You mean there are Ultimate Universe titles other than Ultimates? Huh.
ULTIMATES - without fail.
Ultimate Nightmare read it in trade. It was.. okay. Good concept, ehhh execution.
Ultimate Secret - in monthly issues (because I forgot to take it off my pull list)
Ultimate Galactus - depends on how it's going whether I pick it up in trade or singles.
Ultimate Iron Man - I stopped when the plot holes made me swear constantly. Can't remember if that was issue #2 or #3.
Ultimate Six - in download. No way would I pay actual money for that.
Ultimate Adventures - see Marvel attempt to do Ultimate Watchman for semi-kids. Ack. Also read in download.
Ultimate Fantastic Four - I've read some of it in trade, though I've missed some, too. I like the concept behind UFF, though, and I like the young Reed and an actually smart (!!!) Sue, but it's very uneven. I read the first Millar issue and I can't stand Greg Land's art and I thought the zombie thing was eye-roll worthy. Not sure if I'll pick up the trade or not.
Ultimate Team-Up - I've read a few of these (mostly with Fury or Black Widow) and I'm underwhelmed. The characterizations seem all over the map. Give me Millar's version of the Ultimates characters.
Ultimate Spider-Man - nope. Never. Not interested in Spider-Man and if I was, I wouldn't be interested in a Spider-Man written by Bendis.
Ultimate X-Men - I read the most recent issue. Nothing I saw there convinced me I should catch up, Vaughan or no Vaughan. With filler a filler arc from Kirkman and then the new writer coming up, my ambivalence knows no bounds...