Comics you haven't read but should

The Sword and Ultra by the Luna Brothers.

Also Umbrella Academy by that guy who sings in the Black Parade band.

This is why I love Houde.

Seriously people, the best thing about the Luna Bros stuff is that although the art may be simplistic at times, it's got all the detail you need and all their work translates so easily into other mediums.

There's a lot of stuff I need to read, but have yet to get to. Just off the top of my head---from my collection:

  • Y the Last Man
  • Pride of Baghdad
  • Fables
  • Preacher
  • Ultimates (Millar's...Not Loeb's)
  • Girls
  • Superman: Birthright (with a few slight tweaks....THIS is what the Superman film reboot NEEDS to be)
Preacher is another I've never read. My library doesn't have that either.

I hate being poor. :(
I only just read Watchmen, and thought it was great.

I then read 'From Hell' - WOW. This book is absolutely transforming!! I'd read a chapter, and then read the 'Cliff's Notes' for each chapter (and I'd recommend that anyone do that, to get the most from each part). As well as being an amazingly seamless weave of fact and speculation, it was like a textbook for 'How to Write a Graphic Novel that even your most Anti-Comic friends Will Think is Fantastic'. Seriously - even the 'snobbiest' reader will admit it transcends the form for them. (I LOVE the form, myself... prefer it even!)

That video a while back still bugs me, but he really is a master of the genre.

Its hard to believe that these works, and V for Vendetta, and LXG, etc, etc, are in the same section at Borders or Barnes and Noble as U3 or Ultimate Power!!

What next? Casanova - I downloaded the first two issuse and loved it, so I stopped there - I'm on the hunt for the TPB now, to support it.

(It reminds me of Umbrella Academy, beyond just the art of Ba, whom I love)

I've heard wonderful things about 'Scalped' also (here, actually. A place I trust!!) Also, maybe Locke and Key?

And Maus - I've had it from our library twice, but haven't started it (that omission is the one of which I'm most ashamed :( )
I'm pretty sure he's read them but now that he's bought them he wants to read them again.

I figured he had. I was just been a prick. After all the thread is Comics you haven't read but should, Not Comics you haven't re-read but should :p
What next? Casanova - I downloaded the first two issuse and loved it, so I stopped there - I'm on the hunt for the TPB now, to support it.

Dude. Best book on the stands. The second volume is just a few issues in, so if you grab Luxuria in trades, you can catch up on the monthlies pretty quickly.
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I figured he had. I was just been a prick. After all the thread is Comics you haven't read but should, Not Comics you haven't re-read but should :p

Ha. I just noticed my faux paus.

I thought this was a "Comics You Should Be Reading (...or Have Read)" thread.

Well played little fat man in a black body stocking that looks exactly like a homemade Venom costume. Well played.
Do you like Umbrella Academy?

Very similar (That's a compliment to both!)
I haven't read Warren Elis's Thunderbolts and i probably should.
I just went on an insane binge and downloaded Starman, Alan Moore's Swamp Thing, Preacher, Transmetropolitan, The Invisibles, Doom Patrol and a bunch of smaller Morrison works like Vimanarama and Kill Your Boyfriend. I'm also in the process of downloading Zenith.

Let's see how many of these things I can get through!

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