Re: PrisonBreak *Spoilers*

Um... just making sure guys... you saw my post two pages back right? It has the official night and time for when it returns. (Except for the date.)
Re: PrisonBreak *Spoilers*

ultimatedjf said:
Um... just making sure guys... you saw my post two pages back right? It has the official night and time for when it returns. (Except for the date.)
Yes, it was seen. Still on Mondays, new time at 8pm, right before 24, for an "Action pact" night.
Re: PrisonBreak *Spoilers*

Okay, guys, here is a spoiler-filled summary for the next episode. NOTE: Do not read it unless you wish to know the outcome of the cliffhanger:

Episode 1.14 - The Rat: A CO and his supervisor notice that the utility room's frosted glass door has been broken. They do some investigation and find two pieces of broken pipe. Nick and Veronica ask a judge to grant a stay of execution for Lincoln. In the meeting, there is also a man named Peter Tucci who presides over Respondent's table (aka makes it his mandate to destroy Nick and Veronica's case). Sucre and T-Bag face off during rec time. Sucre is sick and gets a guard's sympathy. Lincoln demands to see Michael but Stolte denies it. Warden Pope and Bellick also appear.
Re: PrisonBreak *Spoilers*

Aeroth said:
Okay, guys, here is a spoiler-filled summary for the next episode. NOTE: Do not read it unless you wish to know the outcome of the cliffhanger:

Episode 1.14 - The Rat: A CO and his supervisor notice that the utility room's frosted glass door has been broken. They do some investigation and find two pieces of broken pipe. Nick and Veronica ask a judge to grant a stay of execution for Lincoln. In the meeting, there is also a man named Peter Tucci who presides over Respondent's table (aka makes it his mandate to destroy Nick and Veronica's case). Sucre and T-Bag face off during rec time. Sucre is sick and gets a guard's sympathy. Lincoln demands to see Michael but Stolte denies it. Warden Pope and Bellick also appear.

Interesting...looking forward to we have to wait until March, huh? Oh's looking forward to more new Lost episodes in the meantime!
Re: PrisonBreak *Spoilers*

Here's the summary for the episode after the next. Once again, there are did-they-break-out-or-not spoilers:

12/26 - Episode 1.15 - By The Skin and The Teeth: Manche Sanchez, one of C-Note's cousins, ends up in prison. It seems that something happened to a doctor and that they made an oath not to talk about it. This gives C-Note the upper hand to get Manche to find an object for him. Manche does laundry duty in prison. He has some explaining to do when T-Bag's uniform has a hole in it. Bellick visits the Prison Psych Ward. Veronica, Nick and Tucci (from episode 1.14) meet with Dr. Wasserman, a County Forensic Expert, where they get autopsy results of a woman. Veronica doesn't believe the results. Michael and Sucre also appear.
Re: PrisonBreak *Spoilers*

I have a question. How did he sneak the credit card past the guards after the congical visit?
Re: PrisonBreak *Spoilers*

Random said:
I have a question. How did he sneak the credit card past the guards after the congical visit?
They don't say how, but you probably don't want to know how.
Re: PrisonBreak *Spoilers*

Random said:
I have a question. How did he sneak the credit card past the guards after the congical visit?
I thought it was on the inside of the back cover of a book.
Re: PrisonBreak *Spoilers*

The commercial for the return of Prison Break has been looking cool. Only little over a month to go.
Re: PrisonBreak *Spoilers*

Taking a cue from ABC, Prison Break will air a recap episode on March 13th, one week before it's scheduled to return. Mondays at 8, I believe. :D
Re: PrisonBreak *Spoilers*

TheManWithoutFear said:
Didn't HBO do it first?

I don't know, I don't get the channel but I'm just referencing the fact that in the first 1.5 seasons of Lost and Desperate Housewives, there've been a combined number of like five recap episodes! :)
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Re: PrisonBreak *Spoilers*

Victor Von Doom said:
24 and PrisonBreak in the same night?!?!?! I'll have the defilbrilator on hand.
So first we will hate government agents, then we would love government agent? MAKE UP YOUR MIND FOX!

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