New Questions Answered by Robert Kirkman - Updated with More Answers!!
Thought you guys would be interested in this:
1)First, why the hell would a terrorist group like the Brotherhood break in some prom for no reason at all?? I mean, I know that there's something to do with the Magician powers, but a little explanation in this arc would be welcome.
This will all be revealed soon. Issues 66-74 are all one, mega-arc with two different artists. Answers to come, don't worry.
2)I'd also love to see more personality in Madrox and Mastermind, but I don't think I'll get that anytime soon now that the fight is over.
Maybe that wasn't really them.
3)Also, about the Magician: I hate him. I know it's all going somewhere. Everything is happening for a reason. I just can't wait to see this storyline finished and see the Magician packing so we can kick off the Cable arc, really.
You'll like where things are going starting with issue 75.
4)But the thing that most bugged me in this arc was the fact that Jean told Lilandra that her parents don't care about her at all. Well, in Ultimate War, Jean's father sounds like her best friend, so I just don't get it. Was that a continuity error or was something Phoenix was saying and not Jean?
I believe Jean was abandoned by her parents and sent to an asylum. After which, her uncle adopted her. No continuity error there.
5)PLEASE give Kitty and Nightcrawler some spotlight! I know the cast is big, but having someone say "Kitty is with Spider-Man" every arc is makind me kinda mad.
Nightcrawler is the focus of the annual. Kitty has been in Ultimate Spider-Man so much I figured it'd be okay if she took a back seat for a little while. That will change soon as well.
6)Another thing. They said in the letters page that the Annual would deal with Rogue/Gambit. But now the solicitations say it will deal with Dazzler. What changed?
It's quite possible that the Annual deals with BOTH.
Peace out!
Feel free to ask more questions to him.
I just hope this whole Magician arc conclusion will be good and tie all the lose ends.
New Questions Answered:
1) How many parts will the Cable arc have?
Four but it is the catalyst for the next year or so of the book. It leads to big stuff.
2) Will the team line-up change in the short future? I hope not. I like this team big.
Everything will be changing very soon.
3)Rogue/Gambit plot. Will it be resolved in the next months or will it be a continuous plot for a long time?
Buy the Annual.
4)Magneto/Longshot situation. Now that you're in for the long run, any chance you'll touch on this subject?
Of course... but not for a while.
5)Spider-Man in this book interacting with the cast. Will it happen?
No plans right now, but I'd like to do that.
6)Logan/Jean tension? Logan/Colossus friendship? More Logan/Rogue?
Yes. Yes. Yes.
7) I hope Dazzler wakes up and tells Kurt he's an homophobic jerk. If I remember correctly, she was shocked by Kurt's reaction about Colossus in the Longshot arc.
Buy the annual.
One more question answered:
Hey Mr. Kirkman, do you have any plans to address the Apocolypse plotline that Vaughn left hanging out there. Him being a favorite villian of mine I was hoping for big things. Thanks
I will be touching on everything set up in Ultimate X-Men so far. No stone will be left unturned.
Thought you guys would be interested in this:
1)First, why the hell would a terrorist group like the Brotherhood break in some prom for no reason at all?? I mean, I know that there's something to do with the Magician powers, but a little explanation in this arc would be welcome.
This will all be revealed soon. Issues 66-74 are all one, mega-arc with two different artists. Answers to come, don't worry.
2)I'd also love to see more personality in Madrox and Mastermind, but I don't think I'll get that anytime soon now that the fight is over.
Maybe that wasn't really them.
3)Also, about the Magician: I hate him. I know it's all going somewhere. Everything is happening for a reason. I just can't wait to see this storyline finished and see the Magician packing so we can kick off the Cable arc, really.
You'll like where things are going starting with issue 75.
4)But the thing that most bugged me in this arc was the fact that Jean told Lilandra that her parents don't care about her at all. Well, in Ultimate War, Jean's father sounds like her best friend, so I just don't get it. Was that a continuity error or was something Phoenix was saying and not Jean?
I believe Jean was abandoned by her parents and sent to an asylum. After which, her uncle adopted her. No continuity error there.
5)PLEASE give Kitty and Nightcrawler some spotlight! I know the cast is big, but having someone say "Kitty is with Spider-Man" every arc is makind me kinda mad.
Nightcrawler is the focus of the annual. Kitty has been in Ultimate Spider-Man so much I figured it'd be okay if she took a back seat for a little while. That will change soon as well.
6)Another thing. They said in the letters page that the Annual would deal with Rogue/Gambit. But now the solicitations say it will deal with Dazzler. What changed?
It's quite possible that the Annual deals with BOTH.
Peace out!
Feel free to ask more questions to him.
I just hope this whole Magician arc conclusion will be good and tie all the lose ends.
New Questions Answered:
1) How many parts will the Cable arc have?
Four but it is the catalyst for the next year or so of the book. It leads to big stuff.
2) Will the team line-up change in the short future? I hope not. I like this team big.
Everything will be changing very soon.
3)Rogue/Gambit plot. Will it be resolved in the next months or will it be a continuous plot for a long time?
Buy the Annual.
4)Magneto/Longshot situation. Now that you're in for the long run, any chance you'll touch on this subject?
Of course... but not for a while.
5)Spider-Man in this book interacting with the cast. Will it happen?
No plans right now, but I'd like to do that.
6)Logan/Jean tension? Logan/Colossus friendship? More Logan/Rogue?
Yes. Yes. Yes.
7) I hope Dazzler wakes up and tells Kurt he's an homophobic jerk. If I remember correctly, she was shocked by Kurt's reaction about Colossus in the Longshot arc.
Buy the annual.
One more question answered:
Hey Mr. Kirkman, do you have any plans to address the Apocolypse plotline that Vaughn left hanging out there. Him being a favorite villian of mine I was hoping for big things. Thanks
I will be touching on everything set up in Ultimate X-Men so far. No stone will be left unturned.
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