Proof that Scott Summers is a penis.

mmm, it still would have sound better if you just called him a dick. Most of us here are already dirty minded. And we would have came to the conclusion that is what you ment.
The kid in the corner. I just want to punch him in his idiot face:

The leg. Perspective is just completely wrong. It looks like it is diseased and needs to be amputated:
The leg. Perspective is just completely wrong. It looks like it is diseased and needs to be amputated:

I feel like artists should just avoid arms and legs that extend straight toward the viewer, it's way too hard to get right.
I feel like artists should just avoid arms and legs that extend straight toward the viewer, it's way too hard to get right.

The leg. Perspective is just completely wrong. It looks like it is diseased and needs to be amputated:

That's a problem Bryan Hitch always has with Spider-Man.

This baffles me, why "professionals" don't understand things like perspective. Even I can do perspective better than that, and I'm a hack.

A quick redline, that the editor *should* have done when he/she got the pencils

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hahahaha Adrian Syaf and Bobbie Chase just got pwned!

I'd redline Liefeld's art, but I think my computer would burst into flames.

Also, it amuses me that even industry pros mock Liefeld, to the point where there's an unofficial "Fix a Liefeld Drawing" trend.

Example; Lauren Montgomery (animation director for DC; Wonder Woman, the Green Lantern animated movies, etc)


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I understand that Marvel wants to be a tolerant, all-inclusive company, but turning Ms. Marvel into a transvestite is a bit much.

I understand that Marvel wants to be a tolerant, all-inclusive company, but turning Ms. Marvel into a transvestite is a bit much.

Oh dear... that's terrible. I'm wondering how much of the crapfest is the inker, cus those are some seriously heavy handed inks.
Tan Eng Haut is always all over the place

some of his stuff in Aaron's Ghost rider was ok, he did a bit of work on Vengeance of the Moon Knight that was garbage. but his mini with Simon Spurrier "Silver Surfer: In Thy Name" was was really good iirc

you can't criticize his Annihilators work until you've seen his Beta Ray Bill, granted he's a really hard character to get right, but he fails spectacularily at drawing him
Tan Eng Haut is always all over the place

some of his stuff in Aaron's Ghost rider was ok, he did a bit of work on Vengeance of the Moon Knight that was garbage. but his mini with Simon Spurrier "Silver Surfer: In Thy Name" was was really good iirc

you can't criticize his Annihilators work until you've seen his Beta Ray Bill, granted he's a really hard character to get right, but he fails spectacularily at drawing him

So he makes characters explicitly supposed to have a horseface look even uglier.
From next week's new avengers (I think?)


I have actually seen comics made with Gary's Mod that looked better than this.
Ugh...that's not Deodato, is it? It sort of looks like his style.

It looks like Jessica needs a shave in that second-to-last panel.
Sigh, I still think hash shading's one of the worst offenses in comics. It's not 1960 anymore, let the colorist do their offing job guys. (Which is sad because the colorist in the Avengers page looks like they stopped at flats)
The hash shading doesnt bother me as much as the overuse of Poser. Sure, the perspective and anatomy are correct because of it, but it also makes the panels incredibly bland and uninteresting. Even worse is that the faces are stuck so deep in the uncanny valley it sucks out any emotion their expressions are supposed to convey.

I had the same issues with the Ultimate Extinction books. The overuse of poser software just ruins comics for me. If you draw commercial comics you should be at a skilllevel where you dont have to rely heavily on chrutches like poser or lightboxing (looking at you Land!). I don't mind bad art as much as I dislike the overuse of 'cheats'.
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I don't know if this has been manipulated or not, but...yikes.


This one looks like it's from an animation but it's still terrible.

ETA: I just realized what that Captain America pic reminds me of:


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