Ultimates 2 #9 cover.

Hawkeye101 said:
I wanna say I give up, but none of you are using imagination here. Card has 'pooped' on nothing as of yet. He has made a story that 'can' work with the Ultimates line if you look at it right. You are all "Oooh, this sucks. Period." You all claim that Card has screwed up with continuity,

Which he has, and he definitly has screwed up lots besides that, but we'll get to that in a minute.

when the entirety of the Ultimate Fantastic Four has you all baffled (Or Ultimate Team-Up, however you look at it), and yet you don't B**** about Millar, Bendis, and the others for screwing that up.

I do, it just happened long before you joined the board so its no longer relevant. Look back far enough and you'll see what I mean.

None of you complain about Vaughn, when he screwed with the Fenris suit on Rogue and Gambit.

Thats because Vaughn didn't screw up anything. Do you even know what you're talking about?

Or how about what comes First: 'Cats & Kings' or 'Ultimate Six'? CAK is vol. 8 for USM and US is Vol. 9. Yet in US, Electro sayd that the Kingpin has been pinched and is out of the country, and the rest of them have no reason to worry about taking the kingpin's stuff at his condo, yet clearly in the previous volume, Fisk has returned to the country? All of these continuity glitches can be explained.

Ultimate Six occurs before Cats & Kings. The only reason Cats & Kings is Vol. 8 and US Vol. 9 in the TPBS is due to Ultimate Six's last few issues shipping late, therefore not making the deadline for the TPB release, so they released C&K first, which was completed on time. The Handbook doesn't know what its talking about.

And you all 'go with it'. So why do you single out UIM? The story isn't horrible, it's no Ultimates, I'll give you that, but it isn't something completely retarded Like Ultimate Howard Duck would be.

Ahem, keep reading.

It's no more rediculous than Black Widow with super-abilities, or how frikin' destructo-powered Scarlet Witch has become. Or Spider-Man having a healing factor, or Reed just being a huge Ameba.

I posted this in another thread, and you responded to it, and yet you're still asking the same questions. So I'll repost it here, and hope you get it this time, this is why its ridiculous and makes no sense, especially for a sci-fi writer who thinks he's as witty as Card apparently does:

DIrishB said:
Thats a good point, which is why some of my ire is directed at the Ultimate editors as well (who screw up on a regular basis so its no big surprise) but there isn't a whole lot of material with Ultimate Iron Man in it. The Ultimates series (vol. 1 & 2), UMTU #4-5, USM #28, and a few other guest appearances...he could have only looked the the first Ultimates volume and UMTU #4-5 and gotten enough info to write his story with. And he could have still done virtually ANYTHING he wanted, yet he managed to make it as different and screwed-up as possible. I have a hard time believing this was totally on accident. One, it was established Tony had siblings and a mother in the UMTU issues. Two, it was made clear he was a child prodigy who became famous for appearing on game shows. In Card's Ultimate Iron Man mini, Tony is an only child who's mother dies giving birth to him. He lives in basically seclusion with his father, and doesn't go on any game shows whatsoever. Now I admit, overall Card's mini isn't horrible, but his total disregard for what came before stinks the story up like last weeks garbage. Then he goes and makes Tony's brain all over his body? WTF? I know the guy's smart, but if his brain were scattered all over his body, he should be fricking omniscient and omnipotent. He should have all sorts of telepathic/psychic powers, etc. But in the mini he's only "really smart", capable of things someone with a normal sized brain coud concievably do just by using a bit more of their brain power than the average human. Not only did Card totally screw up continuity even more (the last thing the Ultimate books need), but his reasoning and storytelling don't make any sense. Is Tony's extra brain tissue just useless? It would appear that way. And its also obvious Millar never intended for Tony's brain to be all over his body, otherwise a brain tumor wouldn't be lethal by any means. But Card went ahead and ignored that too (which is basically the best series in all of the Ultimate universe by just about anyone's standards). Point is, Card sucks (and so do the Ultimate editors).

Does that make it clear for you? Card sucks, end of story.

You all claim OSC is horrible because he paid no attension to continuity and he sucks because of it. Fine. All I'm sayin' is whay Doen't Millar or Bendis, or Vaughn, suck when they screw up continuity.

They do, but at least Bendis and Millar's stories redeem their continuity mistakes. Card's doesn't. And Vaughan hasn't made ANY continuity mistakes, so don't know where you're getting that from.

Hell the only Continuity that has everyone completly baffle with NO explination is UFF. And yet none of you complain about that. I have given you explinations on how UIM,can coencide with UTU and Ultimates.

Supposedly the continuity mess-ups regarding the UFF are going to be explained sometime in the future. Otherwise, we've all complained about it plenty, so check before you go making assumptions. Like I said, it all just happened so long ago we're not currently complaining like we are with Ultimate Iron Man, since that's only 3 issues in and still being released. Its also because UIM is the most blatant and careless with its continuity screw-ups, as well as its non-sensical storyline. Like I said, if Tony has that much brain matter, he should have God-like abilities, not only be really smart.

Any more questions?
Hawkeye101 said:
It's no more rediculous than Black Widow with super-abilities, or how frikin' destructo-powered Scarlet Witch has become.

It's much more ridiculous. As MwoF put it so perfectly the other day, say this out loud and then really rethink about how ridiculous it is: Tony Stark was born with a brain growing throughout his entire body because his mother was bit by a monkey.

On top of this - and I just picked up on this after re-reading the first 3 issues the other day - she's a scientist and she doesn't know she's 3 months pregnant. HOW DOES A WOMAN NOT KNOW SHE IS 3 MONTHS PREGNANT?!?!?! That's the entire first *$*&@#%^# trimester!!

Hawkeye101 said:
All I'm sayin' is whay Doen't Millar or Bendis, or Vaughn, suck when they screw up continuity. Hell the only Continuity that has everyone completly baffle with NO explination is UFF. And yet none of you complain about that.

How much have you read this site? Continuity problems - the F4 vs. Ultimates especially - are probably the most talked about topics on the entire site. You'd have to give an example where Vaughan has screwed up continuity; I don't know of any. But Millar and Bendis have gotten plenty of grief over continuity mistakes.

Hawkeye101 said:
I have given you explinations on how UIM,can coencide with UTU and Ultimates.

I'll even give you that one. Fine. But the story still sucks. Bad.
UltimateE said:
It's much more ridiculous. As MwoF put it so perfectly the other day, say this out loud and then really rethink about how ridiculous it is: Tony Stark was born with a brain growing throughout his entire body because his mother was bit by a monkey.

On top of this - and I just picked up on this after re-reading the first 3 issues the other day - she's a scientist and she doesn't know she's 3 months pregnant. HOW DOES A WOMAN NOT KNOW SHE IS 3 MONTHS PREGNANT?!?!?! That's the entire first *$*&@#%^# trimester!!
I personally know women who spent their entire first trimester thinking they were just 'gaining weight'. My point is that Maria Stark is a very STUPID scientist.
Ultimate Houde said:
I had a friend who was six months pregnant before she knew. She just thought she was gaining weight

I would think that the lack of a menstrual cycle for 6 months would give an indication that something was up. :sure:
UltimateE said:
On top of this - and I just picked up on this after re-reading the first 3 issues the other day - she's a scientist and she doesn't know she's 3 months pregnant. HOW DOES A WOMAN NOT KNOW SHE IS 3 MONTHS PREGNANT?!?!?! That's the entire first *$*&@#%^# trimester!!
It's true... Girls are dumb. Anyone who has friends who "thought" they were just gaining weight. It was denial.

UltimateE said:
You'd have to give an example where Vaughan has screwed up continuity; I don't know of any.
That's because he's the ****in' man and he does his job perfectly.
You know, in the end it does not really matter who likes what. You don't have to defend Ultimate Iron Man. You like it, that's what matters. I like it myself, and it doesnt make me angry to see other people don't. Opinons are like *ahem* buttholes. Everyone has one, they stink, and are sometimes full of gergarious amounts of poop. :wink:
UltimateE said:
I would think that the lack of a menstrual cycle for 6 months would give an indication that something was up. :sure:
Well in defense of women, you'd be surprised how irregular a menstrual cycle can get. My girlfriend sometimes misses a month or so every year and then.

One could say that extremely stupid women just forget to count for a VERY long time before realizing something is up.

Then again extremely stupid women also rely on the rhythm method yet forget to count. Which is why they got pregnant in the first place.
ourchair said:
I personally know women who spent their entire first trimester thinking they were just 'gaining weight'. My point is that Maria Stark is a very STUPID scientist.
"Duh, I'm a scientist!"
"That's right honey, now you just take these test tubes full of colored wate- I mean DAAANGEROUS CHEMICALS! And mix 'em together!"
"Can I play wit' da monkey!"
"For the last time, NO!"

I haven't read any of UIM, and considering E's constant praise of it, I don't think I ever will...
What about that E's theory thread where we are talking about eating souls.

Wait, I'm going off topic in a thread, talking about another offtopic thread. Oh no the crazy paradox. :dead:
DIrishB said:
More importantly only 14 till we see USM the video game up close and personal on our color televisions...but thats neither here nor there.
The thread finally goes back on topic, and it couldn't even last more than 1 post.

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