Am I the only person who actually likes Ultimate Iron Man?

Shi_Vral said:
Ok, so I'm wondering. What exactly is so bad about Card's writing?
Because the idea of a character with brain cells throughout his body because of his mother being bitten by a monkey (or something like that) doesn't appeal to those people who think the story sucks. And it screwing up continuity doesn't help.
Shi_Vral said:
Ok, so I'm wondering. What exactly is so bad about Card's writing? I mean, if this was a completly new character, rather than one with a "established" back story, would it really be so bad?

Yes. It might be good for one of his sci-fi books, but the idea is stupid to me. Add that to the fact that it exists in a universe where this sort of comic-booky thing doesn't happen, and completely rewrites the origin of an established character, and it makes it that much worse.

DIrishB said:
At this point I'm beyond caring to actually remember the details. Its blood got on her (which is even worse), whatever.

Yeah, saying that a monkey bit her is actually better than what actually happened. We're giving him the benefit of the doubt there.
Shi_Vral said:
Ok, so I'm wondering. What exactly is so bad about Card's writing? I mean, if this was a completly new character, rather than one with a "established" back story, would it really be so bad? Because, I really like the story. I think its well writen, and when I started reading the Ultimate books, I was hoping for more stories like this, with a large divergance from the 616 characters, new characters, new stories, the like. Anyway, that's just my $.02

I hear he's a great writer. If it was a totally different character? No, then it would be fine... I guess. I wouldn't like the character but it wouldn't hurt me the way Card's been doing. But it's not a new character it's Ultimate Tony Stark who we were familiar with already and then he started ****in' around with him.

Ultimate Iron Man sucks.
I'm wondering if the negative reaction to this mini and Card's interpretation of Iron Man is beyond just those of us here on the site. I mean I know some people like it, but the overwhelming majority seem to really despise the book. What seems to be the reaction overall? Do most people think its as big a pile of crap, or just not care? I only ask because were the reaction this bad overall I would think Marvel wouldn't even bother with the second volume. But then again, they're not out for critical success (for the most part), just financial, so as long as dumbass completists like myself keep buying it, they'll keep pumping it out. Hopefully volume 2 is better (much better) than this one has been.
Wasn't one of the continuity problems Reed and Tony working together? Card might be fixing this with #5, because Tony gets asked to join the Baxter Building.
ProjectX2 said:
Wasn't one of the continuity problems Reed and Tony working together? Card might be fixing this with #5, because Tony gets asked to join the Baxter Building.

Yes it was, in UMTU #4 during Peter's speech, he mentions they were roommates or something in could minorly fix it, except Tony's still much older than Reed, so the likelyhood of them attending college at the same time is low, especially them both being super-smart overachievers.
DIrishB said:
Yes it was, in UMTU #4 during Peter's speech, he mentions they were roommates or something in could minorly fix it, except Tony's still much older than Reed, so the likelyhood of them attending college at the same time is low, especially them both being super-smart overachievers.

In issue 5 Tony could be any age. There may be an age jump somewhere in there. And I think a re-vamping of the UMTU needs to be done, at least for the FF.
Hawkeye101 said:
In issue 5 Tony could be any age. There may be an age jump somewhere in there. And I think a re-vamping of the UMTU needs to be done, at least for the FF.

I know he could be any age, but in Ultimates, which takes place about a year or so removed from UFF, he's probably in his mid to late 30's, where Reed is 21 at most. Thats a good 15 to almost twenty years between them, hence them not attending college at the same time. See what I mean?
DIrishB said:
I know he could be any age, but in Ultimates, which takes place about a year or so removed from UFF, he's probably in his mid to late 30's, where Reed is 21 at most. Thats a good 15 to almost twenty years between them, hence them not attending college at the same time. See what I mean?

As I said before, UMTU needs to be re-vamped. With better art for the Dr. Strange issues.
DIrishB said:
Despite the fact that it wasn't in itself the cause of the continuity issues? The fault lies in the stuff AFTER them (mostly UIM), so its not fair to blame UMTU, as so many are apt to do.

SIGH, no offense to BMB, but.... the man needs to stick with Spider-Man and Daredevil. He wrote everysinle one of the characters like their old versions. He didn't Ultimize any of them. Most of them anyway. Yes, they are good stories, but UFF, UIM, UDD&E (some) and others are just, I don't know, I don't want to discredit them, because they are good stories, but the rst of the Ultimate Universe seems to be stacking against them. The ones that work, need to stay the same, and they ones that don't, just re-vamp them. If not to just get better art for the Ultimate Dr. Strange arc.
Hawkeye101 said:
SIGH, no offense to BMB, but.... the man needs to stick with Spider-Man and Daredevil. He wrote everysinle one of the characters like their old versions. He didn't Ultimize any of them. Most of them anyway. Yes, they are good stories, but UFF, UIM, UDD&E (some) and others are just, I don't know, I don't want to discredit them, because they are good stories, but the rst of the Ultimate Universe seems to be stacking against them. The ones that work, need to stay the same, and they ones that don't, just re-vamp them. If not to just get better art for the Ultimate Dr. Strange arc.

I agree with all of that, I'm just saying he wrote the stuff first. I mean the author's after him could have still made changes to the character that fit into the existing continuity, but unfortunately many couldn't be troubled to put that effort in.
[Rant]So, one of the major problems with the stories is the discrepancies between UMTU and UIM. If that's such a big deal, why isn't everyone as upset about UFF? Because, the way I see it, 20-some-odd issues that almost completely contradict the UMTU story seems a lot worse then a 5 issue mini that still has a chance to explain why things have been presented in this different way. Lets think about it for a min. Lets say you're Tony. You have a brain throughout your body (I understand you guys feel this is unbelievable, or at least to much of a change from what you're "used" to, but lets go with it for a sec) and you go into Business. Do you really want people to know that your brain spreads throughout your body, or do you want them to think you're just a normal, smart kid who got adopted? I know which I'd choose. People aren't very understanding of things they don't understand (look at the X-Men) and I don't care how great a product is, a lot of people wont buy it if its made by some wierdo with a brain throughout his body. So, I'm guess that everything in the speach Peter makes aside from the "Tony and Reed in College" comment was fabricated for the sake of business. So, maybe the background Peter seemed to be pulling from will be explained, maybe Tony will get adopted in the next 2 issues, and maybe this Brain throughout Body thing isn't any less belivable than a guy who shoots a bow and arrow better than anyone, a god (or someone developing a hammer than can teleport to other dimentions) or anything else in the Ultimate universe. I release the idea is to create more "beliveable" characters, but I have to say that I belive in the new Tony a lot more than the "I'm just really smart with a normal brain" Tony.[/Rant]
Shi_Vral said:
[Rant]So, one of the major problems with the stories is the discrepancies between UMTU and UIM. If that's such a big deal, why isn't everyone as upset about UFF? Because, the way I see it, 20-some-odd issues that almost completely contradict the UMTU story seems a lot worse then a 5 issue mini that still has a chance to explain why things have been presented in this different way.
Actually, we've had this out a few times. UFF continuity sucks. Big time. We all accept it, and we pretty much think it sucks too. We're just *****ing about Iron Man because its a fresh wound, relatively speaking.

Also, and note my knowledge of this issue is severely lacking because I effectively choose to ignore Team up for the most part, isn't the UFF issue officially out of continuity? The joke issue?
From the way people talk about it on here, its in. It just causes a bunch of headaches. I don't know that there has been an "official" ruling on it, but the first thing I ever heard about it was that they were all out, except maybe the Lizard/Man-Thing issue because it is referenced in USM.
Shi_Vral said:
From the way people talk about it on here, its in. It just causes a bunch of headaches. I don't know that there has been an "official" ruling on it, but the first thing I ever heard about it was that they were all out, except maybe the Lizard/Man-Thing issue because it is referenced in USM.
I believe they're all in except the FF one, specifically for the reason that it doesn't make sense. There's a Chronology thread floating around somewhere, which is nice and detailed and will give the answer, and I'd link you too it except I really don't have time.

There has definitely been a ruling though.
Brian Bendis himself specifically said that everything is in EXCEPT for #9, which was the joke issue. But there were other referencesin the series; I believe a reference was made in the Super Special for instance. DIrishB could tell you all of them.
DIrishB said:
I'm wondering if the negative reaction to this mini and Card's interpretation of Iron Man is beyond just those of us here on the site. I mean I know some people like it, but the overwhelming majority seem to really despise the book. What seems to be the reaction overall? Do most people think its as big a pile of crap, or just not care? I only ask because were the reaction this bad overall I would think Marvel wouldn't even bother with the second volume. But then again, they're not out for critical success (for the most part), just financial, so as long as dumbass completists like myself keep buying it, they'll keep pumping it out. Hopefully volume 2 is better (much better) than this one has been.
You know, I had the same thoughts, so I did some digging around at other major forums and looked at various review sites, etc. What I found was by and large a positive reaction. Probably the opposite of the 20/80 (like to despise) feeling found here. And the negative comments were mostly directed at Card's personal beliefs rather than the story.

Card doesn't seem to have any clue about the reaction in either direction. One interview called it a 'smash hit' and he said he had no idea because he's not clued into the comic book community at all and was happy to hear people liked it.

As for the 'smash hit' thing, it's pretty much right. The last issue was a pretty big seller. It outsold Ultimate X-Men, Ultimate Spider-Man, Ultimate Fantastic Four, and the Ultimate X-Men and Ultimate Spider-Man Annuals. The only Ultimate title that sold better was the Ultimates Annual and not by much.

And for Marvel's reaction -- well obviously they are going to spin things no matter what they really feel, but they claim they sought out Card because they wanted a radical revamp of Stark's origin and that's what they got. Plus with sales how they are, I'm sure they're quite pleased.

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