Scarlett and Duke just killed three guys really quite ruthlessly indeed. I immediately noticed the difference in tone. It wasn't kiddy anymore. Fine.
Then, three Cobra people shoot at them in an OPEN CORRIDOR with automatic weapons and miss them. Bull****.
And then Zartan shows up and gives them plenty of time to avoid his gunishment. Bull****.
This is why it's not always a good idea to 'mature' children properties. You can look ridiculous. How did Gung Ho and Roadblock not hit either Destro or Baroness? Or vice-versa?
And I didn't enjoy the Snakeeyes-Stormshadow thing. I liked not knowing. I know too much about them. They're uninteresting. And I can't stand the "villain's motivation" speech Ellis always has to give his villains.
AND... Zartan's death was ****.
AND! Destro's accent was crap.
That said, the "Him! Not you! You're a big jerk" was a good line. I liked Tunnel Rat a great deal. The plot and the pacing was good, as was the animation, and the tone of the entire thing.
I'm assuming that the G in GI JOE stands for... GLOBAL FREQUENCY. This makes me very happy.
Also, I can't look at Beachhead without thinking of Ask a Ninja.