Here's who worked on #7:


Dillon is the artist who penciled #8.
ProjectX2 said:
But I am right.

I don't care much for Portacio but I like Silvestri. Well, at least I did like his work on Here Comes Tomorrow.
I was inspired to buy Here Comes Tomorrow on Comixology today, actually.
Joe Quesada from Amazing Spider-Man #641:


She's a supermodel, by the way.

And here's "Super Derp" from Action Comics #11 by Rags Morales:

Ice said:
That's a real shame by Quesada. He's actually a really talented artist (which is what I prefer he'd stay as).

I actually like Quesada's art a lot, but he seems to have trouble with eyes sometimes. I noticed that in One More Day as well.
How hard is it to draw pupils going the same direction?

Seriously. He looks like he's in a permanent vegetative state or something.

Another thing about Joe Q and his work on One moment In Time - he made MJ look really dumpy. She looked like a slob and even a little overweight. Like I said - she is supposed to be a model and I've never seen her not drawn to look the part.
I believe these are from Batman #484, artist Tom Grindberg:


I also like how the phone is just stuck to his ear.

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