All-Star Superman Discussion Thread (Spoilers)

TheManWithoutFear said:
Read the first issue and I didn't like it. I don't know what you guys see in this and first I hear Lois as supergirl and now Jimmy as Doomsday? That is so lame....

Dude. Superman dying due to being overpowered, Superman being the true person, Lois as Superwoman, Jimmy becomes Doomsday...this is pure Silver Age goodness! How can you NOT like it? This is easily the Superman magnum opus of this decade, perhaps even the past two decades.
TheManWithoutFear said:
Read the first issue and I didn't like it. I don't know what you guys see in this and first I hear Lois as supergirl and now Jimmy as Doomsday? That is so lame....

The first issue was bland on it's own. But when you put it into the big picture, it's good.
UltimateE said:
That is the coolest thing I've ever heard.

Only because Morrison can sell it. If this was something X-Men was doing, you'd be going, "ARGH! I HATE THE X-MEN! I'M BURNING ALL MY COMICS AND CLOSING DOWN THE SITE FOR GOOD!


I mean, just look at it. It's bloody stupid. But because it's being delivered properly, we swallow it.

A lesson for all human kind I feel.

Especially for a man and his woman.

On hindsight, that last sentence was probably unneccessary.
TheManWithoutFear said:
Read the first issue and I didn't like it. I don't know what you guys see in this and first I hear Lois as supergirl and now Jimmy as Doomsday? That is so lame....
But you like Daredevil, so your opinion doesn't count.

Bass said:
Only because Morrison can sell it. If this was something X-Men was doing, you'd be going, "ARGH! I HATE THE X-MEN! I'M BURNING ALL MY COMICS AND CLOSING DOWN THE SITE FOR GOOD!

That is exactly, precisely, and unequivicably correct. :D
# Morrison said Krypto will appear in All Star Superman #6 - the Superboy issue. The writer feels that Krypto should only appear in Superboy stories and not Superman stories, because it makes for great, "A boy and his dog" stories.
*looks at the issue cover again*

*reads DSF's post once more*

*looks at the cover*

*burns all his comics*
Well, if I didn't, how would you 'make up' your own minds.

You need guidance.

And dogmatic fanaticism to me.
# 3-"Sweet Dreams, Superwoman"

An awesome issue once again. Some of my favorite moments:

-Giant, flesh-eating lizards from the Center of the Earth? How awesome is that?
-I loved the whole "Who Can Impress Lois" plotline. Very fun.
-Atom-Hotep: Cool.
-The resolution of the big "competition". I bet Superman could even beat Sylvester Stallone in "Over the Top".

Needs to be a poster.
-The ending was just so...warm. I really love this book.
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