The Timeline Guy
This issue starts just as the last ended, with a room full of heroes and villains. We're given a little cast roster on the first page, introducing all the players by name (most likely due to the sheer number of them). Black Cat tells Hammerhead she wants him to take out Kingpin, and basically throws in with him. Hammerhead recognizes Elektra as Kingpin's assassin, and offers her a job with him for better pay. She accepts, and soon the big fight breaks out. The fight itself takes up most of the issue, until Spidey ends up webbing everyone up. He then steals a cell phone from Montana and calls 911, asking to speak with DeWolffe. While on the phone Shang-Chi talks to Spidey, mentioned specifically the UMTU issues #15-16 (HA! I told you they shouldn't be ignored!). He tells her where he is, when Elektra breaks free from the webbing and throws her sai at him. Soon everyone else has broken free and is attacking Spidey. Elektra shanks Moon Knight through the chest with her sai. Hammerhead wriggles his arm free from the webbing, removes the injured Moon Knight's mask, and uses a picture-phone to take his photo, then tells him he own him. Elektra kicks the crap out of Spidey and tosses him out a window, where he lands on a police car. The end.
Ok, issue, though I enjoyed UFF #24 a bit more. This wasn't the best issue in the arc so far, and maybe even the worst in that there's no real plot or character development other than Elektra switching sides (which from the preview pages to USM #85 we find out is all a ruse anyway). I give this one a 3 out of 5 also.
Ok, issue, though I enjoyed UFF #24 a bit more. This wasn't the best issue in the arc so far, and maybe even the worst in that there's no real plot or character development other than Elektra switching sides (which from the preview pages to USM #85 we find out is all a ruse anyway). I give this one a 3 out of 5 also.