Ultimates 2 #8 Discussion (SPOILERS)

Doc Comic said:
You mean like he killed all of our respect for Ant-Man?

What are you talking about? Ultimate Ant-Man r0xx0rz.
ProjectX2 said:
What are you talking about? Ultimate Ant-Man r0xx0rz.
What will that crazy lovable Hank do this week? Pop more Prozac? Beat the hell out of Wasp again? Flash his bareass on the front page of the New York Post? No, I have it - he's going to rape Sam Wilson's pet falcon, because it seems that's the only shocking thing left that Hank hasn't done. It just seems like he's only there to provide shocking things.
Doc Comic said:
What will that crazy lovable Hank do this week? Pop more Prozac? Beat the hell out of Wasp again? Flash his bareass on the front page of the New York Post? No, I have it - he's going to rape Sam Wilson's pet falcon, because it seems that's the only shocking thing left that Hank hasn't done. It just seems like he's only there to provide shocking things.

And that's why everyone loves him. Go back to reading Ultimate Spider-Man.
So according to you, we should love Mike Tyson because he ripped off Holyfield's ear and because now he's going to be in porn.
Doc Comic said:
So according to you, we should love Mike Tyson because he ripped off Holyfield's ear and because now he's going to be in porn.

No, because he can't talk to ants.
Blasphemy!! Ultimate Ant-man rules! He looks awesome!

I agree *nods* he can talk to ants. That is just cool.

Sure maybe he did a few questionable acts... things I don't agree with. Sure all the horrible things he did in 616 were crammed into less then 20 issues in the ultimate universe.

But.. but...

Hank Pym!
I would love to see ant-man go freaky. 200 million ants all over your body is no fun.
I have an issue of Avengers where he went crazy or something and went back to being ant-man. He had like a 1000+ ants and attacked everyone. He shoved a whole bunch into iron-mans eye slits and started attacking everyone. He clocked beast and black panther by using his growth momentum to knock them both out at the same time. Scarlet witch couldn't do anything but whine for her brother because there was a few hundred ants all over her. Good fight.
icemastertron said:
Tyson and porn aren't the subject here.

Not to mention it's gross as hell.
innocentboy said:
just dropping into the board to say that Ultimates really is one of the, if not THE best book on the market right now.

gonna be sad when Millar and Hitch leave.

Loeb and Mad no doubt are a dope combination ... but how it will compare when following Millar and Hitch? i don't know .....

God bless,

my visual art: http://www.innocentboyproductions.com last updated Sept. 17, 2005
Song of Songs the Comic Book: http://www.songofsongsthecomicbook.com last updated Sept. 17, 2005
nosebleed, nosebleed, rain, nosebleed, nosebleed, yawn

Hey, whats up Innocent. Exactly, most of the UC members' thoughts mirror your own about the new creative team on Ultimates 3. Welcome to the board though.
Cap's downfall....How sad. I don't think he's the traitor. I can't wait for issue 9. I felt bad for Cap even though he's a pompus *******. It was leaked again. If Cap was the traitor than how did the incident get leaked again.
thee great one said:
Cap's downfall....How sad. I don't think he's the traitor. I can't wait for issue 9. I felt bad for Cap even though he's a pompus *******. It was leaked again. If Cap was the traitor than how did the incident get leaked again.
What got leaked again?

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