Dreamcasting: Adaptations #6 - The Legend of Zelda


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Most of your choices are pretty good, especially Brendan Gleeson and Tilda Swinton. Castle-Hughes as Zelda, however, would be enough to make me avoid the movie entirely.

Also, for the record...
Keisha Castle-Hughes. She's a 17-year-old actress that chooses her roles carefully, and is the youngest Academy Award nominee ever (For Whale Rider).

Keisha was like 14 or 15 when she got her nom. Off the top of my head, Abigail Breslin is only 10, and she got nominated this year. Tatum O'Neal won for Paper Moon when she was 10 as well. There are younger ones than her, too. I think Jackie Cooper is the record-holder, he was like 8 years old.
Moony popped his cherry. How was it?
*smokes cigarette*



And yet she decided to get knocked up at age 16. Smart move, Keisha!
The child was immaculately conceived, as part of her research for The Nativity Story.
Keisha was like 14 or 15 when she got her nom. Off the top of my head, Abigail Breslin is only 10, and she got nominated this year. Tatum O'Neal won for Paper Moon when she was 10 as well. There are younger ones than her, too. I think Jackie Cooper is the record-holder, he was like 8 years old.
Damn you, Wikipedia!
That was actually me, but I did do a net search right before I confirmed the post on the 5% chance I was actually wrong about Oscar trivia.:wink:
Actually, I was cursing Wikipedia for providing me with that incorrect information.

I would never doubt your film knowledge.
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Here's a very poor cast I just made.

The Legend of Zelda
WRITTEN BY THE WACHOWSKI SIBLINGS (Larry Wachowski is apparently undergoing a sex change operation and is appearing everywhere dressed like a chick....therefore I cannot call them the Wachoski Bros.)

>Link - Edward Speleers
He was in Eragon. I also considered Zac Efron (from all those silly ******* musicals) and Paul Dano (Little Miss Sunshine).

>Princess Zelda - ????
I figure Zelda's about 10-12, so there's really no point in casting a known actor.

>Ganondorf - Gary Oldman
Ganon is supposed to be the epitome of anger or whatever. I think Oldman (Bram Stoker's Dracula, The Fifth Element) could pull it off easily.


>Biggoron - ????
Um. I've never heard his voice, sooooo....

>Impa - Eva Green
I was tempted to pick Lena Headey. But I'm already sick of her (too much 300).


>Dampé the Gravekeeper - Michael Gambon

>Ruto - Jessica Gower
She plays some chick named Chase in Blade: The Series.

>Happy Mask Salesman - David Dorfman
I added this as a joke, he played the little Jedidiah kid in the 2003 Texas Chainsaw Massacre remake. I saw a pic of 'Happy Mask Salesman,' and he reminded me of him.
First Row - Chris Lowell, Kristen Stewart, Ron Pearlman, Tim Curry
Second Row - Kevin Richardson, Eliza Dushku, Sam Elliot​

First off…lemme premise this by stating that I haven't played a Zelda game since the original NES trilogy. So forgive me if the characterization is off…..

Link Chris Lowell – His role as Piz on Veronica Mars, is the perfect blend of wide-eyed naiveté and the kind of budding courage a young man develops as he grows into a man. To me, that is essentially what Link is. A young man charged with a great role that thru conventional eyes might seem ill-suited…destiny will reveal that he is the only one who could perform such a task. Lowell's boyish smile and deep blue eyes say all that. Was that a little too gay?

Zelda Kristen Stewart – Your standard princess-in-distress. But not quite. While saving Hyrule might be too big a task for one simple young woman, Zelda has always seemed like the kind who can mesmerize the bureaucrats at a formal dinner…and then break out the bow and arrow get down in trenches when she needs to. Stewart embodies this to a T. Her roles as a young woman forced to be strong have given her all the experience she needs to fill this role.

Ganon Ron Pearlman/Tim Curry – We're going old school with this one. With Ganon always taking on new forms, I thought we'd go with Ron Pearlman as the physical role (mixed in with some CGI and bad-*** make-up/costume) and have Tim Curry provide the voice. It's like "Legend"….only newer.

Biggoron Kevin Michael Richardson – this one would obviously have to be all CGI…but vet voice actor Richardson is tasked to bring the giant behemoth to life. And Richardson being a large fellow himself, will have no problem giving the voice the right size for the character.

Impa Eliza Dushku – Warrior.Elf.Chick. Do I really need to explain this one? Slap spme giant elf ears on her and call it a day.

Dampe Sam Elliott – Although I worry that his heavy country accent might take away from the character…Elliott has plenty of skill to portray this cryptic character.
First Row - Chris Lowell, Kristen Stewart, Ron Pearlman, Tim Curry
Second Row - Kevin Richardson, Eliza Dushku, Sam Elliot​

First off…lemme premise this by stating that I haven't played a Zelda game since the original NES trilogy. So forgive me if the characterization is off…..

Link Chris Lowell – His role as Piz on Veronica Mars, is the perfect blend of wide-eyed naiveté and the kind of budding courage a young man develops as he grows into a man. To me, that is essentially what Link is. A young man charged with a great role that thru conventional eyes might seem ill-suited…destiny will reveal that he is the only one who could perform such a task. Lowell's boyish smile and deep blue eyes say all that. Was that a little too gay?

Zelda Kristen Stewart – Your standard princess-in-distress. But not quite. While saving Hyrule might be too big a task for one simple young woman, Zelda has always seemed like the kind who can mesmerize the bureaucrats at a formal dinner…and then break out the bow and arrow get down in trenches when she needs to. Stewart embodies this to a T. Her roles as a young woman forced to be strong have given her all the experience she needs to fill this role.

Ganon Ron Pearlman/Tim Curry – We're going old school with this one. With Ganon always taking on new forms, I thought we'd go with Ron Pearlman as the physical role (mixed in with some CGI and bad-*** make-up/costume) and have Tim Curry provide the voice. It's like "Legend"….only newer.

Biggoron Kevin Michael Richardson – this one would obviously have to be all CGI…but vet voice actor Richardson is tasked to bring the giant behemoth to life. And Richardson being a large fellow himself, will have no problem giving the voice the right size for the character.

Impa Eliza Dushku – Warrior.Elf.Chick. Do I really need to explain this one? Slap spme giant elf ears on her and call it a day.

Dampe Sam Elliott – Although I worry that his heavy country accent might take away from the character…Elliott has plenty of skill to portray this cryptic character.
This has convinced me.

Doom's the best.
This is one of the few projects I've cast where I wasnt familiar with the property.

Normally for movies and comics I can go rent them or head to bookstore to read a TPB or 2 to get a feel for the characters.

I'm currently working on my Captain America cast and should have it up by today or tomorrow.
This is one of the few projects I've cast where I wasnt familiar with the property.

Normally for movies and comics I can go rent them or head to bookstore to read a TPB or 2 to get a feel for the characters.

I'm currently working on my Captain America cast and should have it up by today or tomorrow.

It was really good. I find it interesting though that everyone has these older actors in mind for Ganondorf when he's supposed to be in his twenties or thirties. But since you didn't play Ocarina you didn't know so oh well. The Curry/Perleman combo is good. Even if I think Perleman's voice would be better for Ganondorf.
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Ron Perlman should do everything Ganondorf. Even the voice.
I've not looked at the other entries, so there may be overlap.


The screen is filled with a lush green plain of grass lit by a gorgeous sun. No horizon, no sky. Just green grass filling the frame. A slow, melodic piano has chords nonchalantly hammered, resonating with a loud tranquillity.

And then it speeds up. The hammering more intense. The grass burns red, darkens into ash. The view changes, moves – the sea is visible; and it boils. The sky ripples, snuffing out suns one by one. Distant screams, distant sacking, distant war, and, blurred and out of focus, a green-clothed man, drops onto the scorched land, and after him, closer, sharply in focus, thundering firmly into the ground and remaining defiant – a hero's sword, followed by a small triangular jewel. A monstrous arm reaches down, picks it up, and their footsteps and their satisfaction echoes as they leave triumphant. Rising; the theme tune to THE LEGEND OF ZELDA.

Like many other films, THE LEGEND OF ZELDA is essentially a "save the princess" story. It would have a similar pacing and form of STAR WARS, INDIANA JONES AND THE RAIDERS OF THE LOST ARK, THE ROCKETEER, and others. While it would have similarities to PRINCESS MONONOKE and THE LORD OF THE RINGS, it would behove the film to not appear too much like them. To that end, a primary function of the Link character, unlike other protagonists who use might and weapons to resolve their troubles, Link would fail whenever he'd try to fight anyone. To him, every situation is a puzzle to be solved, and in that gamecraft, the film would hopefully find a unique identity. It would also juxtapose, continuously, the beauty of the idealised world and the current desolate world that Gannon has created. In fact, Hyrule would be truly post-apocalyptic in a variety of terrifying ways. Lava is more commonplace than lava. When it turns to night, there is no moon, no stars, and the sun is so hot that fields burn. I'm thinking of the horrific worlds in fiction like THE FIST OF THE NORTH STAR. The purpose is, with a background so harsh, the smallest levity would shine like a diamond, and would better set up the hope that is so key to the basic story. Basically, anything to make people realise Link is a young kid, and not Frodo.

Link – Haley Joel Osmet
Link is young in the film, and a scavenger. He's continuously bullied, but unlike Harry Potter or what not, Link is actually responsible for his own bullying. He's mischevious because he's incredibly bored. He's a prankster, and he has the slimmest of memories of what the world was like before Ganon, which we'd see in very small flashes, much like Deckard's dreams in BLADE RUNNER. He at first, laps up the chance to be involved in an adventure, but he soon wants to give up when the darkness of the world, creeps up on him. Link is a young kid who wants to be a hero – and ends up (think about this) weeks travel away from his home surrounded by monsters and no way out. Link wants to give up, and again, this temptation to give up is met by a vindictiveness in him. Osmet in THE SIXTH SENSE was amazing, able to go from light to dark in a single beat. He's perfect for Link.

Princess Zelda – my lack of knowledge screws me
I like the idea that Zelda is not a Caucasian woman. I prefer her being asian or even african. My thinking is that Zelda, much like the golden age of Hyrule, would be something rather intangible. We'd never really fully see Zelda. Just bits and pieces of her, in the same way you never see the alien in ALIEN, yet you know everything about it. Zelda would be this mysterious figure who speaks an ancient language no one knows, a language meant for queens. She'd be distant and solemn, yet very present and inspiring. She'd not be in fights, rather a treasure. Sadly, I can't think of an actress who'd fit this because I sorely lack in knowledge in this area. To give an indication of solemn power, here's a pic of Zhang Ziyi, who isn't what I'm after, but close enough for now.

Ganondorf – John Goodman
I'm sure someone must've done this, maybe not, I dunno, but I think he'd be amazing. He'd loom over Osmet, be a brute, and yet, be incredibly engaging. I think, Goodman in costume, one look, and you'd get immediately how this man destroyed a world.

Sadly, I don't know enough about THE LEGEND OF ZELDA to begin casting Biggoron, Impa, and Dampe, so my cast will have to end here.
Slap VVD's cast at the end of Bass' introduction, and you've got a shot at making THE definitive all-time classic fantasy movie.

(the only reason this would be more definitive than LOTR is because it has the "save the princess" angle.... seriously though, this sounds like a combo of LOTR and the Neverending Story, and that is so awesome I could cry)
So does that mean that the round is closed and it's time to vote?

Whoa, completely forgot. Yep, if a mod could please lock this and slap an anonymus poll on it that'd be great. I'd do it via PM but my box is currently 98% full and it'll be a while before I can clear it at all.

The choices are Mole, bluebeast, Moony, Langsta, VVD and Bass.
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