of suck.
I really want to see Looper but my wife is not sold on it and I don't really have anyone else to go with.
E said:
I really want to see Looper but my wife is not sold on it and I don't really have anyone else to go with.

If you really want to go, go on your own. I do. #NoOneLovesMe #WaitThisIsntTwitter