Avengers The New Avengers Special: The Illuminati Discussion (Spoilers)

His evasive answers and his non answers.

It would have been much easier to state that the Illuminati had just recently formed because of House of M.

But nope, they now have a future plot device to pull out their asses when they need it.
Q: And why do you hate Carnage so much? Cuz he's got hair and you don't? Sh*t, his *** took on Spider-Man, Captain America, Deathlok, Cloak, Dagger, Your mom and dad, Bush, Joe Quesada, Cosmic Jemas and still whooped ***. Carnage is ACTUALLY a good villain. He's the only villain that Parker faces that's pure evil and has no redeeming qualities. In fact, he's the MOST evil villain in the Marvel Universe. You can't just get rid of that in two pages. It's too valuable of an asset. He's the living perversion of the American Dream. He gets what he wants because he believes in himself. He doesn't just want your possessions...he wants you life. It's sickness for him that nothing is enough. And it's not because he had a bad childhood. He very could have been spoiled rotten which would have made even more sense...yea sorry this question has nothing to do with Civil War...UNLESS IT LEADS TO MAXIMUM CARNAGE PART II !!

BB: Glad you got that off your chest.

Ultimate Houde said:
His evasive answers and his non answers.

It would have been much easier to state that the Illuminati had just recently formed because of House of M.

But nope, they now have a future plot device to pull out their asses when they need it.

It's all nonsense. He goes on about how it doesn't retcon or affect continuity, but in order to make the bull**** Planet Hulk work, he decides to retcon the Hulk. So retconning is bad, except when he decides it isn't. Then there's people asking him why he didn't reference X or Y and of course, he retorts with how he could've, but there are too many things to reference. It's odd how all the things he's referenced are newly released trades and has characters referred to them by their published name.

Iron Man: "People have become more afraid of superheroes since no one heard about House of M, written by Brian Michael Bendis and on sale for $12.99. The 198, a mini-series detailing the post-House of M events, also caused problems for other people. And don't forget to check out the reprint of the Kree/Skrull War, a Marvel Comics classic! But, yeah, forget about Heroes Reborn where I ended up living an alternate life, because it wasn't that popular. Or the X-Cutioner's Song which set back mutant relations. In fact, the fifty or so world-class events that would make people more scared of superhumans, forget about them unless they're currently in print. Oh, an forget about Magneto sabotaging every Marvel super team and destroying Manhattan in Planet X, because we really, really need to retcon it. We like to pretend it didn't happen - a couple of months ago. That's right. Manhattan. Destroyed. A couple of months ago. Just like 9/11 in the real world, we forgot about it a month later and focused on events three people remember when Scarlet Witch went crazy because Bendis decided she should. I'm a futurist, and I can't spend my time in the past. I've got to stick with the recent present and then tell you the previews for upcoming comics."

The Illuminati is just one big advert for recent crossovers, and it's actually a giant 48-page ad for Civil War and Planet Hulk. Come on. The preview for Civil War is explained to the Illuminati in dialogue. The entire issue is an advert for something else. It's like those ****ing full-page ads where Spider-Man teams up with kids to fight Doctor Octopus as he tries to steal some Cheerios. It's a rancid piece of work.

And I now present - "What If Bendis was a Strawman?"

Q: Why is Black Bolt against the registration act? His entire society, the one he RULES, is based on forcing people to become superpowered beings (with no possible way to know what type of being they will become) and then, depending on the powers and abilities they demonstrate on their transformation, assigning them a specific place within society that they can no longer advance from. He lives in a caste society that is inherently based upon forcing its citizens to gain superpowers, openly register their superpowers and then using them in pre-determined mandated ways. Why would he be against the registration act? Does he secretly hate Attilan and just can't tell anyone?

BB: That's funny.

Q: I want an answer.

BB: Oh. Well, this will be addressed later.

Q: A real answer.

BB: Well, it's hard to believe, but sometimes characters in the Marvel Universe can change their mind.

Q: Oh, just like that. He decides, out of the blue, to change his mind. It might seem like he changed his mind if you had shown us his original opinion, and then him changing it. If he states one opinion, it's hard for us to know he's changed his mind, since in order to understand the change we must see both states of mind. As it is, it looks like you made a mistake. Besides - why did he change his mind? Did he suddenly forget where he lived? Did he just go, 'Man, this Iron Man is right, Attillan and it's millennia old culture has been wrong all this time. What fools we've been.'?

BB: I think that Black Bolt, as a benevolent monarch, would probably not like the concept of a society forcing their subjects to follow laws.

Q: But Attilan forces teenagers to undergo the Terrigen mists. They don't get a choice. It's a completely fascist society, as benevolent and fair as it may be.

BB: He's worried that it might lead to a lot of innocent people being hurt and civil unrest.

Q: Why would registering superhumans result in unrest? His society is peaceful and utopian? And it's completely cut-off from humanity. Surely, this registration act is the first step to making the US more like Attilan? Wouldn't he want to champion the cause and get stuck in to offer advice and make sure it doesn't go pear-shaped?

BB: He doesn't want to be involved in anything to do with humanity.

Q: Then why does he care? Doesn't he live on the _______ moon? It's not like humanity will affect him one way or another. Why should he give a ____?

BB: Because he's not an _______. He doesn't like seeing people die unneccessarily.

Q: Oh that must be why he helped cure aids and cancer, and and why he fed Africa.

BB: Black Bolt didn't do that.

Q: Exactly.

BB: Black Bolt also doesn't want humanity coming for him and his people with their registration act.

Q: But the Inhumans already register their people. And does Black Bolt think everytime the US passes a law that they'll force it on other sovereign, alien nations - that live on the moon?

BB: He's worried they'd come to get information on his people.

Q: Why? Either there's huge civil unrest and humanity can't possibly mount an expedition to the moon to force him to reveal his superhuman census, or they'd be so effective as to make human society more like Attilan's allowing for him to integrate easier with his long-lost bretherin, since Inhumans are in fact, altered-human beings. Either humanity can't come for him, or if they do, they'll be more like him and thus, what's the problem in sharing information?

BB: We'll have to agree to disagree.

Q: Oh. Okay. Well... better get back to writing Black Bolt as an alien king who acts like Spider-Man, then.
Bwhahahahahaha. That sounds just like him.

This is stupid. I would like it if they actually had sides that make sense. But they are causing rifts just for conflict purposes. Like Iron Man/Captain America and the Fantastic Four. Iron Man who I thought would be against it is for it. Now Bendis did explain why he is and I bought it. I can see why Namor is against it. That guy just liked the ***** about everything so I boiught that. Black Bolt shouldn't care. I think he's just against for the sake of his friends. But I don't see a reason for him to be involved in the whole thing. I'm trusting Millar with this but you never know.

Ice said that the U.S. government would come for the Inhumans and Namor to force them to work for them. The U.S. is not that stupid. They have the majority of the superhumans and they need them? Namor has declared war on the U.S. about a dozen times. They would know better. So it doesn't make any sense for Bendis to say that they will come for him. Stupid. The more I think about it the dumber it seems.
thee great one said:

Ice said that the U.S. government would come for the Inhumans and Namor to force them to work for them. The U.S. is not that stupid. They have the majority of the superhumans and they need them? Namor has declared war on the U.S. about a dozen times. They would know better. So it doesn't make any sense for Bendis to say that they will come for him. Stupid. The more I think about it the dumber it seems.

I never said anything about the Inhumans. I was talking about Namor only. :?
Umm, Illuminati was great. The art sucked. Fantastic read. 5/5. Also, when Tony got his whole cheddar box rocked. That was F'in great.
TheManWithoutFear said:
The art didn't suck. Maleev is an acquired taste.
People usually say that when they like something that sucks. Like the art in this book.
Well, I know it took me a little while to like Hitch. But this maleev is a far cry from that. The story is the ultimate draw. I think if they wanted to go with this style I would have liked to see JRJR instead.
Synch said:
Well, I know it took me a little while to like Hitch. But this maleev is a far cry from that. The story is the ultimate draw. I think if they wanted to go with this style I would have liked to see JRJR instead.

Deodato Jr
Just about everyone else
E said:
Deodato Jr
Just about everyone else
I'm going to say this. I fully agree without a shout of a doubt.
People are ignorant of Adam Hughes.

I will rectify this post-haste.

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