E said:
Funny you should bring this into this thread... A lot of "emo" bands have taken a lot from Fight Club. A band, named Forgive Durden, not only borrows the lead character's name, but, in one of their songs, you can hear Brad Pitt say, "I want you to hit me as hard as you can". Taking Back Sunday based the video for "Cute Without the 'E' (Cut from the team)" on the movie, too. I can think of other bands, too, like Emery, I am Jack's Broken Heart, Panic! at the Disco and Midtown who also reference Fight Club. With all of this going on, you would think Fight Club perpetuated the emo trend.
I'm actually going to make time to read the book. If you've ever read anything from the auther, Chuck Poloniuk (Spelling?), he's fantastic. For those who have strong stomachs, I urge you to try "Guts", a short story about the dos and don't's of masturbation... E, I'm putting that nicely, too. Just see for yourself. Seriously, he's the only author that can make me physically react to what I'm reading... I'm almost threw up reading "Guts" and that means it was good. I saw if anything out of the bounds of reality can touch you, it's been successful. Fight Club was a successful movie in that respect.
I have a few questions, though... In the end, does Tyler Durden (Edward Norton) die with Marla? I thought their building was going to blow up, too. Also, was his neck just blown to pieces at the end? He survived THAT?