Daredevil News

Do you read Daredevil?/Do you want Daredevil in the Ultimate Universe?

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Anyone picking up the "Battling Jack Murdock" mini?

Seems kind of a waste to explore this having just wrapped up DD: Father.
I have no interest at all.

Except that Zeb Wells did a cool Doctor Octopus: Year One thing a few years ago. But he had Kaare Andrews on art then, so that helped.

But yeah, between Father and Daredevil: Yellow and everything, I see NO point to this at all.
I don't think Father explored as much of Jack Murdock as it could have. There's still plenty of story left to tell. You only always get a brief rundown about Matt's dad. Plus I'm hopeing they hold true to the ditty on Maggie they might be doing.

Anything we need to know about Jack Murdock was explained - several times as pointed out by Teh Kalicki - in Father, Man Without Fear, and Yellow.

Don't get me wrong, I'll check it out. But this is about as important as a backstory about Uncle Ben. We know everything that is relevant.
Anything we need to know about Jack Murdock was explained - several times as pointed out by Teh Kalicki - in Father, Man Without Fear, and Yellow.

Don't get me wrong, I'll check it out. But this is about as important as a backstory about Uncle Ben. We know everything that is relevant.

Relevant to Matt Murdock's life. There's still that one thing that make him tick that no one has done yet.
MAX Daredevil series coming from the award winning author Sherman Alexie?!

Lying in the Gutters says so!

I don't think there's anything about Daredevil that particularly lends himself to the MAX line. Seems kinda like an excuse for a writer to put swear words in a super-hero comic.

If any character hasn't shied away from mature storylines, it's Daredevil. Totally superfluous.
I don't think there's anything about Daredevil that particularly lends himself to the MAX line. Seems kinda like an excuse for a writer to put swear words in a super-hero comic.

If any character hasn't shied away from mature storylines, it's Daredevil. Totally superfluous.

Yeah. Daredevil really doesn't gain anything in a MAX book but boobies and swears. I am interested that the guy writing it supposedly has a Forge project in the works too. Forge is awesome.
I don't think there's anything about Daredevil that particularly lends himself to the MAX line. Seems kinda like an excuse for a writer to put swear words in a super-hero comic.

If any character hasn't shied away from mature storylines, it's Daredevil. Totally superfluous.

I agree, but I really like Daredevil and will give them the benefit of the doubt and check it out.
Daredevil: End of Days in continuity?

BENDIS! said:
With an all star team of creators assembled, all that was left was for Bendis and his collaborators to pitch their story of the Man Without Fear's final adventure. "It goes a little further than most of 'The End' stories. And we make it cannon," Bendis explained. "This is in continuity; not too dissimilar to how 'Dark Knight Returns' became continuity through sheer force of will. So we put it out there and everybody jumped."

This actually hurts my interest in the project.
not too dissimilar to how 'Dark Knight Returns' became continuity through sheer force of will

Yup. And thats why in the DCU the cold war is still raging on, Reagan is president, and there are no heroes in the mid 1980s.

I don't understand why it would hurt your interests?

Well, I don't like the idea of someone trying to say that a story about the end of a character is in continuity even though we know the character's going to be around for the foreseeable future. The only way I'd like it is if Daredevil just stopped after, and then I'd be pissed cause I wasn't getting my hornhead fix.

I guess it boils down to Don't say its the last story unless its the last story. And its not.
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