The most frequently asked Ultimate X-Men Question

Whose the #1 reason not to join the X-Men

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For something to be frequently asked, this is definetly not one. Well, for Iceman anyways. :?

And besides. The only real 'tool' if any, is Cyclops.
not after Ultimate Xmen.
plus, in astonishing, we find emma dresses in scott's "favorite costume"... so i think its more of a denial/ trauma thing for scott to keep losing his wife there... so he is mentally messed up...
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marvelman said:
not after Ultimate Xmen.
plus, in astonishing, we find emma dresses in scott's "favorite costume"... so i think its more of a denial/ trauma thing for scott to keep losing his wife there... so he is mentally messed up...
Yeah well, Astosnishing is in another Universe. So that's a different Scott to worry about.
TheManWithoutFear said:
Iceman's a punk. Scott's a hardon who doesn't want little punks like Bobby to be his friend. Scott does what he has to do and Bobby is sorta like herpes.

Bobby is like a burning, itching, pus-filled sore on your genitalia? Hmmm...interesting.

Does this make Ice the former master of herpes?

ProjectX2 said:
Mr. T pity the too'.

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Ice said:
You just used it. So that makes you one, too. :wink:
It was worth it to show you tools that using the word tool makes you a tool :roll:
TheManWithoutFear said:
Iceman's a punk. Scott's a hardon who doesn't want little punks like Bobby to be his friend. Scott does what he has to do and Bobby is sorta like herpes.
Scott's also a *****-whipped b****. He has to be told how to actually be a normal person. Least Iceman doesn't need to be told how act around a girl, no matter how bad that was done.

slimjim said:
It was worth it to show you tools that using the word tool makes you a tool :roll:
No you're three times the tool!
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Cyclops vs. Iceman! TheManWithoutFear vs. Ice! It's the ultimate battle between two fanboys who disagree!

Two posters enter. One poster leaves.

Probably with herpes.
Ice said:
Scott's also a *****-whipped b****. He has to be told how to actually be a normal person.


Least Iceman doesn't need to be told how act around a girl, no matter how bad that was done.

Also true...but he's still a tool.

ProjectX2 said:
Cyclops vs. Iceman! TheManWithoutFear vs. Ice! It's the ultimate battle between two fanboys who disagree!

Two posters enter. One poster leaves.

Probably with herpes.

I love you.
Who's had the more girls? Cyclops has had Polaris, Jean... Iceman has had Kitty, Rogue, himself...
ProjectX2 said:
Who's had the more girls? Cyclops has had Polaris, Jean... Iceman has had Kitty, Rogue, himself...

Iceman also had a girlfriend back in his hometown where he told her about the X-Men.
Ice said:

Iceman also had a girlfriend back in his hometown where he told her about the X-Men.

But Xavier wiped it from his mind because it was actually a boy, and Xavier has a secret vendetta against gays.

Or something like that.