Re: MoonKnight Series Discussion (Spoilers)
In the late 70's and early 80's my Uncle worked the dock at UPS. Each month, a box of comics would "dissapear" and end up in my house, lol.
Moon Knight, Nova, Ghost Rider, Doctor Strange, ROM and The Micronauts were my comics back in the day. MK & Nova were my top list had to have comics.
I always loved Moon Knight because of the depth of his character. I never compared him to Batman, though now as an adult I can see why people have and still do.
Moon Knight is insane. He's got at least 4 personalities floating in his head. Different writers have taken different looks at this hero over the years. I loved Bendis' Ultimization of the character in the Warriors Arc.
Charlie Houston has kicked arse with issue 1, without a doubt, and this is now the only non-Ultimate title I collect (until new Dr. Strange & Ghost Rider titels come out!). I love Finch's art. So gritty, has a 70's Neal Adams look to it (which I'm sure will drag out more Batman references!).
I loved it so much I went on Ebay last night and got the first 3 issues of his original early 1980's run for under a dollar (And I call Luke Cage low rent?!?!?)! I've got a 10.00 bid in for the rest of the first series. I will work on the balance of series as I get capital, lol.