DC: One Year Later discussion (Spoilers!)

Rorschach said:
i'm hoping after the twist ending they can move on to him seeing some action.

Yeah--the twist ending was nice. But it made everything else in the forst 2 issues seem irrelevant. It came outta nowhere.

I have to admit---I'm excited about getting into the DC stuff. But so far aside from Superman, Green Arrow, Checkmate, and Robin....everything seems underwhelming.

Another question I had is do y'all think DC jumped the gun on the OYL stuff? I mean IC isn't even done, but we've got all these OYL comics starring people who are directly involved. I don't know....I think I'm just rambling. This is starting to sound like my Ultimate Galactus thread...
Victor Von Doom said:
Yeah--the twist ending was nice. But it made everything else in the forst 2 issues seem irrelevant. It came outta nowhere.

Another question I had is do y'all think DC jumped the gun on the OYL stuff? I mean IC isn't even done, but we've got all these OYL comics starring people who are directly involved. I don't know....I think I'm just rambling. This is starting to sound like my ...
i agree with both this, the statue of superboy in superman oyl especially. oyl seems to kind of spoil some of IC. already we know many characters who will not die, knew superboy would die, knew just way too much too soon.
I think they should have waited for Infinite Crisis to finish before doing OYL, even if it meant getting writers to do one-shots on the ongoings.
You know what would've been a daring move, but also a very stupid one, commercially speaking?
If DC cancelled EVERY single book they had coming out that was directly affected by OYL/IC (like Flash and Wonder Woman were).
Like Action Comics, Superman, Detective Comics and so on. THEN, when IC#7 came out, we also get a billion restarts (but with their regular numbering).

It would've been stupid, but ballsy.

Anywho, tell me what's going on in Green Arrow. While I like the idea of a Mayor Superhero, GA wouldn't have been my first choice, mainly because he's a total lefty and wouldn't run for any kind of office under the US government.

I still haven't gotten GL and I'm missing reading about Hal so much I've reread the last few issues to make up for it. Fill me in, someone.

Superman is awesome! I'm waiting on 2nd/3rd printings of Batman/DComics and then...Flash and Wonder Woman and JLofA!!!!!
Star City is a Post-Katrina New Orleans double in the DC Universe... The US Government isn't offering as much support as the city needs after being blown up by the Society, since they are concerning themselves with making Bludhaven a livable place after it had Chemo dropped on him. Olver Queen doesn't trust the business mogols who are trying to fix the city in the most profitable way possible, so he takes charge, keeping with him the same liberal agenda that he's had since the early days of his character.

He has no interest in running for Senator or a higher office, he is just concerned with Saving his city.
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Ex Machina is better than Green Arrow.
Ex Machina has also had three trades and then some worth of Superhero/Mayor stuff... versus two singles of Green Arrow as Mayor.

But if you are intrigued in the idea from a "Hero is Mayor" perspective, definitely go look into Ex Machina.
ProjectX2 said:
Ex Machina is better than Green Arrow.
Dr.Strangefate said:
Ex Machina has also had three trades and then some worth of Superhero/Mayor stuff... versus two singles of Green Arrow as Mayor.

But if you are intrigued in the idea from a "Hero is Mayor" perspective, definitely go look into Ex Machina.

Yeah....that's what I hear. I just hate that I gotta now track down these TPBs and get caught up..... :x
Holy crap did you guys read Outsiders 36?
Cap. Boomerang kicks major ***!!!
And I wonder, how can Jay Garrick be in his 30's in Outsiders and still old in JSA? Maybe a clone or something?
So I just finished the Superman/Action Comic "Up, Up and Away" arc. REALLY GREAT!!! In some small way....I wish the "Superman Returns" film had the final battle between Lex and weak Supes this comic had.

I guess with the next arc we can actually start up an official Superman series thread.

Does anyone know whether or not DC is gonna continue running the arcs with Superman and Action Comics together or are they gonna run separate titles?
Completely separate titles.

The 6-part arcs in both Batman/Detective comics, and Superman/Action Comics were to set the stage for the series to jump off from.

Its a starting point, reestablishing a status quo from which the authors can deviate.
Dr.Strangefate said:
Completely separate titles.

The 6-part arcs in both Batman/Detective comics, and Superman/Action Comics were to set the stage for the series to jump off from.

Its a starting point, reestablishing a status quo from which the authors can deviate.

Right. So I've read all the issues for the current Superman arc and I can follow it from there.

But can anyone tell me what issues kicked off/included for Batman/Detective Comics? I wanna get it into it especially with the new team starting it.
"Face the Face" is the opening storyling for the batman titles... I highly reccomend it, it is a very very good story-arc...

It ran from Detective Comics # 817-820, and Batman #651-654

Also: Its 8-part story arcs, not 6.
Dr.Strangefate said:
"Face the Face" is the opening storyling for the batman titles... I highly reccomend it, it is a very very good story-arc...

It ran from Detective Comics # 817-820, and Batman #651-654

Also: Its 8-part story arcs, not 6.
I haven't gotten my comics for the month yet, but I was flipping through the last issue last night. I can't tell you how happy I am over who was behind everything. :D

Go Dan Slott!
Ok....so anyone here reading Supergirl? If so...I am totally lost as to what the hell is going on in the current arc.

I have no clue how they are on Kandor? Why are they masquerading as Flamebird and Nightwing? And so many more questions...

WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON?!?!?!?!?!? :arrgh:
Victor Von Doom said:
Ok....so anyone here reading Supergirl? If so...I am totally lost as to what the hell is going on in the current arc.

I have no clue how they are on Kandor? Why are they masquerading as Flamebird and Nightwing? And so many more questions...

WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON?!?!?!?!?!? :arrgh:
Dude. I have no idea.