Brightest Day discussion (Spoilers!)

I thought the Swamp Thing reveal was silly. He's a character who hasn't made any appearances or even been alluded to anywhere in the series, but then, that sort of seems to be the whole MO of this book: Johns cherry picking characters he wants to write, telling stories about them that are only of interest to people with an already established interest in the characters, all tied together by an incredibly suspect series of "missions".

I still don't understand why this means China Mievelle couldn't write his Vertigo Swamp Thing series.

A totally valid complaint, but none of that bothered me. Plus, I've read in many places about how the whole series was likely leading to Swampy's return, so it seems like some did see this coming for a while.

I'm old enough that I actually collected Moore's run as it came out, and I'm also a Firestorm fan (in the minority, I know), so I guess I'm kinda the target audience.
A totally valid complaint, but none of that bothered me. Plus, I've read in many places about how the whole series was likely leading to Swampy's return, so it seems like some did see this coming for a while.

I'm old enough that I actually collected Moore's run as it came out, and I'm also a Firestorm fan (in the minority, I know), so I guess I'm kinda the target audience.

Fair enough. I'm actually fond of Swampy as well, and don't really have a problem with him running around in the main DC imprint. I just thought the execution was beyond sloppy. What bothers me more is just how clearly deus ex machina the White Lantern is.

It just strikes me that most of the time Johns is writing for continuity rather than writing to tell a story, which is fine for some of the audience I guess, but doesn't really do it for me.
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I haven't read this comic in over 10 issues but I am excited Swamp Thing is back.
I really want to read Alan Moore's SWAMP THING. Also, what does it look like? Does it look just like Marvel's Man Thing?

Similar body, different face:


He does change his form (and colour) often in Moore's run though.
I really want to read Alan Moore's SWAMP THING. Also, what does it look like? Does it look just like Marvel's Man Thing?

Do it. It's great. It's got some huge concepts that blew my mind. I think we have a thread for it still.

They are in the midst of re-releasing the run in some nice hardcovers. I believe they just released #4.
I really want to read Alan Moore's SWAMP THING.

The Anatomy Lesson is the best single issue ever written.

So I guess I should read this. huh? The last 3 issues have been sitting on my desk. Gimmie a minute.

Meh. I mean don't get me wrong, I like that Swamp thing is back on the table for the DCU. And if they do another Swamp Thing series I'll buy it. I keep buying it no matter how bad it is.

I guess I just don't see why it has to be Alec Holland. Moores take on the character made him cyclical, and Millars run took him to the ultimate end of his cycle. Let Alec rest in heaven, the Swamp Thing continue protecting all, and bring in a new character, baptized in fire and muck to become a new Plant Elemental. you could easily drift in old elements of the series as the new ST establishes itself and let this one be the DCU ST. Maybe that was the plan with the last series (Diggle-Dysart) and it didn't work out. I dunno.

Otherwise Brightest Day has been pretty bad, hasn't it? had it not been a limited series I'd have dropped its ass long ago. I'm a Firestorm fan, I loved the alst Hawkman series (at least until OYL), and Deadmans cool and all, but its had no real flow to it. Nothings really tied it together other than the lantern and they even call it out for being a giant plot device in the latest issue. Brightest Day 24 would have to be beyond amazing to make it worth keeping up with it, Swamp Thing or no.
Green Arrow's series, now that I think about it, has been alluding to Swamp Thing in the last few issues (the ones dealing with Etrigan and Jason Blood being separated, and Etrigan kicking everyone's collective ass).
I think it's weird how we all get excited about how Swamp Thing is back and then PSYCHE! He's a supervillain and Alec Holland is Swamp Thing now.

Though if nothing else, I now want to read the Alan Moore stuff.
I think it's weird how we all get excited about how Swamp Thing is back and then PSYCHE! He's a supervillain and Alec Holland is Swamp Thing now.

Though if nothing else, I now want to read the Alan Moore stuff.

I've only ever read the Alan Moore stuff and am confused when you say, "He's a supervillain and Alec Holland is Swamp Thing now."
I've only ever read the Alan Moore stuff and am confused when you say, "He's a supervillain and Alec Holland is Swamp Thing now."

I think he means Swamp Thing spends the whole issue stomping around like Godzilla. Or maybe he means that Swamp Thing is now an eco-terrorist, which also strikes me as a mediocre direction for the character.

And the Alec Holland thing is pretty clear. In Moore's run, he was a plant elemental who happened to have the memories of Alec Holland. The new Swamp Thing actually IS Alec Holland.
Absolute Trash.

This series did nothing. I'm so mad. I had high hopes for it.

Swamp Thing is back, but he's an extremist now, and Alec Holland. Johns basically pissed all over Moore's characterization of Swamp Thing. Basically, the explanation went, The old Swamp Thing got infected with Nekron's essence because he takes on the current aspect of earth.

The Elementals came back as human. Lame excuses were put forth on what each of the returned did. Hawk "failed" his job of catching the boomerang, THOUGH IT WENT THROUGH HIS HAND nevermind the fact if he did catch it, then it couldn't have killed Deadman and it wouldn't have brought back Alec Holland wouldn't have saved the Earth. *breathes*

Deadman is back to being dead, but PLOT TWIST, Dove can hear him now. Ghostphile?

Shiera doesn't come back, making Hawkman exactly what he was before Blackest Night happened, a rageoholic and XTREME. Plus blueballed.

Firestorm has 90 days to live. No one knows why.

Ryan Choi is still dead. No one knows why.

John Constantine is back. I wasn't aware he left.
The new Swamp Thing actually IS Alec Holland.

That's what I thought he said and this makes no sense...wasn't Alec Holland burned to death (i.e. no body)?

I assume that's what "IS Alec Holland" means because that seems to be the only direction that can go.