The Iceman thread.

iceman said:
yeah... speaking of Iceman and Wolverine. I want to see an issue where Iceman kills Wolverine. Or at least proves he can. Maybe if Wolverine goes nuts, Iceman will have an excuse to freeze his adamantium to absolute zero, then Ice-hulk punch him and shatter him.

i can only dream...

Though, in the Wolverine issue where he killed Northstar, (That death was so dumb I was expecting Northstar to say "D'oh!") Wolverine seemed slightly worried about Iceman closing in. As he says the heroes closing in on him, he states "Iron Man. Iceman." Then goes on about how he has to jump. I think there were other heroes there he didn't say.

Haha I really just want Iceman to get some respect. He wins 90% of his arena matches, 10 % of his comic book fights.
I...I :heart: you.
icemastertron said:
I...I :heart: you.

Because I think that Iceman is underpowered in the comic? Or because I want Wolverine to die?

Hopefully, a mix of both
iceman said:
Because I think that Iceman is underpowered in the comic? Or because I want Wolverine to die?

Hopefully, a mix of both
Because we both know that Iceman IS underused in the comics.
Yeah, not alot of writers give Bobby some credit. I hope Milligan can earn him some respect.

I just hope maybe from the House of M, Bobby will regain his flesh and be able to be the funny one again.
icemastertron said:
You've given me hope. :D
Well it's a rumor that HoM will get rid of secondary mutations. NO MORE PERMANENT ICE! YES!

Does anyone know if Bobby is able to feel pain? For that matter, pleasure (probably why he is so pissed all the time).

If he is made of just ice, how the hell is he able to see and talk? Ugh, this permanent ice!
Irish_4204 said:
Well it's a rumor that HoM will get rid of secondary mutations. NO MORE PERMANENT ICE! YES!
I hope he's able to go back and forth again.

Irish_4204 said:
Does anyone know if Bobby is able to feel pain? For that matter, pleasure (probably why he is so pissed all the time).
While Iceman is in his ice state, he is somewhat bullet-proof. ALTHOUGH, when he reverts back, it is possible for him to have a scar, and/or feel pain then.

Irish_4204 said:
If he is made of just ice, how the hell is he able to see and talk? Ugh, this permanent ice!
It's just his body covered in ice. Doesn't mean his vocal box won't work. It's the same thing for Magma. While in her volcanic form, she can still talk.
i thought he was back in the mode where his body is actually made of ice, not just covered with it. i mean, he's see-through.

and about HoM, i hope not all secondary mutations go away. i kinda like angel's. it actually gives warren a real power. (i'm amazed that he hasn't just been shot by some thug with good aim)
iceman said:
i thought he was back in the mode where his body is actually made of ice, not just covered with it. i mean, he's see-through.

and about HoM, i hope not all secondary mutations go away. i kinda like angel's. it actually gives warren a real power. (i'm amazed that he hasn't just been shot by some thug with good aim)
I'm trying to think of all the secondary mutations. Not alot. Bobby was the first though.

-Jean (when she got her TK back)
-Beast (kinda, not really I think he was just further mutating, I hope HoM still reverts him back to his semian form)

Can't think of any more.......
Irish_4204 said:
I'm trying to think of all the secondary mutations. Not alot. Bobby was the first though.

-Jean (when she got her TK back)
-Beast (kinda, not really I think he was just further mutating, I hope HoM still reverts him back to his semian form)

Can't think of any more.......

Didn't Rogue get the power to call up any of the powers she's ever absorbed? I thought Scott got some kind of vision too?
TheManWithoutFear said:
Didn't Rogue get the power to call up any of the powers she's ever absorbed? I thought Scott got some kind of vision too?
Rogue's is confusing to explain (for me, at least) and Cykes doesn't has any.
TheManWithoutFear said:
Didn't Rogue get the power to call up any of the powers she's ever absorbed? I thought Scott got some kind of vision too?
Rogue was able to access all of the powers she had ever absorbed due to Sage jumpstarting her. This gave Rogue complete control over her powers (her genetic potential). This consequently burnt out her powers. Later on (off panel) Sage had to jumpstart her powers again. Now, she is limited to absorbing again, no ms. marvel powers either :( ( a little more controll with absorbing though).
iceman said:
and about HoM, i hope not all secondary mutations go away.

I agree with this. I like Emma's and Hank's mutations.
UltimateE said:
I agree with this. I like Emma's and Hank's mutations.
Emma's is alright. I don't think Hank's qualifies as a secondary mutation, but I hate it. I hope HoM rids Beast of his current form. I can't take a giant cat seriously. It's really hard for artists to draw too.
Yeah, Beast's isn't really that big of a change. They could have made his animal instincts go up in his ape form, leading to the same good characterization. His powers don't seem to be all that different, just enhanced.

(*type type type* enhance.)
You know what I miss...Iceman and Beast hanging out. Remember when they were always hanging with each other? I liked the scene at Scott/Jean's wedding party, when they just said "We have no life" or something like that. That was funny.
icemastertron said:
You know what I miss...Iceman and Beast hanging out. Remember when they were always hanging with each other? I liked the scene at Scott/Jean's wedding party, when they just said "We have no life" or something like that. That was funny.
I miss that too. We probably won't see them together for awhile though. Seems like the different X-squads are banned from talking to each other except on Holidays. I don't get it. They all live in the same freaking house....
yeah seriously. the same happened in ultimate x-men. bobby and hank were supposed to be really tight, thats the way millar wrote it. after bobby was injured, hank just sat in bobbys room listening to his cds, and they were shown hanging out.

then, when hank died, bobby didn't even have a reaction.


also, I think 616 Bobby and Kurt should be tight. They're just crazy alike.
iceman said:
also, I think 616 Bobby and Kurt should be tight. They're just crazy alike.

Two of the teams' biggest joksters (or when Iceman used to be, idiot Austen), and they dont even hang out and make crazy schemes!
ha, another comic i planned (the other is the one i mentioned in the Xmen Unlimited Solicitation thread below this one) is one where Bobby and Kurt just go around the mansion, hatching capers! Like Booster Gold and Blue Beetle, but less money oriented. So I guess more like Strongbad and the Cheat.

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