Enough Ultimate titles?

An Ultimate Daredevil series? Eh? I can see it now...

DD: Hey everyone, look at me in my fancy red tights, with my pointy little horns and cute little booties, smacking all those pathetic crooks in the jaw with my trusty billy club. Don't I look and act exactly like every other incarnation of Daredevil that was ever created?

Foggy: I think 'created' is actually the wrong term Matt, considering you're exactly the same no matter what universe you're in. But then, I'm just the comedy relief, so what do I know?

Elektra: Hey, I'm really boring.

Foggy: Yeah but the requisite love interest has to be boring and completely devoid of any personality. It's like the unwritten rule of comics.

Wolverine: Hey, let's have a superpowered misunderstanding and fight until one of us realises we're running out of pages and apologises!

DD: Shut up and stop sticking your face in every magazine Marvel publishes you over commercialised hairy midget.


Wolverine: Ow. Why is it that every one of you guys always uses those godamn little sticks. I mean, are you actually so camp that you'd use a weapon called billy clubs? Why don't you take a sword or something?

DD: My billy clubs are a multi tool that allow not only to combat evil, but increase me...hey! There's some ninjas! Let's put this misunderstanding behind us and team up for a bloody battle with these deadly (read: entirely inept) ninjas!

Wolverine: Alright.

Elektra: I'll just stand here and look all moody and deadly.


No Ultimate Daredevil please, everyone who knows anything about the Marvel Universe knows that the next logical series that needs creating is Ultimate Rom.
Fuzzy Birds said:
An Ultimate Daredevil series? Eh? I can see it now...

DD: Hey everyone, look at me in my fancy red tights, with my pointy little horns and cute little booties, smacking all those pathetic crooks in the jaw with my trusty billy club. Don't I look and act exactly like every other incarnation of Daredevil that was ever created?

Foggy: I think 'created' is actually the wrong term Matt, considering you're exactly the same no matter what universe you're in. But then, I'm just the comedy relief, so what do I know?

Elektra: Hey, I'm really boring.

Foggy: Yeah but the requisite love interest has to be boring and completely devoid of any personality. It's like the unwritten rule of comics.

Wolverine: Hey, let's have a superpowered misunderstanding and fight until one of us realises we're running out of pages and apologises!

DD: Shut up and stop sticking your face in every magazine Marvel publishes you over commercialised hairy midget.


Wolverine: Ow. Why is it that every one of you guys always uses those godamn little sticks. I mean, are you actually so camp that you'd use a weapon called billy clubs? Why don't you take a sword or something?

DD: My billy clubs are a multi tool that allow not only to combat evil, but increase me...hey! There's some ninjas! Let's put this misunderstanding behind us and team up for a bloody battle with these deadly (read: entirely inept) ninjas!

Wolverine: Alright.

Elektra: I'll just stand here and look all moody and deadly.


No Ultimate Daredevil please, everyone who knows anything about the Marvel Universe knows that the next logical series that needs creating is Ultimate Rom.

Fuzzy Birds said:
No Ultimate Daredevil please, everyone who knows anything about the Marvel Universe knows that the next logical series that needs creating is Ultimate Rom.
Rom? Hah, I still prefer Ultimate Conan. Because you know, Robert Howard's loincloth wearing barbarian just BEGS to be recontextualized within a superhuman zeitgeist.
ourchair said:
Rom? Hah, I still prefer Ultimate Conan. Because you know, Robert Howard's loincloth wearing barbarian just BEGS to be recontextualized within a superhuman zeitgeist.

Get Bendis to handle it -- complete with ravagings and butt-sex, POWERS/"Forever" style.

Or Ultimate Conan might be the singer for a metal band:

Mmmmm.... Ultimate Space Knight.

In all seriousness, I would like to see a return of an Ultimate Marvel Team-Up style title. Hear me out people. I'm talking a monthly title ment to expand the Ultimate Universe, not for expansions sake but for the exploration of ideas and characters that don't quite fit into the regular monthlies. There coul be an arc on Banner, his time in Pittsburgh, and his building frustrations on the impotence of his scientific mettle. One on SHIELD and how it's responding to the emergence of metahumans as a power in thier own right, individuals who need more attention than some nations. One on the average person, and how thier life has been impacted by the massive changes at hand. And yes, one on Daredevil and the newly emerging field of Superhuman Law (Thank you SHe-Hulk). You could do it doublesized monthly, with rotating artists to avoid the chronic delays, using a small stable of established writers to ensure quality and cohesion within the universe, with any introductions being cleared through the monthlys to prevent UMTU syndrome.


EDIT: ....good god did this thread change while I was typing this up..... I'm now I'm a bit nervous about that copy of Powers: Forever I'e got coming in next week....
That sounds almost exactly like what I was thinking about Baxter old boy.

UMTU, but without Spidey in every issue, and without amateur artists. Three or four issue arcs focusing mostly on origins. But then, the universe might expand too quickly. :shock:
Fuzzy Birds said:
No Ultimate Daredevil please, everyone who knows anything about the Marvel Universe knows that the next logical series that needs creating is Ultimate Rom.

If Andy Diggle were not DC-exclusive at the moment, I bet he could produce a legitimately interesting Ultimate Rom, by mixing the political intrigue from Vertigo's The Losers with the sense of galactic wonder that he brings to the current Adam Strange title.

Or even Warren Ellis, paired up with Tony Harris (of Ex Machina, and the critically-acclaimed James Robinson issues of Starman). Anybody who's read Orbiter or Ministry of Space knows that Ellis can handle the space-exploration themes in a credible way. Combine that with the glorious alien civilizations he dreamed up in the second volume of Planetary, and you've got a potentially interesting take on Ultimate Rom.
ourchair said:
The thing is, the only way to really justify Ultimatizing the Knights corner of the universe is for it to be different from BOTH the 616 Knights and the existing cornerstones of Ultimate continuity (Ultimate Fantastic Four = science fiction approach, The Ultimates = geopolitical commentary, Ultimate X-Men = sociopoltical/sociocultural exploration and Ultimate Spider-Man = teenage drama).
I've always seen it like that. You're missing the best dynamic though.

ourchair said:
There's an idea compound suggested, but I doubt MwoF is going to like it. At all. We'll probably never hear the end of it if I even post it.
Bring it.

ourchair said:
An Ultimate Daredevil series? Eh? I can see it now...

DD: Hey everyone, look at me in my fancy red tights, with my pointy little horns and cute little booties, smacking all those pathetic crooks in the jaw with my trusty billy club. Don't I look and act exactly like every other incarnation of Daredevil that was ever created?

Foggy: I think 'created' is actually the wrong term Matt, considering you're exactly the same no matter what universe you're in. But then, I'm just the comedy relief, so what do I know?

Elektra: Hey, I'm really boring.

Foggy: Yeah but the requisite love interest has to be boring and completely devoid of any personality. It's like the unwritten rule of comics.

Wolverine: Hey, let's have a superpowered misunderstanding and fight until one of us realises we're running out of pages and apologises!

DD: Shut up and stop sticking your face in every magazine Marvel publishes you over commercialised hairy midget.


Wolverine: Ow. Why is it that every one of you guys always uses those godamn little sticks. I mean, are you actually so camp that you'd use a weapon called billy clubs? Why don't you take a sword or something?

DD: My billy clubs are a multi tool that allow not only to combat evil, but increase me...hey! There's some ninjas! Let's put this misunderstanding behind us and team up for a bloody battle with these deadly (read: entirely inept) ninjas!

Wolverine: Alright.

Elektra: I'll just stand here and look all moody and deadly.
That was funny but not how it'd go down. I do agree about Foggy though he should've been changed.

As for the rest. I do wish some of you would stop acting like you actually knew what you were talking about. Most of you don't even read 616 Daredevil and have no idea what he'd be like or is like. So? Where are your grounds for this argument?

Ultimate Daredevil is going to happen eventually. MK: Daredevil's run is too good right now to throw the character another "main" title that might take away from it. The Daredevil movie/Elektra movie didn't do so hott so Marvel is waiting for the bad taste in everyone's mouth to go away. If you read the team-ups you know how good both Daredevil and Punisher would be. The Ultimate Universe is missing one big dynamic and that lies within those two characters and eventually they're gonna use them over Vampires and Demons with flaming skulls.

Again, if you don't give Daredevil a chance in the first place, then don't comment about it. This obviously doesn't include OC and Baxter, I dunno who else even reads it but I Definitely know the ones who don't. And I can say this because I dip my hands in a good deal of all the other fantasy titles. So if you don't read Daredevil and you don't want it because then you'd feel you'd be forced to pick up another title just say you're not interested. Don't be like "well the Ultimate Universe was created because"..... Yeah, all right, The UU was created to make money end of story because with the success of the movies they knew it'd work.
Fuzzy Birds said:
That sounds almost exactly like what I was thinking about Baxter old boy.

UMTU, but without Spidey in every issue, and without amateur artists. Three or four issue arcs focusing mostly on origins. But then, the universe might expand too quickly. :shock:
I do my best work when I'm sleep deprived.

One of the points in my idea is a built in prevention against overexpansion with the slice of life issues. Anytime the series seems like it would be outpacing the monthlies we could look into Camp X in Guantanimo Bay for a 4 issue prison story, or have a one shot following a day in the life of samuel l jack... err, Nick Fury.
Ouch. If you looked at my post closely you might have noticed an ever so subtle underlying hint of humour.

And I take pride in acting like I have no idea what I'm talking about. You're right, I don't read any ongoing DD titles, and that's because I personally find him to be uninteresting. Although I saw a lot of potential in a UU version, I was dissapointed when he was basically carried over.

Hey, at least I didn't just write 'daredevil sux and shudn't get his own comic becos he smells of poo'.

One mans medicine is another mans poison and all that.
TheManWithoutFear said:
I've always seen it like that. You're missing the best dynamic though.

Bring it.

That was funny but not how it'd go down. I do agree about Foggy though he should've been changed.

As for the rest. I do wish some of you would stop acting like you actually knew what you were talking about. Most of you don't even read 616 Daredevil and have no idea what he'd be like or is like. So? Where are your grounds for this argument?

Ultimate Daredevil is going to happen eventually. MK: Daredevil's run is too good right now to throw the character another "main" title that might take away from it. The Daredevil movie/Elektra movie didn't do so hott so Marvel is waiting for the bad taste in everyone's mouth to go away. If you read the team-ups you know how good both Daredevil and Punisher would be. The Ultimate Universe is missing one big dynamic and that lies within those two characters and eventually they're gonna use them over Vampires and Demons with flaming skulls.

Again, if you don't give Daredevil a chance in the first place, then don't comment about it. This obviously doesn't include OC and Baxter, I dunno who else even reads it but I Definitely know the ones who don't. And I can say this because I dip my hands in a good deal of all the other fantasy titles. So if you don't read Daredevil and you don't want it because then you'd feel you'd be forced to pick up another title just say you're not interested. Don't be like "well the Ultimate Universe was created because"..... Yeah, all right, The UU was created to make money end of story because with the success of the movies they knew it'd work.

That is so true. Remember who people were Bi***in' about Ultimate Marvel and how it was going to tank and people hated it at first. Look it at it now. DC is bascially doing the same thing. Daredevil is one of the most complex character there is out their. Yes Foggy is kinda lame. But Matt's story is one of the great classic stories. DAREDEVIL should get his title

ps. I'll give you the ELEKTRA movie, that blew so bad. I liked Daredevil.
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Fuzzy Birds said:
Ouch. If you looked at my post closely you might have noticed an ever so subtle underlying hint of humour.

Oh, Cmon I even said your post was funny. Don't go and make it look like I was attacking you, man. I'm not "offended" by the fact people don't like DD, Just a wee bit annoyed that he doesn't get respect from those who've never encountered him.

Fuzzy Birds said:
And I take pride in acting like I have no idea what I'm talking about. You're right, I don't read any ongoing DD titles, and that's because I personally find him to be uninteresting. Although I saw a lot of potential in a UU version, I was dissapointed when he was basically carried over.

At least you admit to it.
I still don't think he deserves more than minis.

So, before the title of this thread gets changed to "MWoF hijacks another thread to talk about daredevil", who else needs to be addressed in a mini or otherwise?
Well aside from Daredevil . I would say THOR, HULK, CAPTAIN AMERICA and WOLVERINE.
Guijllons said:
I still don't think he deserves more than minis.

So, before the title of this thread gets changed to "MWoF hijacks another thread to talk about daredevil", who else needs to be addressed in a mini or otherwise?

Christ! :roll:

Does anyone see the pattern that whenever a thread is brought up about more Ultimate Titles, Daredevil is always the topic of conversation. Go ahead and blame it on me all you want but I didn't start it this time (or a few other times in the past). It's easy to pick on the guy with the username MWoF. If you look at other boards it's the same thing. People say Daredevil and Punisher and if they don't use those two mainstream characters they bring up obscure characters that are so far fetch'd it's laughable, which is why they say them... as a joke. But Daredevil and Punisher most people think would work because they're darker characters, which people around here think the Ultimate Universe is fine without right now. They're not, as I said before, unrealistic with the use of fantasy elements like Vampires, Demons, Moon Statues, Magic, or what have you.

I believe E. Is one of the guys who'd rather not have Daredevil but at least he admits it's going to come eventually. Daredevil's made enough appearances that his origin and the rest of his story is going to be told in full at one point. So again I say, after what marvel considers the failures of the two movies* and the feeling of those films have passed and after Bendis' incredible run on the MK title is over, they're going to bring Daredevil into the Ultimate Universe. I think someone brought up an interesting point when they said that Miller's Daredevil was tainted by following writers, and most fans would agree too. There's your proof of what about Daredevil's history needs to be fixed and what will probably happen they'll jump from basic Frank Millar to Bendis' Daredevil (Probably some Nocenti bits added too) and that's how Ultimate Daredevil will be with some slight changes.

*Speaking of Marvel's comments that Daredevil 2 is on hold because of Elektra I want you to think back to a time I said Elektra was holding Daredevil back. I rest my case.

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