Dollhouse - Whedon/Minear/Dushku Back To TV

I haven't watched this since the first episode. Mainly because I wasn't impressed and I figured, if it turned out to be good ala Firefly, I'd just pick up the first season.

Maybe I'll catch up using Hulu.
I wouldn't say no Echo, but limited.


I think the use of Echo is really interesting, and a good way to drive the show forward, but she really needs to be merely one fraction of the ensemble, and by no means the main character of the show.

I bet it moves further and further towards that. Sort of like how The West Wing was supposed to have Rob Lowe as its main character, and they gave up on that halfway through the first season to make him just another one of characters on a big ensemble show.

I am crossing my fingers for that to happen here.

Iiiiiiiiiiinteresting observation. I hope this occurs.

Don't be surprised if they come out and say her Active name is actually November. The actress was originally cast as an active called November that was removed from the original episodes and they created Mellie's character instead, saying "we might see November later in the series".

Are you sure about that? Next weeks episode is the standard "Echo goes to an engagement" episode, but the week after is apparently centred around an accident causing Echo, Victor and Sierra to revert to their original personalities (my guess is another 'Alpha is messing with them' moment) and try to escape from the Dollhouse.

Well, November sucks too. There are some on there that won't work. X-Ray will never be a good name. Michelle, Charlie, and Juliette would've all be fair and above board. NO CHEATING WHEDON. Also, I like that the actress playing Mellie has a bit of a chubby gut. YAY for diversity! I found it amusing when they cut from her to Sierra who I find very unattractive, yet Sierra is meant to be the 'hottie'. Take that stick figure people!

I shall download this episode since everyone says it's good... maybe I'll just stick to the episodes Whedon pens or people say are great until the DVD comes out.

I haven't watched this since the first episode. Mainly because I wasn't impressed and I figured, if it turned out to be good ala Firefly, I'd just pick up the first season.

Maybe I'll catch up using Hulu.

Just watch episode 6. The other five episodes are, "Echo quantum leaps into someone to put right what once was paid for by some douche we don't like. She lies a lot. Nothing is revealed about her character. Ballard gets the tiniest of clues about the Dollhouse. Alpha is mentioned. That is all."
Episode 6 was awesome. I didn't even expect the neighbour to be a sleeper agent and it was great! Ballard was so badass too.

I'll probably skip the next few episodes and watch the one where Alpha shows up.
Episode 7 was good. I think the series is starting to come into it's own now, especially after last week. This week had a lot of backstory for Echo's past and some classic Whedon comedy moments. Topher spending the entire episode in his underwear for example...
I have also decided I want a Drawer of Inappropriate Starches as well.

And now it is confirmed that Mellie was November.
Episode 9 was another good episode. I feel that Dollhouse, once it had gotten past a few standalone "Echo in a new personality" episodes and started building on the story arcs for the show, it had properly become a Whedonverse show. They reveal who the spy in the Dollhouse is (maybe. I'm not sure if it is the same spy who has been contacting Ballard).
Episode 9 was another good episode. I feel that Dollhouse, once it had gotten past a few standalone "Echo in a new personality" episodes and started building on the story arcs for the show, it had properly become a Whedonverse show. They reveal who the spy in the Dollhouse is (maybe. I'm not sure if it is the same spy who has been contacting Ballard).

Yeah, I couldn't figure that out, either.

Yeah. It was confusing and didn't make much sense.

That said, post episode 6, as HBM says, the show is now kicking it up as I always said it would if it became an ensemble show. Oh hell yes.

Ballard's one, small scene in this episode was brilliant. Heart-breaking. DeWitt's use of Victor was an unexpected insight into her character. It's really coming along this show. Getting very impressive.

One thing that does piss me off: Echo. Or rather, Echo's former life. She was an annoyingly naive animal rights activist and a particularly dull character. It's frustrating since she's the Neo of the show and she's very dull and boring both as a doll and not a doll. Victor is far more interesting in both forms. As such, it annoys me she's the chosen one when I'd rather it was Victor or November. Those two are way more interesting than Sierra or Echo. And the new black Doll we saw being recruited is more interesting too. Hopefully, Alpha will be awesome.

According to the Alan Tudyk epsiode synopsis, he plays the creator of the Dollhouse, not Alpha. If he turns out to be playing both, I'll be annoyed it got spoilerized... :/
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I think it has been spoiled. grrr.

I still think that Alpha and Topher will be brothers or related in some way. They both are experts with the Dollhouse tech and they both look very similar. My guess is they created it together.
Right, so this latest episode was iffy. What I don't get is this: why, for 9 episodes straight, has no one ever thought of the Doll imprint as a new life? It's always just memories. An imprint. When they're wiped, it's never thought of as though they've just 'died'. And the imprints are always based on real people. Sometimes old lovers, as in the case of the software billionaire. The difference here is that Margret was aware she's a Doll, but they just chose to do that. This could've easily been a "Echo is imprinted with Margret's memories but thinks she's a relative called Julia" episode.

The whole 'eternal life' thing... I never bought it. The way it's been stated - that was Echo just "pretending" to be Margret. Nothing more. Not eternal life. Because she could've been cloned. There could've been three Margrets.

It's weird. The one show were "soul vs memories" thing could be brought up and it was, in the first episode, kinda dealt with or at least, ignored, and now, at the end of the season, they bring it up and use it as a backdrop for an Agatha Christie episode. Weird.

Also, Dushku looked smoking hot in the gold dress at the end.

And, I'm loving Helo. He's awesome. I think it's hysterical that, once again, his lover is the enemy. I bet Millie turns out to be a Cylon.

It's Boomer all over again!
I am sometimes amazed at my own genius.

I have been calling this since day one - the show works if it's an ensemble show that doesn't revolve around Echo. Every top episode has been such an episode - and this latest episode is no different.

It was brilliant. Very exciting and nerve-wracking from start to finish. And Alpha Tudyk was hysterical. As Alpha, less good, but maybe he'll pull off Alpha a bit better in the next episode.

Can't wait for the next episode!
I am sometimes amazed at my own genius.

I have been calling this since day one - the show works if it's an ensemble show that doesn't revolve around Echo. Every top episode has been such an episode - and this latest episode is no different.

It was brilliant. Very exciting and nerve-wracking from start to finish. And Alpha Tudyk was hysterical. As Alpha, less good, but maybe he'll pull off Alpha a bit better in the next episode.

Can't wait for the next episode!

Well, think about it, Buffy was the same way. It's supposed to revolve around Buffy, but it winds up being an ensemble show.
Only the pilot was! It quickly spread to the others. But not DOLLHOUSE! It took six episodes before it had a non-Echo show. And then it only did one ensemble show prior to this one. :D
As Alpha, less good, but maybe he'll pull off Alpha a bit better in the next episode.

I found him quite damn creepy as Alpha, especially when he started talking about the scars while threatening the doctor, while Victor was rolling around on the floor with a good ol' Joker-smile.
Yeah... not me.

When stepped forward and cut Victor's face it was brilliant. Scary and creepy.

Then, when he held the Doc's head, it was too "You wanna know how I got these scars?" for me. And Tudyk didn't do a Ledger impression, but it felt like there was nothing to do. He wasn't scary.

Then, when he gets with Echo... there's a terrible feeling Alpha's been doing all this just to get some tail, which isn't particularly creepy either. Especially since it seems he picked Echo to be his love just because she looks like someone else. (Echo clearly isn't Alpha's original girl, he's just using her body.)

I trust that Alpha will be more effective, in every way, in the next episode.

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