The All-About Video Games thread

Next week for those with PS+, Uncharted 3: Drake's Deception (single player), Little Big Planet Karting, and XCOM: Enemy Unknown will be free to download.
Serious question here: what are the rebuttals for people who think the XBox One is great and they will buy it? I'm asking this seriously because I'm looking at all the stuff going on with it and I wouldn't touch it with a ten foot pole, but there have to be people out there who are saying they will buy it. Do they just not care about all of the negative stuff going on with it?
Serious question here: what are the rebuttals for people who think the XBox One is great and they will buy it? I'm asking this seriously because I'm looking at all the stuff going on with it and I wouldn't touch it with a ten foot pole, but there have to be people out there who are saying they will buy it. Do they just not care about all of the negative stuff going on with it?

There's some people I know who don't care. They like the exclusives like gear of war so will buy for them.

Personally I don't like most of what i've seen with it. I'll stick with Wiiu and get ps4. Speaking of U Super mario 3d land , Smash bros with mega man! Zelda wind waker hd, Mario Kart 8 and new donkey kong as well as exclusive Sonic game? SHUT UP AND TAKE MY MONEY!
Personally I don't like most of what i've seen with it. I'll stick with Wiiu and get ps4. Speaking of U Super mario 3d land , Smash bros with mega man! Zelda wind waker hd, Mario Kart 8 and new donkey kong as well as exclusive Sonic game? SHUT UP AND TAKE MY MONEY!

Yes. Those are the kinds of games I get into. Super Mario Bros. Wii U is, like, the greatest game ever.

Part of it is that I don't really have time to get super involved in a game. I like games that I can just pick up and play for a little bit and not have to think about it, or games that I can play with my kids. The co-op mode on Super Mario Bros. Wii U is phenomenal. It's just plain fun to play along side other people, and there is a perfect balance between needing it to get bonus stuff and not needing it.

I absolutely loved Wind Waker for GC and will pick it up for Wii U. Ditto for Mario Kart and Super Smash Bros. I would probably get a Donkey Kong game. These are just the games I'm drawn to. A new Wario Ware game would be great. Eventually I'll get Lego Batman 2.

We have Nintendoland and my kids play it CONSTANTLY.

I love other games like Grand Theft Auto but I never get too far in them, partly because I like just playing around in sandbox mode (if that's what you call it) and partly because I just don't have the time to get too heavily invested in it.

I would probably get a PS4 at some point but it would be a while. Lack of backward compatibility is a big deal for me, and not having it is a huge turn-off. That's another reason why at this point I prefer the Wii U. But it's nothing at all against the PS4. I will want one, but I'm just not the target audience for it. As much as I love video games, I'm not hardcore enough of a gamer.
I'm just pissed Nintendo still hasn't announced a new Metroid as being in development for the Wii U. Also think its moronic for them to not drop a new Zelda until almost two years after the system's release, and God knows when we'll see a new Metroid. I realize Windwaker will be out later this year, but its a remake, and great a game as that is, you need new versions of your heavy hitters (besides Mario as great as those usually are) as system sellers. Nintendo really disappointed me at E3 this year.


PS4 WON'T be DRM free after all

Developers can still (and likely will) install DRM on their games preventing used copies from working or being played offline without check ins, etc.

So essentially, Sony gets to keep their hands clean but the result is still the same and can just be blamed on developers.

As for Xbox One, I'm very disappointed in the restrictive approaches they've taken. I've been an Xbox fan for over ten years and owned both systems, but am seriously considering buying a PS4 instead. Course the recent rumors of PS4 also initiating DRM through developers is making me re-think that. But basically as to why I'd even consider it? Well, the games. The exclusive titles like Halo are a big draw, as well as the controller. I've never been a fan of the Sony controllers. Xbox's have always fit my hands better, aren't as blocky and uncomfortable. Might seem kind of a stupid reason but on those long gaming sessions it matters.

But mostly the exclusive games.

Still, I'll be holding off for at least a year before even considering buying an Xbox One. First reason is early release consoles by them are notoriously buggy (Red Ring of Death), so I'll hold off and let them work out the kinks. Second I'm hoping there might be a price drop later on (which will be likely as I expect Sony to gain a larger portion of the market share due to the PS4's cheaper price and, if the DRM rumors aren't true--despite what they said at E3--that'll also help heavily in Sony's favor). Third, I'm hoping there's enough of a backlash and sales of the Xbox One falling short enough due to the restrictive nature of the system that they're forced to rethink and change their approach to the used game/always online thing.
Nintendo always switches up when a Mario game and Legend of Zelda game are released with a new console. We got a Twilight Princess with Wii (even though it also came out for GC) and for WiiU there was Mario again.

Plus, I'm sure they only started developing it last year and you know how long Nintendo always takes with LoZ games than with anything else. The demo we saw last year was better looking than any Zelda game before. I can wait. :)

PS4 WON'T be DRM free after all

Developers can still (and likely will) install DRM on their games preventing used copies from working or being played offline without check ins, etc.

So essentially, Sony gets to keep their hands clean but the result is still the same and can just be blamed on developers.

Sony has stated that their first party games (the vast majority of the system exclusives) will impose no DRM. The main reason to own the PS3 was (IMO) the great amount of AAA exclusive titles such as Uncharted, Infamous, Resistance, and their much better support of indie titles such as Journey and The Unfinished Swan that you didn't get with Xbox. Other than Halo and Gears of War the 360 didn't boast many great exclusives.
So far this seems to be the case with PS4 and Xbone as well. If I can get high quality titles like Infamous: Second Son consistently with no DRM strings attached I'm more than willing to put up with having to deal with DRM on Assassins Creed or whatever 3rd party title now and then.
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Wow. Not only do Sony get to rag on Microsoft, but Nintendo, EA, and other publishers get in the mix.

What a slaughter. It seems to me that MS are limping into this generation worse than Sony did into the last with the prohibitive price-tag for the PS3.

The only real incentive I can see for the XBone is exclusives (Halo and Forza?) and the Kinect, but Sony seems to have them cornered with more interesting exclusives in terms of both games and additional content. But let's not forget the control-freak problems MS already has in place and doesn't seem intent on solving: their reliance on proprietary drives for data storage is only going to be exacerbated by the fact that games have to be installed. Don't get me wrong. I like the idea of being able to install a game from disc and then never having to use that disc again to play it, but for that to work, you have to have a significant amount of space available.

I'll probably buy a PS4 eventually, but if the rumor of subscription-based cloud access to PS3/2/1 libraries is true, I'm there in a heartbeat. That's an incredibly enticing offer.
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The vibe I got e3 was Microsoft + Sony's conferences = Shooters and racing. Like seriously the longest part of the ps4 presentation was halo .... I mean destiny. Microsoft + Sony = Going for "bro-gamers" which in my opinion makes them more casual than Nintendo. There's a reason when they did polls games like Halo + call of duty where most popular with people aged 11 to 20 that's teens and kids teens. Yet Mario and zelda were most popular with people 19 to 40 adults. FPS get labelled as "hardcore" on the internet by the kids who want to sound like they "pwn" us all but they are as casual as nintendoland. Now i'm not saying that ps4 + XBO = casual BUT if they follow the trend of gen of generic shooters and 2 to 6 hour games that seem longer cause of superficial "trophies" and "achievements" then Wiiu will better machine anyway.

Now there were other games shown by both like kingdom hearts III! but it seemed the focus is on "bro-gamers!" once more. As like this gen ps3 + 360 very dull grey looking games. Nintendo = colourful. And that's great. There's nothing wrong with colour and fun. I mean take Wind Waker HD I almost grantee that is a longer game with more depth to it than 90% of the xbox one or ps4 exclusives. Ironic too as comment on the trailer we stuff like "LOL cartoony zelda? grow up nintendo where's the cod!" which doubly ironic as wiiu HAS cod and is getting next.

Now i'm not saying shooters should not be made as people enjoy them. However there are other genre's out there. I like some shooters too but I hate the thought of modern gamers that shooter = hardcore. It says it all when the new ducktails hd remake has added in a scene telling you to look for secret passageways ect... because a lot of gamers now do not look for them, they just want to kill stuff and enlarge their e-penis with "trophies" and "achievements"

Sorry for rant it just annoys me where gamers today are at in terms of thoughts and beliefs. It use to be a game like zelda = hardcore. Now days too many say Zelda = kiddy or casual because it's nintendo. to sum up this was e3 to me :

Mircosoft trying to kill people's fun , Sony crusing Microsoft yet both trying to be big manly power houses! nintendo just ignores both does it's own thing and has fun. it's perfect!
It seems to me that MS are limping into this generation worse than Sony did into the last with the prohibitive price-tag for the PS3.

Sometimes I still can't believe the PS3 survived that.

but if the rumor of subscription-based cloud access to PS3/2/1 libraries is true, I'm there in a heartbeat. That's an incredibly enticing offer.

That would be huge and would play a huge part in my decision to get a PS4.
The new Metal Gear Solid already looks like the greatest game ever made.

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