The All About Comic Book Movies Thread

Hollywood superheroes could soon have their powers stripped by a formidable new adversary - Reality Man.

A team of scientific advisers has been set up to ensure superhero and sci-fi films do not get too far-fetched.

Their leader, physicist Dr Sidney Perkowitz, believes only one major assault on the laws of nature should be allowed per movie scenario.

It can be faster-than-light travel, as in Star Trek or Star Wars, or X-ray vision, or the ability to walk through solid objects.

But if a storyline becomes too outlandish, filmgoers will be put off, Dr Perkowitz claims.

His message could be bad news for the daddy of all superheroes, Superman. He has a wide range of powers, including the ability to leap tall buildings in a single bound, catch bullets, pick up cars, and fly through space.


That's just silly, I think Hollywood has a pretty good handle when it comes to reality these days. Imposing a limit like that is just stupid
That's just silly, I think Hollywood has a pretty good handle when it comes to reality these days. Imposing a limit like that is just stupid

that's one of the most retarded things i've ever read. there's no way that anyone in Hollywood would actually give a **** what that guy says anyway. like i said, retarded.

Agreed on both accounts
Is that a team of scientific advisers as in 1 team. Or Houde did you make your own A-Team featuring scientific advisers? "I pitty the fool who doesn't know if he should use an integral or a differential to solve for the area under a curve!"

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I'm hoping we finally get a World's finest film.

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