DC Universe Online

Question, if we're going to make a group, or groups, what city are we going to use as base of operations? I know it's a bit odd, but it'd effect what kind of character I make.

I vote for Gotham or Central city.

I think Gotham and Metropolis are the only cities represented. I vote Gotham.

Gotham for me too even though I plan to go to Metropolis to fight superman :lol: Gotham seems easier to believe in groups of villains or heroes blending in
is okay Moley, I no wanna kills you... (hit you with a car, yes)

Ahhhh, A woman driver. My mortal enemy.

Not you, just your DC Universe Online counterpart.

Anyone who orders me to kneel before them elicits this response from me. Its a whole "overly-violent-rebel-without-a-valid-cause" persona thing I've got going.


I may get this game just for the pleasure of killing Mole.

You will try!
Ah, I love a well-placed quotation of a poorly delivered Hayden Christianson-as-Anakin skywalker line.

You knew I was quoting star wars :oops:

Hopefully it works with my avatar :lol:
I'm really interested in this game, if only because I've had a recently renewed interest in DC. That, and CoH/CoV was pretty awesome, repetitive gameplay aside.

The big question, though. . .is there a subscription fee and how much is it?
WOW. That in-game stuff really gives you a good idea on how awesome this game really is. It's sort of a smarter, better Phantasy Star game... I'm definitely interested.
Have to agree...every bit of new info makes me want to play this more and more. I'm serious when I say this game will most likely get me to shell out for a PS3.

I'm just wondering when we can expect to see this game. Given that the developers are reluctant to say when the game will be out, I wonder if we won't have to wait until next year before its available. If it were to be out by this year's holiday season, I think we'd have been told so by now (its only a few months away now). I think a more likely date for this game's release is probably next spring or summer. Hopefully it won't be the holidays of 2009 (thats a long time away).

Eh, either way, it gives me time to save up some extra cash for a PS3.
Nice. Nice. Seems like you're not all that limited in terms of your abilities either. I wonder what a character like Batman would be like since he's got no powers... Less fun to play? Hmm... I guess it would depend.

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