Avengers Young Avengers: Dark Reign


The member formerly known as skotti-chan
Jan 15, 2005
Matt Brooks posted this on his DA page. Apparently this is the new Young Avengers line up. He included this link to the Marvel page about it.

Actually they are Osborn's Young avengers. Really the Young Master's of Evil. Or Young Dark Avengers. The Real Young Avengers will also show up.

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Wow Brooks art has really leaped by bounds since his USM Annual! I approve of the art, at least.
So Big Zero is an anarchist.

Those usually don't make good team members. Especially since she's sleeping around with the android.

I'll never understand why people make females fall in love with androids. Don't get it.
So Big Zero is an anarchist.

Those usually don't make good team members. Especially since she's sleeping around with the android.

I'll never understand why people make females fall in love with androids. Don't get it.

You never lost a girlfriend to a vibrator?
I hate you people, I choked on my soda.

As to the android thing, yeah, I always wondered about that too. I mean, I can't get a happy girl/girl love, but we can get like 15 girl/android couples...
And a Skinhead.

Which begs the question on why she has hair in the first place...

I hate you people, I choked on my soda.

As to the android thing, yeah, I always wondered about that too. I mean, I can't get a happy girl/girl love, but we can get like 15 girl/android couples...

I know huh? Figure someone whose against society wouldn't even have a serious relationship, instead she'd probably sleep with everyone on the team she could.

Cause, that's what anarchists do, right?
Which begs the question on why she has hair in the first place...

I know huh? Figure someone whose against society wouldn't even have a serious relationship, instead she'd probably sleep with everyone on the team she could.

Cause, that's what anarchists do, right?

I'd think so too. I mean, if the goth chick on Runaways gets to be a skank, why can't the Anarchist?
I hate you people, I choked on my soda.

As to the android thing, yeah, I always wondered about that too. I mean, I can't get a happy girl/girl love, but we can get like 15 girl/android couples...

What about Female on Female android love?

Which begs the question on why she has hair in the first place...

Maybe that's a wig?
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What about Female on Female android love?

Maybe that's a wig?

Well, aside from Jocasta, what female androids are there? Knowing my luck tho, we'd end up with male on female andro.... oh wait... Hank and Jocasta -.-

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