Re: Amazing Spider-Man series discussion (spoilers)

It would seem logical for him to have rocket boots. After all, it pretty much is an Iron Man suit minus the rocket boots, so he should have just thrown them in. But that would reduce the spider quality (as if it hasn't been reduced already, right, Joey? :roll: ), so naturally the rocket boots aren't included.

God, I hate Civil War.
Re: Amazing Spider-Man series discussion (spoilers)


I enjoyed the bit with MJ's arm...

Everything else made me die a little inside.
Re: Amazing Spider-Man series discussion (spoilers)

Here's some pics. from ASM #530.




Re: Amazing Spider-Man series discussion (spoilers)


I read the most recent issue, and I have got to say the following....

a) I may disagree with the directions JMS takes in the series, but he never loses track of peter's character. He ****s around with what the series should cover, and how his supporting cast and his life mess around with his mind... He may retcon meaningless sex into a meaningful relationship... He may turn Peter's powers into magic/psychic whatever-the-**** they are now nonsense... but whatever crap he's thrown in the Peter's way, Peter has always been Peter. He's always been characterized really well under JMS, and this new arc seems to be shaping up to be a good read, since the plot isn't in JMS' hands.

b) I love that Peter is becoming Tony Stark's personal assistant. It fits very well with Tony's current characterization, and it also provides a good explanation for Peter's new costume. It's essentially beefing up Peter to be able to back up the kind of threats Iron Man can face... Its also a bribe of sorts... In other words, its temporary. Like, planned into continuity temporary. Marvel is pulling the same sort of crap DC did with Superman... they'll pull out the classic costume at the proper moment for dramatic effect.

c) Peter Parker is still the most likable character in 616
Re: Amazing Spider-Man series discussion (spoilers)

Ok....I read the preview .....and I'm not exactly loving the story but I'll follow just to see where they're taking this.

The suit ideas are kinda interesting but not really.
Re: Amazing Spider-Man series discussion (spoilers)

I really hate the suit now. Saying it can change colors to look like other costumes or camoflague, okay. But making it turn invisible? No that's just dumb and too unbelievible. Cause if that happened his hair would be right up nagainst his head, it just... no.
Re: Amazing Spider-Man series discussion (spoilers)

This is really ****ing dumb.

There's a scene in #529 where Spidey asks Iron Man how come MJ's arm was broken by Morlun, yet she was fine straight away. Iron Man then says, "I fixed it" (with a proper explanation) and then Spidey and Iron Man LOOK AT US. Basically they're saying, "Stop being so nitpicky".

So where was the scene where Iron Man asks Spidey, "So... what about that terminal illness?" and Spidey goes, "Er... I wrote Babylon 5. Leave me alone."

Sorry, but this pissed me off so ****ing much, it's not funny.

Also, in #530, there's a moment where the Editor's comments that go, "Check out #456 for more information" argue with itself (a yellow and blue one).

This with the above tongue-in-cheek is fine for say, Nextwave, but horrifically inappropriate here. It. Just. Doesn't. Fit. At. All. In fact, it's detrimental, since the issues is continually trying to point out how dark and serious things are going to be - even though we have editors mentioning Quesada and arguing. Seriously, it's reading like JMS doesn't care what happens anymore. It feels like he's just making it up as he goes along.

It's terrible.

And the new costume has even more powers. I can't remember most of them anymore.
Re: Amazing Spider-Man series discussion (spoilers)

I gotta side with both Bass and Ice.

Its still awesome. Especially with the fact that Peter's "Great Power-Great Responsibility" shtick may have been the initial catalyst for the Civil War.

But it's stupid for this tongue in cheek gag they keep doing. You wanna keep the comic light???? Make it funny to story. Not to me.
Re: Amazing Spider-Man series discussion (spoilers)

Victor Von Doom said:
But it's stupid for this tongue in cheek gag they keep doing. You wanna keep the comic light???? Make it funny to story. Not to me.
I wouldn't mind a little bit of both, but definetly more of the former.
Re: Amazing Spider-Man series discussion (spoilers)

Wow. I love it when JMS hits a homer right off the bat. (Sins Past part one excluded.) And like I've said before, I love that guy's art. Notice I said "that guy" because I know he's one of the two from Top Cow, but I can never remember which. Just that he's the one that doesn't suck. :p

Re: Amazing Spider-Man series discussion (spoilers)

Seriously people....THIS is how you do a relevant tie-in. I loved every single panel of this issue. And the writing reeked of classic Spidey.

A GREAT issue.


And the ending? Great. The return of the classic Spidey suit. I know he said he already made his decision...but do you think he'll unmask???
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Re: Amazing Spider-Man series discussion (spoilers)

Victor Von Doom said:
Seriously people....THIS is how you do a relevant tie-in. I loved every single panel of this issue. And the writing reeked of classic Spidey.

A GREAT issue.


And the ending? Great. The return of the classic Spidey suit. I know he said he already made his decision...but do you think he'll unmask???

I do not think he will unmask on live TV, but I do think he will stay on Tony's side and unmask in front of the government.

I predict the real cover to next issue will be Spider-Man with his mask off.
Re: Amazing Spider-Man series discussion (spoilers)

I liked this issue, but i hate the issues where it looks like hes gonna be revealed but underneath hes someone else, or hes webbed his mask and it can't come off (i remeber reading that in a 616 story sometime)
:lol: i'm conflicted :lol:
But i'm enjoyed Spider-man last couple of years (even sins past, i just wish the daughter would come back (i forgot her name))
Re: Amazing Spider-Man series discussion (spoilers)

ultimatedjf said:
I do not think he will unmask on live TV, but I do think he will stay on Tony's side and unmask in front of the government.

Annnnnnnd he unmasked on live TV.

Way to change the statu quo, huh? I read this inside my comic book store. I am now interested in Civil War though I have no intent of trying to buy every title. I guess I'll downlaod much and then pick up some trades.
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Re: Amazing Spider-Man series discussion (spoilers)

#534 was ok. Nothing too special. We get more internal conflict with Peter and how he's torn in his actions.

Plus we also get a small peak at Tony's sinisterness. He knew about Peter's Spidey Sense but Peter never told him about that. We see Spidey really begin to question the new armor.

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