All-Star Superman Discussion Thread (Spoilers)

This is how Superman should be. How many issues is Morrison writing?
Doc Comic said:
Yes, come to the Light Side.

Dude, you're posting on a Marvel based board...hell, you're posting on a Marvel off-shoot board.

As for the book, Bass you'll be happy to learn I finally tracked down a copy and checked it out. I honestly enjoyed it quite a bit. Loved how Lex was presented, but best of all I liked how when facing his imminent death, Supes just says, "**** it all" and reveals the big red and yellow "S" to Lois, end of issue. Thats the type of no-bull****ting-around I like. Very much looking forward to #2. Now I'm trying to track down AS Batman & Robin #1 and #2 so I can check that story out (though my expectations aren't as high due to the "iffy" reviews its gotten). We'll see how it turns out though.
DIrishB said:
As for the book, Bass you'll be happy to learn I finally tracked down a copy and checked it out. I honestly enjoyed it quite a bit. Loved how Lex was presented, but best of all I liked how when facing his imminent death, Supes just says, "**** it all" and reveals the big red and yellow "S" to Lois, end of issue. Thats the type of no-bull****ting-around I like. Very much looking forward to #2. Now I'm trying to track down AS Batman & Robin #1 and #2 so I can check that story out (though my expectations aren't as high due to the "iffy" reviews its gotten). We'll see how it turns out though.

I'm very happy you liked it. :D
Doc Comic said:
I really wish this was monthly.
Monthly? Hell, I really wish this was weekly.

And I think that alot of the readers here should check out DCs Wildstorm line. Alot of the titles are in the same... vein or attitude (Not the words I want but close enough) as the Ultimate Line. And they've had writers like Ellis, Millar, Brubaker, Casey, hell, they've got Grant himself on a relaunch next year. Try it out, eh?
Bass said:
... it isn't?

Bi-monthly, I believe.

Now, you reply with the emo-Vader cry.

I've read WildStorm. I am knowledgeable in the force.
I finally managed to get my copy of #1 (got the BETTER Quitely #1 cover) and LOVED it! I mean, I knew I would because it's Morrison and it's Quitely...and it's Superman...but it was AWESOME!
My favorite scene has to be the bit where Kal/Clark is rushing to get to the Daily Planet and he saves that kid from getting hit by the truck and then he shows up all in a hurry. It was awesome! Had to look at that panel where he trips over the handbag and stuff twice or thrice to really get it, but I still laughed at it the first time based on what I DID get. Awesome!!

Loved Lex! This is what an archvillain should be! Millar got it right with Norman Osborn in MK Spider-Man, and now Morrison pulls it off with Luthor in AS Superman! And he's only one issue in!!!

As for DIrishB saying he's gonna check out "All-Star Batman & Robin, the Groomed Pedophile Victim", I say that you should keep an open mind, Irish. I didn't like it, and neither did most of the people on Earth with half a brain, but you may.
The difference between that and this (if you can even find a similarity!) is that, whereas Miller is telling us what we already know just cos he can, Morrison is telling us what we already know because he wants to! Morrison is in love with his story and it shows from Page One! Miller is in love with the amount of praise he's received on previous Batman stories and it shows from page one.
ProjectX2 said:
Bi-monthly, I believe.

Now, you reply with the emo-Vader cry.

I've read WildStorm. I am knowledgeable in the force.


koo pah

koo pah
thee great one said:
Superwoman is in issue 3....

as Lois Lane.

So, I want to see how Morrison handles this.
Nas-T! said:
As for DIrishB saying he's gonna check out "All-Star Batman & Robin, the Groomed Pedophile Victim", I say that you should keep an open mind, Irish. I didn't like it, and neither did most of the people on Earth with half a brain, but you may.

Is that a jab at my tastes?

The difference between that and this (if you can even find a similarity!) is that, whereas Miller is telling us what we already know just cos he can, Morrison is telling us what we already know because he wants to! Morrison is in love with his story and it shows from Page One! Miller is in love with the amount of praise he's received on previous Batman stories and it shows from page one.

Good point. And I did manage to pick up and read AS B&R #1-2, and wasn't all that impressed. Not only was the internal dialogue annoyingly repetitve, Lee's art was somewhat hard to follow in the action scenes. And we're two issues in and really nothing has happened. Dick's parents are killed and Batman kidnaps him...thats all. I'll check out the rest of the series, but I agree it doesn't hold up a bit next to AS Superman.
thee great one said:
Superwoman is in issue 3....

as Lois Lane.

^^^This will be awesome.
I didn't read the solit because the page wouldn't load...seriously? Lois is Superwoman? Wha---!?!?

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