Ultimate Human series discussion [Ellis/Nord] [spoilers]


Well-Known Member
May 8, 2006
I don't know if anyone else picked this up (seeing as how much of the Ultimate Universe is farting around with lackluster to downright horrible stories), but I really enjoyed it.

As the previews have shown, Banner and Stark are trying to figure out what makes the Hulk Hulk. So Stark shoves Banner into a special 'Planet Tank' and exposes him to the atmospheric conditions of Venus- viola' Hulk! Unfortunately, Stark and his men find that Hulk isn't only ultra-strong, but also adaptive to just about anything that is thrown at him. This includes the antidote that they had on hand in case of a Hulk-breakout.
There is also that depict the Ultimate Leader and one of his subordinates discussing his plans for Hulk and Iron Man- namely, stealing their blood.

I was pleased with the issue, because it seemed to build upon the previous continuity of the series, as opposed to ****ting all over it (Ultimate Power, anyone?) The art fits the story.
Re: Ultimate Human #1 SPOILERS

Can't wait to read it.

Ellis has a better grasp on what it means to Ultimize characters than anyone else. Even BKV who is a close second.
Re: Ultimate Human #1 SPOILERS

I don't know if I'm reacting to it within the context of recent Ultimate 'disasters/disappointments', but I thought this was wonderful. This is akin to reading the first Ultimate Hulk vs. Wolverine (hope it doesn't suffer the same fate!). This really did feel like it was taking place in the same universe as Ultimates. Intelligent dialogue, realistic premise, some non-random action. Villain looks/seems interesting as well.

Imagine if this was the team doing Ultimates 3!!! I think I may consider this my Ultimates 3 instead.
Re: Ultimate Human #1 SPOILERS

I don't know if I'm reacting to it within the context of recent Ultimate 'disasters/disappointments'

It's hard not to. Especially since S&P's description gave a very Ultimate Nightmare vibe. Much different than the other UU books.
Re: Ultimate Human #1 SPOILERS

Can't wait to read it.

Ellis has a better grasp on what it means to Ultimize characters than anyone else. Even BKV who is a close second.

So true. And I, as most everyone else it seems, really enjoyed the issue. God, I'd so much rather Ellis write Ultimates than Loeb. He really knows how to capture the characters, all the while incorporating humor and scientific/techo-babble, etc. Its truly fun stuff. I'm liking this one issue so far much more than any of the Gah Lak Tus stuff Ellis did previously in the Ultimate verse.

I especially like how Ellis made an effort to include nods to continuity...plenty of them. ;)

Anyway, great issue. Really looking forward to the rest of this series.
Re: Ultimate Human #1 SPOILERS

How did I not know this was being made. I've kept pretty out of what's going on with marvel recently. (except for punisher)

So is Ellis just doing this and astonishing x-men (later this year)?

Ther might still be hope for ultimate universe
Re: Ultimate Human #1 SPOILERS

It was really good and I enjoyed it. However I would like to point out that (as with many of the #1 issues right now) not much happened. If you REALLY want a 10/10 enjoyment I think this is a wait-for-the-trade book, but that's just me.
Re: Ultimate Human #1 SPOILERS

It was really good and I enjoyed it. However I would like to point out that (as with many of the #1 issues right now) not much happened. If you REALLY want a 10/10 enjoyment I think this is a wait-for-the-trade book, but that's just me.

True, but it definitly got me as a definite customer for issue #2, and surely #3 and #4 as well. Therefore, it did its job perfectly. As a whole (all four issues) read at once, I'm sure the story will definitly be a 10/10 rating as long as it continues as its current rate.
Re: Ultimate Human #1 SPOILERS

Not bad - but a bit slow.

I liked the way Ellis sexed up the expository captions telling us how science works. That was pretty cool!
Re: Ultimate Human #1 SPOILERS

Hmmm....as with most #1's, it's too early to say whether or not this will be good or not.

As of right now, it's shaping up to be damn good. Ellis always seems to capture characters just right. Tony's nonchalant/bored with everything/matter of fact attitude. Bruce's desperate/humiliated/broken man. It's all just so spot on.

But what really got me going was the art. The art was great. Nord's covers leave a LOT to be desired, as they look like Bagley sketch throwaways.....but inside? Damn. I mean hot damn! His work is almost like a mix between Salvador Larocca and Pasqual Ferry. Smooth and distinctive.....the characters all look "real" but not like Larocca's "newuniversal" real. You know---where he's drawing actual famous actors into his comics? I read this issue 3 times already and by the end of the second run I was just looking at the pictures.

So yeah.....me likey. Storywise it's shaping up to be real good....but it's still a little early. But I'll definitely be getting the second issue.
Re: Ultimate Human #1 SPOILERS

I thought this was fantastic.

Banner's self-loathing and Tony is Tony.

Ellis' techno-babble was great and he even made the brain body seem the genius with the way he put it.

And Ultimate Leader. Ohh chills.

Am I right to assume that was Pete Wisdom also?

Another double character?
Re: Ultimate Human #1 SPOILERS

I read it and loved it. I like the scarring on Leader's head - cool.

And great job referencing other things that have happened in the past - even things that sucked and were stupid.

I'm a little concerned that Hulk is being set up to be basically invincible. Although maybe that is completely awesome - in the right hands.
Re: Ultimate Human #1 SPOILERS

This was a great issue. I agree that Ellis does a great job of capturing these characters and what makes them Ultimate. The explanation of what makes Hulk Hulk is brilliant. That is what I love about the UU. You get answers to questions like how does the Thing go to the bathroom anyway?

Loeb should read this and get a clue. Whoever said that Ellis should be writing Ultimates instead of Loeb is right on.

The art is fantastic. It's nice to have an Ultimate book I look forward to again.

Here is to hoping that it actually gets finished in 2008!!
Re: Ultimate Human #1 SPOILERS

I think i'll wait for the trade.

Started a bit too slow.
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Re: Ultimate Human #1 SPOILERS

I think Pete Wisdom is going to be Ultra-Humanite. He is going to transfer his mind into Hulk's body, because not only is it incredibly strong and invulnerable, but it can now apparently adapt and evolve to survive.

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