I'm interested. I want to see how they get out of this.
There hasn't been much in terms of worthwhile Ultimate related tales lately outside of USM. I'm hoping it'll blow my mind, but I'm kind of expecting it to just be an excuse to introduce more Ultimate versions of 616 characters who we'll barely ever see afterwards, and ending with a shameless deus ex machina finale. God I sound so cynical fanboy. Sorry.
This must be how they end the Ultimate Universe, right?
That's what some people are thinking. Miles Morales will move to the regular Marvel U and join that mostly black Avengers team, and they'll blow up the Ultimate line.
I'm glad if this is the case. Everything except USM the past couple years has been at best completely forgettable, and at worst really, really bad.
You're not serious are you? Why wouldn't they just cancel the ultimate books and let Bendis continue Ultimate Spider-Man as is? Don't transport him to the 616 universe.
That's what some people seem to be thinking, yeah. As for why -- I don't know. You know Marvel; it has to be an event. They can't just do things quietly.
I wonder if the second Spider-Men series will be related to this in some way.
I wonder if the second Spider-Men series will be related to this in some way.
The sequel to Spider-Men that will be out in the future.Which second Spider-Man series are we talking about?
That's what some people seem to be thinking, yeah. As for why -- I don't know. You know Marvel; it has to be an event. They can't just do things quietly.
I wonder if the second Spider-Men series will be related to this in some way.
Given the end of AoU I wouldn't be surprised if Spider-Men 2 is Crisis on Infinite Spider-Men.
Though watcher's suggestion sounds reasonable too. I think chances are decent that Superior Spider-Man (and maybe Spider-Men 2) is being used to set up Miles as the mainstream Spidey. We know Doc-Spidey will be on the Mighty Avengers in a somewhat antagonistic role and the going rumor is that Miles will be on the team as well. Miles comes to 616, butts heads with Ock-Spidey, becomes suspicious when he realizes this guy isn't acting like the man he admires, and helps Pete get his body back. With Pete's life ruined by Ock, Miles takes over the role and Pete serves as a mentor.
We know Doc-Spidey will be on the Mighty Avengers in a somewhat antagonistic role and the going rumor is that Miles will be on the team as well.
I'm not up to speed on this - do we know for sure that Doc Spidey will be the Spider-Man on the team? Because some of the comments I've read elsewhere indicated that it wasn't explicitly stated and that's the reason they are thinking it's actually Miles.
Doc-Spidey is definitely showing up. The writer has talked in at least one interview that Doc will see the Avengers as muscling in on his turf and more or less bully himself on to it, and serve in something of an antagonistic role.
The Miles thing is rumored because, apart from the announced team (which includes Superior Spidey), the solicitations mention "a kid in a baggy spider-man costume" or something to that effect.
And what are you talking about DiB? Marvel us putting out a handful of great books.
There's also a rumor of a new writer for UXM next year since part of that rumor is that Wood is leaving the title at the end of this year.