Stuff from the script I read matches the trailer and nothing really huge is different from the script I read. I totally forgot about that. Isn't Seth Rogen involved with that?
Yeah, him and his writing partner Evan Goldberg. I'm don't think their writing style matches the tone of Preacher at all, and they've said they're going to have to change some of the more controversial aspects of the comic, which has me worried. But I remain hopeful.
Brian K Vaughn's film script was amazing. I can't remember where I read it though.
As amazing as I'm sure the film script version was, I'd much rather a 2 (or maybe 3 season long television series). It'd allow for much better character development and world building and delving into the social commentary the series offered so well. Each season could be between 8-10 episodes and hopefully adapt an arc of the comic series every episode or two (and extremely faithfully). That comic was designed as a television series anyway. I understand the need of writers and directors to change things and put their own spin on things (but let's be honest, that's largely motivated by ego and often isn't what's best for the final product), but I'd prefer someone who's both ambitious enough to adapt it faithfully and do a spectacular job while respecting the source material a great deal. Even the pacing of the comic is literally perfect for an ongoing television series with a beginning, middle, and end. Have each season adapt 20 issues or so of the comic. Very simple but the end result would be a guaranteed critical success and a ratings darling, easily ranking up there with shows like Walking Dead, Game of Thrones, etc. The humor, the characters, the social commentary, the adventure/road trip aspect, the overall's literally a perfect and fully scripted and story-boarded television show already mapped out on page.
Of course I'd also really like to see Saga adapted into a television show, though it'd be drastically different in tone and approach than a Y series. It'd feature the adult themes and humor that shows like Game of Thrones thrive on (people love the boobies, apparently, and who can blame them?), and be a great adult sci-fi space opera adventure series. Essentially like Star Wars for grown ups, but with a distinctly different tone. I know Vaughan has said he never intended for Saga as anything but a comic, but screw that. It's a perfectly original series idea that television is just begging for. Both Y and Saga. Hell, even Ex Machina would make a cool West Wing political drama with super hero elements. Vaughan is a master at combining genres into fantastic stories with genuine heart and relatable and lovable characters, while also being intelligent. It's something sorely lacking on TV for the most part. Most shows are either intellectually challenged soap opera crap fests (most of the stuff on CW), or overly cerebral and emotionally cold (Hannibal, Bates Motel, etc), generic and unoriginal sitcoms (all networks), or ripoffs of existing works (those Once Upon a Time shows are a blatant ripoff of the Fables comic series, and it angers me at how obvious they draw from that show for it's storyline and concepts...never watched them but it's obvious just from the commercials).
Y, Saga, Ex Machina... those are stories and concepts never before done on television, and the series themselves leave little to be wanted.